Caltrans Office Engineer

Link to Contractor Information Page

Order plans and specifications for advertised projects here

Public Notice

Attention contractors:

New! Information on American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Projects - This is a list of upcoming and awarded ARRA-funded projects.

Information on Bond Funded Projects - List of advertised and upcoming bond projects and their status

Welcome to Office Engineer

E-Addenda is the new Addenda
Having addenda listings on our webpage is nothing new, but starting on August 1, we are going to move entirely to electronic addenda as a cost and labor saving change. We did a pilot test on 5 projects and it went very smoothly. Rather than shipping addenda, we will instead be sending an email notification to all planholders and opt-in users, instructing them to go to our addenda site and view addenda there. When ordering plans, please be sure to use our new order form, and fill in your email address, or your order will not be processed. We will be sending out reminders in the next few weeks to those ordering plans with the older form.

Furlough Impacts
Update (July 2009) - Caltrans workers are now directed to take three furlough days per month, starting this month. The days to be taken off are the first three Fridays each month. This July is an exception, we will be closed on the 10th, 17th, and 24th. Our offices and the plans counter will be completely closed during furlough days.
Please plan around these closures by ordering plan sets early and planning to do business with our office from Monday through Thursday. These closures will affect services such as bid opening results (on-line and hotline), bid verifications, and contract award processing. In the event of Thursday bid openings, results will not be posted until the following Monday. Overtime is no longer allowed in times of heavy workload.
Your patience is appreciated during these difficult times.

New! We've added a new feature that allows bidding/prime contractors to directly list what assistance they would like to have on projects they intend to bid.  On our pages for advertised projects, clicking "advertise for help" allows prime contractors to list their contact information, items they need subs/suppliers/assistance on, and any special requirements they also have.  Interested subcontractors and suppliers can view all prime contractors looking for help and contact them.  We hope this service helps us better connect our contracting partners together and helps everyone in preparing bids and meeting goals.

Starting April 14, 2009, we will have a teleconference line up for those that want to listen in by phone to our Sacramento bid openings. Details on how to dial in are here.

Take a look at our How to Submit a Responsive Bid presentation for a primer on the do's and don'ts of submitting a bid for a construction project. See lots of helpful tips for both new and seasoned contractors for submitting a better bid. (updated July 2009)

Check out our web page tour / tutorial of all the new features we've added this year. Maybe there's a feature you didn't catch, or you want to know a little more about the features we offer. Is there something you think needs a little more explanation? Make sure to leave us some feedback and let us know what you want to see.

We want to hear what you think of the Office Engineer page, how we're doing, and what we can do to improve our service to the contracting community. Drop us a note at our feedback page with your comments or suggestions. Suggestions can be anonymous, or if you'd like a response, leave an email address or telephone number and we'll get back to you.

Feature: Opt-in

We have a new service available to let smaller contractors advertise their services to larger contractors. We're calling the service "Opt-in". To use the service, simply click on the Opt In link next to any of our advertised projects.

From there, fill in your business name and contact information, along with your disadvantaged business status and services or materials offered. You will show up on the list when prime contractors search non-bidders looking for suppliers or quotes. Note that this service does not guarantee any work, but it's a new way to give much-needed exposure to some of the smaller contractors wanting to do business with Caltrans.

Our bid item search tool is now online! Search advertised projects by either bid item work description or by item code numbers. See which projects fit your criteria, then see lists of prime or subcontractors also holding plans for that project.

Caltrans DES-OE Mission, Vision and Values *
A brief description of the who, what and why of Caltrans DES-OE.

Please participate in our Bidder Survey and join our Bidder's List. If you've previously completed it, please take the time to fill it out again, and we'll update your information.

DVBE goal increases to 5% effective 2-11-08. See this notice for details.

Try our Project Look Ahead Database for information on upcoming projects. Create an account for automated emails when projects are added or modified, or get customized views for projects in your area. Export data for your own reporting needs and project workload forecasting.

Quick Reference Brochure for Contractors
A quick reference guide on where to get information on bidding caltrans projects, getting bid results, and doing business with Caltrans.

Advertised Projects (Projects for Bid)
Provides a listing of newly advertised major highway construction projects, projects that have already advertised, and a tentative list of projects to be advertised. Contractors can view a list of bid items of projects advertised. It provides timely information on addenda, list of plan holders on projects out to bid, and awarded contracts.

Bidder Activity Summary Report
Monthly bidder activity summary in .pdf format.
Bids Opened and Awarded Contracts
Bid Results, Bid Summary and Bid Summary library information. Search for Awarded Contracts.

Contract Item Cost Data Summary and Coded Contract Item Lists
This is a tabulation of standard contract items (List of Basic Engineering Estimating System (BEES) Items) and reflects the averages of the low bidder's prices for those items.

Ready to List & Construction Contract Award Guide (RTL Guide)


Links to Other Resources