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U.S. History Topics » States & Regions » Pennsylvania
See All 19 Resources
Heavy marching order by Charles Reed -- (Hardtack and Coffee)

Gettysburg Battlefield -- Virtual Tour describes with photos and text the three-day battle that marked the turning point in the...

Independence Hall, north facade.  (Photo by Robin Miller. Courtesy Independence National Historical Park)

Independence Hall: International Symbol of Freedom recounts the history of the building in Philadelphia where the Second Continental...

Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and the Confederate Generals

The Valley of the Shadow Project follows two communities, one Northern and one Southern, through their experiences in the...

19th-century blast furnace in operation. (National Park Service, Richard Schlecht, illustrator)

Hopewell Furnace: A Pennsylvania Iron-making Plantation tells the story of one of the 65 small ironworks operating in southeast Pennsylvania...

National Park Service 

National Park Service 

Endowment for Humanities 

National Park Service 
  See All 19 Pennsylvania Resources  

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