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Vicki Christiansen


Welcome to the

Arizona State Forestry Division

1110 West Washington, Suite 100
Phoenix,  Arizona  85007 


The Arizona State Forestry Division provides for the prevention and suppression of wildland fires on state and private lands located outside of incorporated municipalities.  

This mission is accomplished through the use of cooperative agreements with local, state and federal agencies as well as other entities organized to prevent and suppress wildfires.  To further enhance these capabilities, State Forestry Fuels and Fire Crews are provided through the Arizona Department of Corrections.

Through our programs we protect 22,400,000 acres of state and private lands.

The Forestry Division is also engaged in forest management and urban and communities forestry activities designed to enhance forest health:

Arizona Forest Health Advisory Council

To view the executive summary for the Statewide Strategy for Restoring Arizona's Forests, click here 

To view the Statewide Strategy for Restoring Arizona's Forests maintained by the Forest Health Council, click here



Firewise trailer at work in Pine as citizens spread awareness of defensible space and wildfire prevention.  Click on the photos for Firewise information.





There are many information resources available on wildland fire prevention, including the FIREWISE program:

  • FIREWISE Communities
  • Assessor/Advisor Certifications -The State Forester's policy defining qualifications for those individuals interested in conducting assessments for communities working toward recognition as an Arizona Firewise Community is available on the "Firewise" page
  • More information on "Firewise Community" involvement is available here:   
  • FIREWISE tips here

 "Living with wildfire" is a publication designed to help homeowners live more safely by taking precautions     



Arizona Community Tree Council




We celebrate Arbor Day in the spring.  Click on the photo for more information trees



The U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree and 75 companion trees will come from the forests of Arizona 

Please visit:



Map of Arizona - major vegetation types


Wildfire Information, Weather and Restrictions:




 West News
Arizona Officials, Insurance Industry Promote Wildland Fire Codes
July 17, 2009
Officials from the Arizona State Fire Marshal's Office and the Arizona State Forestry Division, along with the Arizona Insurance Council, have advised more than 60 local elected, staff and fire officials from across Arizona of the benefits of wildland urban interface (WUI) fire codes.
Phil Mele, Arizona State Fire Marshal and a co-host for the WUI Fire Codes Forum in Payson, Ariz., told the group that "fire codes are based on knowledge gained from the tragic realities of past fires. A fire code, when adopted by a community, has proven to provide for better life safety of citizens and minimize property loss. The WUI Fire Codes are no different. They can improve and better provide for the fire life safety of citizens, their property and the entire community in the unique environment of the wildland urban interface."
Currently, there are only five communities in Arizona that have adopted the WUI Fire Codes. The forum reached out to dozens of Arizona wildland communities with education that WUI Fire Codes reduce the burn rate of buildings and the costs of fighting fires. The codes also call for the use of fire resistant materials and building specifications and provide criteria for creating a "defensible space" around structures.
Vicki Christiansen, Arizona State Forester, also a co-host of the forum, described Arizona as being actively engaged in restoring forest health. Part of that effort is to engage with local officials on critical issues associated with forest health, wildfire awareness and public safety. "Local communities are key to implementing WUI Fire Codes that can mitigate wildfire risks. Federal, state and local forest and fire officials are here to partner with communities to address that vital role," she said.
Ron Williams, executive director of the Arizona Insurance Council, said that property and casualty insurers in the state support expanding WUI Fire Codes. "When we can reduce losses and save lives and homes by adopting reasonable, proven standards; we as insurers can be more competitive and that benefits policyholders in many ways."
The WUI Fire Codes Forum was sponsored by the Arizona Insurance Council with support from Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS); State Farm Insurance Companies; and the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC).
For more information on the fire codes, visit the AIC web site at


 San Pedro Riparian Project ranks 1st in Nation

for Forest Legacy Program funding

Please see Nature Conservancy's press release


Qualifications Review Committee



Next meeting cancelled
With the onset of the 2009 fire season,
all file reviews with now be conducted
electronically as time permits.


        English Version                      Spanish Version



Smokey Bear has been there through the generations with the very simple message ..only you can prevent forest fires 



Disaster and Emergency Information


  Whether it is a disaster, emergency or local threats like wildland fires, for public safety information visit:




Arizona Incident
Management Team


The Arizona State Forestry Division and the Arizona Division of Emergency Management jointly sponsor the Arizona Incident Management Team (Arizona IMT). The team consists of employees of the Forestry Division, ADEM, state and Federal government as well as local fire fepartments throughout the state.

While the majority of the team’s experience is wildland fire, the team is organized with “multi hazard” intent and is used to manage a wide range of incidents and events at the local, state and Federal levels within Arizona and around the country.

The Arizona IMT can be configured and will respond to meet the requirements of almost any All-Risk incident up to and including a Type-2 Level.  The team will respond as a Type-3 IMT, a Type-2 Short IMT, a Type-2 Long IMT, or as ordered depending on the needs and desires of agency administrators responsible for the incident.

2009 Team Roster 






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