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National Center for Special Education Research

Lynn Okagaki, Acting Commissioner of the
National Center for Special Education Research

Lynn Okagaki

Acting Commissioner of the National Center for Special Education Research

Lynn Okagaki was appointed Acting Commissioner of Special Education Research in the Institute of Education Sciences in June, 2007. As such, she heads the National Center for Special Education Research, one of four centers within the Institute of Education Sciences at the U.S. Department of Education.

Okagaki joined the U.S. Department of Education in 2002 as senior counselor to the assistant secretary of the Office of Educational Research and Improvement. She subsequently served as the first Deputy Director for Science at the Institute of Education Sciences. In that role, she established the scientific peer review procedures for grant application reviews and created the peer review process for Institute reports. She also currently serves as the Commissioner of the National Center for Education Research.

Prior to joining the Department, Okagaki served as associate dean of the School of Consumer and Family Science and professor of Child Development and Family Studies at Purdue University. She has held appointments at Yale University, Cornell University, and the University of Houston. Okagaki served on the National Research Council's Committee on Early Childhood Pedagogy, on the editorial boards for the Early Childhood Research Quarterly and the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, and on review panels for the National Science Foundation.

Okagaki's research has focused on academic achievement as affected by culture and family values. She has authored numerous journal articles and chapters on minority students' achievement and on parenting and school achievement and was co-editor of three books.

Okagaki received her bachelor of science degree in applied behavioral sciences from the University of California at Davis and her doctoral degree in developmental psychology from Cornell University.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is the federal law established to ensure that children with disabilities and families of such children receive access to a free appropriate public education and to improve educational results for infants, toddlers, and children with disabilities.
PDF File View, download, and print IDEA (PL 108-446, 2004) as a PDF file (422 KB)

Established by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, the Institute of Education Sciences is the research arm of the Department of Education. Its mission is to expand knowledge and provide information on the condition of education, practices that improve academic achievement, and the effectiveness of Federal and other education programs. Its goal is the transformation of education into an evidence-based field in which decision makers routinely seek out the best available research and data before adopting programs or practices that will affect significant numbers of students.
PDF File View, download, and print ESRA (PL 107-279, 2002) as a PDF file (165 KB)

Content on Proposed Regulations:
The U.S. Department of Education has published regulations to implement the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 204 (IDEA). The official version of this notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) is published in the Federal Register.
PDF File View, download, and print as a PDF file (597 KB)

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