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Supports for Adults

Employment and Community Inclusion Supports


Employment and community inclusion supports are available for individuals receiving comprehensive or support services. The overall purpose is to provide services based upon individual need and choice that promote opportunities for productivity, integration and independence. The Employment Outcome System is used to measure achievement in these areas. Oregon Department of Human Services recognizes supported employment as the desired method for employment. Information and resources to help achieve supported employment are identified.

General Description of Supports Away From Home

Employment and Community Inclusion are two measures or the quality of life of adults with developmental disabilities. Adults with disabilities want to be seen as valuable, productive and active members of their community. Individuals in comprehensive 24-hour service or support services for adults have the opportunity for paid work and or involvement in social or other activities in settings away from home. Transportation may be included as part of the package of these services or planned for separately.

Employment may occur in sheltered or community settings.

  • Sheltered employment provides paid work in a setting where all or most employees are persons with disabilities. Typical work in these settings is assembly, janitorial, or recycling.
  • Supported Employment provides paid work in a job matched to an individual in a setting providing opportunities to work with persons without disabilities.
Oregon gathers semi-annual employment outcome data measuring the productivity and integration outcomes of individuals receiving long-term employment supports.

Community Inclusion activities address opportunities away from home to learn and use skills that promote participation and integration in settings with friends, neighbors, and others. Provider organizations may call programs or services related to community inclusion, “ATE” or Alternatives to Employment.

A full life can include both employment and community inclusion. An individual may receive support to achieve both work and integration. The balance between employment and inclusion will be identified within the Individual Support Plan (ISP). If the focus of the annual plan is on achieving supported employment, the individual and team may recommend a person centered plan specifically focusing on employment.

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Provider Certification and Qualifications


When serving individuals in 24-hour comprehensive services

Providers of employment or alternatives to employment must be certified by the Department of Human Services, Seniors and People with Disabilities under Chapter 411-345.

A Community Developmental Disabilities Program contracts with certified programs for support to designated individuals.

When serving individuals in support services

New Provider organizations must be certified by the Department of Human Services, Seniors and Persons with Disabilities under the Support Services for Adults rule Chapter 411-340-0170.

Information and an application are available. Provider organizations already certified under OAR 411-345 Employment ATE, OAR 411-325 Group home, or 309-041 Foster Care are considered initially qualified to serve individuals in support services. No matter the basis of initial certification or licensure, all organizations must meet the standards of OAR 411-340-0170 Support Services For Adults.

Independent contractor standards are identified in the OAR for Support Services 411-340-0160. Qualifications will be reviewed by a local Brokerage prior to approval to provide employment or community inclusion supports.

An individual will establish a contract with an independent individual or organization defining expected services and outcomes. See qualified providers of support services.

Supported Employment

Supported employment is a service that assists an individual with significant disabilities to choose, get, learn and keep a paid job/career in an integrated community work setting. Read success stories and learn more...


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Page updated: September 21, 2007

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