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Tel: 877-633-8457 or
Hours: 7 am to 7 pm (EST)
Monday thru Friday

Information Technology


OFDT's Information Technology Division (ITD) is responsible for managing and maintaining an integrated, cohesive technology program in support of the mission of the Federal Detention Trustee.  Working with Federal agencies, detention stakeholders and the Federal Courts, ITD works to emplace technology that drives efficiencies within the detention community.  ITD is committed to investing in current, proven technologies, leveraging data sharing initiatives, and implementing new and emerging enterprise solutions to enhance our detention services and operations. 

OFDT's Information Technology Division Goals:

Systems Development and Security Services

  • Develop and implement enterprise solutions that improve performance and drive efficiencies;
  • Support legacy systems that are critical to detention operations and services.

Information Sharing

  • Champion inter-jurisdictional IT solutions that achieve full interoperability amongst Federal, state and local detention providers and the US Courts;
  • Lead, participate in, or collaborate with eGovernment working groups to develop and implement government-wide solutions.

Information Technology Management

  • Develop/acquire, implement and improve processes, products and mechanisms for managing IT human capital, enterprise architecture, investment and program management, IT security and the strategic management of IT resources.

OFDT's Information Technology Portfolio: The following systems are managed by ITD to support the federal detention community:

DSNetwork Concept.   A strategy was outlined, and in late 2006, OFDT launched the Detention Services Network (DSNetwork).

Taking advantage of the demand for e-governing capabilities, DSNetwork was defined to be a multifaceted, full-service Internet site to meet all detention services needs. The centralized system will address the procurement of private detention services, state and local intergovernmental agreements, report on Quality Assurance Reviews/Inspections and offer customized search capabilities. The goal is to significantly improve interaction between government agencies and service providers and reduce lengthy and cumbersome workloads.

This multi-service site will allow users to access a secure website and a specific service, e.g., to locate available housing; to allow service providers to register available detention space for federal use; to provide procurement services for housing, transportation, and medical care; and to access recently performed Quality Assurance Review (QAR) reports. DSNetwork will provide for future management analysis and reporting through electronic documentation and archived transactions.

For more information on DSNetwork, please refer to the Navigation Bar on the left.

eDesignate Logo

The eDesignate system is the system of choice for the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS), the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) and the 94 United States Federal Court Districts to process designations and initiate the movement of prisoners to their incarceration location. 

eDesignate delivers the necessary prisoner documents and data via a secure, electronic means to the BOP in one complete package enabling all agencies to monitor and provide relevant information, when needed. By effectively shortening the post-sentence process, eDesignate helps contain detention costs.  

Working in partnership with the Federal Courts, USMS and BOP, eDesignate not only eliminated an antiquated, paper-based workflow process but also created the ability to automatically capture relevant detainee data from other agency systems.

HOW eDesignate WORKS:

To facilitate faster processing and reduce workload, the eDesignate system replaces paper-based mail with an electronic business process management alternative.

The eDesignate system collects:
  • the Judgment and Commitment order
  • Pre-Sentencing Investigation report
  • Statement of Reasons
  • USMS 129 data
  • Detainers, and other designation data, as required

The electronic solution presents these documents in one complete designation package to the BOP, at a single point in time.  The system also provides feedback mechanisms across agencies for faster case resolution.

Additionally, the eDesignate system not only provides users across agencies with a level of collaboration never before realized, but also enables managers to cross level workloads internally, monitor performance and audit status both internally and externally.  

eDesignate Customer Service 
A customer support service team provides training, application technology support and development improvements. The team consists of help desk personnel, detention and designation Subject Matter Experts (SME), and dedicated eDesignate System trainers.

eDesignate Helpline: 877.OFDT HLP (877.633.8457) or 202.305.8790
Hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (EST), Monday thru Friday.

Additionally, to serve its customers, the eDesignate team hosts a multi-agency working group which provides input to the designation process with feedback across agencies.  This working group has been instrumental in providing input for the formulation of policies and procedures to standardize the designation process as well as determining effective metrics to monitor best performance.

Last Updated:
June 16, 2009

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