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U.S. History Topics » Business & Work » Labor
See All 12 Resources
Dye house workers, ca. 1900. (Courtesy of the Passaic County Historical Society)

Paterson, New Jersey: America's Silk City examines conditions that led to the famous 1913 strike in a city that produced nearly...

Six workers wrapping cooked pies with plastic wrap. Photographer: Cooper, Martha, 1994-08-17.

Working in Paterson: Occupational Heritage in an Urban Setting presents 3882 photos and 470 interview excerpts from a 1994 study of occupational culture...

The first issue of Mother Earth, with a print run of 3000 copies, hit newsstands in March 1906. For a dime, readers got a showcase of anarchist and radical writings on current events, as well as poetr

Emma Goldman is the companion website for a film about this Russian immigrant who championed women's...

Painting by Octavio Ocampo

The Fight in the Fields: Cesar Chavez and the Farmworkers Struggle tells the story of a man, a union, and a time when millions of Americans joined a just...

National Park Service 

Library of Congress 

Endowment for Humanities 

Endowment for Humanities 
  See All 12 Labor Resources  

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