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U.S. History Topics » Other History & Soc Studies » Geography

Digital Library for Earth System Education
is a geoscience community resource that supports teaching and learning about the Earth system. Find thousands of reviewed resources on topics that include atmospheric science, biology, chemistry, climatology, cryology, ecology, environmental science, forestry, geography, geology, mineralogy and petrology, hydrology, mathematics, natural hazards, ocean sciences, physics, soil science, and space science. (National Science Foundation)

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Interesting Fact:
Snowflakes are agglomerates of many snow crystals. Most snowflakes are less than one-half inch across. Under certain conditions, usually requiring near-freezing temperatures, light winds, and unstable, convective atmospheric conditions, much larger and irregular flakes close to two inches across can form.
Constellation art detail: capricornus.


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Science »  Earth Sciences »  Oceans
Science »  Earth Sciences »  Other Earth Sciences
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