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Imaging Technology

Innovation & Technology

TSA began deploying state-of-the-art advanced imaging technologies in 2007. This technology can detect a wide range of threats to transportation security in a matter of seconds to protect passengers and crews. Imaging technology is an integral part of TSA's effort to continually look for new technologies that help ensure travel remains safe and secure by staying ahead of evolving threats.

TSA uses two types of imaging technology, millimeter wave and backscatter. Currently, there are 74 imaging technology units at 27 airports.

In March 2010, TSA began deploying 450 advanced imaging technology units, which were purchased with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds.

Advanced imaging technology screening is safe for all passengers, and the technology meets national health and safety standards. Backscatter technology was evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), and results confirmed that radiation doses are well below those specified by the American National Standards Institute. The amount of radiation from backscatter screening is equivalent to two minutes of flight on an airplane, and the energy projected by millimeter wave technology is 10,000 times less than a cell phone transmission.

TSA has implemented strict measures to protect passenger privacy, which is ensured through the anonymity of the image. The image cannot be stored, transmitted or printed, and is deleted immediately once viewed. Additionally, advanced imaging technology screening is optional to all passengers.

How the Technology Works

Photo of a ProVision scanner


Photo of a ProVision scanner

Millimeter Wave

What TSA Sees

Photo of Millimeter Wave imaging technologyPhoto of Backscatter imaging technology

Safety Features

Protecting Passenger Privacy

What to Expect

What are my Options?


This walk-through imaging technology efficiently detects metallic and non-metallic threats, including weapons, explosives and other items that a passenger is carrying on his/her person, without physical contact.

Where It Is

Airports receiving technologies soon:

Airports who currently have technologies:

Other Advanced Imaging Technology Deployments

Domestic locations:

International locations:

Advanced imaging technology is used in hundreds of locations around the world in aviation and mass transit environments, including Canada, France, the Netherlands, Nigeria and the United Kingdom.

More on Advanced Imaging Technology:

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