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COPS MORE (Making Officer Redeployment Effective)

The COPS' Making Officer Redeployment Effective (MORE) program expands the amount of time current law enforcement officers can spend on community policing by funding technology, equipment, and support staff, including civilian personnel.

COPS' MORE grants cover up to 75 percent of the total cost of technology, equipment, or civilian salaries for one year. Therefore, agencies receiving grants are required to provide a minimum 25 percent local cash match. Waivers of the local cash match are granted only in cases of extreme local fiscal hardship.

Applicants to the COPS MORE grant program must demonstrate that the items they request will increase the number of current law enforcement officers deployed into community policing by an equal or greater measure than would a COPS grant for hiring new officers.

In addition to redeploying officers into community policing, the COPS MORE program significantly increases the ability of officers across the country to solve community problems. For example, technology funded under COPS MORE, such as mobile in-car computers, enables officers to analyze and research local problems while on patrol, improving their ability to quickly and effectively address crime.

COPS MORE grants have been awarded in 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2001 and 2002. The guidelines have been similar every year, with the following exceptions: in 1995, overtime costs were allowable; in 2000, only support personnel were awarded; and only equipment and technology systems were funded in 2001 and 2002.

Through COPS MORE '95 and '96, over $530 million was awarded for the redeployment of more than 22,000 officers and deputies. The total amount of funding for MORE '98 was $437.6 million, and MORE 2000 awarded over $38 million to over 600 agencies. Through MORE 2001, $81 million was awarded to 546 agencies across the country, and the most recent MORE funding, through MORE 2002, funded an additional 297 agencies for $62 million.

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