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Picture This: Fliptastic
August 5, 2009

Flip video

Visitors to American Art use our Flip Mino video camera to create their own tours of the museum.

Have you ever dreamed of being a star? If so, you are in luck. Right now in the Luce Foundation Center you can borrow a Flip Mino and shoot a video of your museum visit. Check out the videos other visitors have made as part of the "Share Your DC" program created by Destination DC and Travel + Leisure.

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  • Posted by Tierney on August 5, 2009 in Picture This


    Hi, I'm writing from a museum in the Basque country. May I ask for more details on the use of the camera inside the museum? I find it really interesting but many questions arise immediately.

    Posted by: miren | Aug 6, 2009

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