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Department of Transportation
North Dakota

Program Funding

North Dakota will receive approximately $1 million per year in federal funding for five federal/fiscal years (2005-2009) for SRTS projects. Federal guidelines state that not less than 10 percent and not more than 30 percent of the total money will be allocated for non-infrastructure activities with the remaining funds going towards infrastructure projects.

SRTS program funds will be awarded through a statewide competitive process that is reviewed by the SRTS advisory committee. All SRTS projects are 100% federally funded for eligible items, to the limit of the project award with no matching funds required. Minimum funding is set at $10,000 with maximum project funding set at $150,000. It is important to note that SRTS program recipients will be required to complete the project and then request reimbursement from NDDOT upon completion. This program is not a "cash-up front" program, it is a reimbursement program for cost incurred. Costs incurred prior to FHWA project approval are not eligible for reimbursement.

Infrastructure costs eligible for reimbursement include construction and construction engineering. Ineligible costs include: All planning, preliminary engineering, environmental impact mitigation, right of way acquisition, and other costs incurred before the project has been approved by FHWA for funding. All infrastructure SRTS projects must be located within approximately two miles of a school with students in grades K-8.

Please ensure that you develop an accurate cost estimate. If your project receives funding, the amount awarded will be based on your cost estimate.

SRTS funding is to supplement, not replace existing funding sources. Due to limited funding you are encouraged to be as cost effective as possible in order to stretch funds as far as possible.