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USAJOBS is the official job site of the US Federal Government.
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Top Job Searches

See the top 50 Federal agencies with the most job openings in the last calendar month

See the top 50 USAJOBS locations with the most job openings in the last calendar month

See the top 50 Federal occupations with the most openings in the last calendar month

See the top 50 most viewed jobs on USAJOBS in the last four weeks
Top Job Searches

When staying up to date on the latest Federal hiring trends, it is always interesting to see what other job seekers like yourself are looking for. This page displays the top 50 Federal keyword job searches with the most postings* in this calendar year and is cumulative through the last four weeks.

*Postings are not equal to Job openings.

Simply click on each keyword string to see a full list of results.

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Working for America