Federal Computer Products Center (FCPC)

The Center was established at NTIS to provide access to information in electronic formats. The current inventory of computer products includes more than 1,200 titles since 1990. These include datafiles, databases, and software on diskette, CD-ROM, and magnetic tape.

Most of the Center's products are developed or sponsored by the federal government. However, NTIS does announce products developed by state governments and in a few cases by private sector organizations and distributed by NTIS. 


Products available include:

Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data (Raw Data File) (on CD-ROM)

Banking and Financial Institutions Information

CMS Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Grouper (MS-DRG) (formerly CMS DRG Grouper) and Medicare Code Editor

FDA Certified Mammography Facilities (Raw Data File)

FDA Quarterly Data Extract from the Adverse Effect Reporting System (AERS) (Raw Data File on CD-ROM)

Food Code Enhanced Electronic Version on CD-ROM

HUD Mortgage Insurance Refund Lists

Marine Casualty and Pollution Database (Raw Data File on CD)

Merchant Vessels of the United States (Raw Data on CD-ROM

Methods and Guidance for the Analysis of Water (Official EPA Version)

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2007 CD-ROM with search and retrieval software

NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (CD-ROM with other Databases)

NOAA Dive Manual with Search & Retrieval Software

RCRAInfo Extract File on CD

Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substances Inventory: Revised Inventory Synonym and Preferred Name File and SARA Title III (on CD-ROM with Search and Retrieval Software)

Visible Human

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