NASA's Earth Observatory
NASA images, stories, and discoveries about climate and the environment. Add the Image of the Day to your profile --


April 1999

NASA's Earth Observatory

NASA's Earth Observatory

NASA's Earth Observatory Preparing for a research cruise, satellite oceanographer Gene Feldman from Goddard Space Flight Center talks about why the Galapagos Islands have fascinated scientists in every generation since Charles Darwin.

NASA oceanographer Dr. Gene Carl Feldman is no stranger to the Galapagos Islands, although he has never been there. He has studied these "Enchanted Isles" from the vantage point of space for the last 25 years, but in July 2009 he will set foot on the islands for the first time. ...
July 21 at 11:35am
NASA's Earth Observatory
NASA's Earth Observatory
good point! i'll ask gene to comment on that.
July 22 at 10:24am
NASA's Earth Observatory
NASA's Earth Observatory
to say that the islands have fascinated scientists since Darwin's era doesn't exclude the possibility of pre-Darwin scientists ;-) and Gene's interview was only talking about the history we know, so the description of the video is appropriate, i think.
July 24 at 6:21am
NASA's Earth Observatory
The descent stage of Apollo 11's Lunar Module is visible on the surface of the moon 40 years after the first lunar landing.
July 20 at 9:04am
I remember my Dad yelling at all of us kids to come watch history on TV- it took them so many days from the launching at Cape Canaveral to get to the moon all our tv shows were preempted for about a week! But of course we were glued and watched "The Eagle " land!!
July 20 at 6:26pm
hats off to some true American heroes!
July 21 at 5:34pm

Leira La Terre, toujours aussi belle de loin, que de proche...

NASA's Earth Observatory

NASA's Earth Observatory Our new blog -- check it out!

Following in Darwin’s footsteps, Gene Feldman explores the incredibly unique Galapagos Islands.
July 16 at 4:34pm
I was there in 1994... not the touristy stuff, traveling with a Peace Corps volunteer. What we lacked in luxury we made up for by being three friends with a tour guide and no one else! Snorkeling among the mangroves... ahhh!
July 18 at 4:55pm
NASA's Earth Observatory

NASA's Earth Observatory We have improved the ability to share Images of the Day and Natural Hazards imagery with your friends through a variety of social networks (including Facebook!), link sharing sites, and email. See the "Recommend this image" link on any image page -- see the Manam Volcano image for an example. (Sharing of feature articles and news is coming soon!)

July 15 at 8:22am
NASA's Earth Observatory
Attempts of Renaissance astronomers to explain the puzzling path of planets across the night sky led to modern science’s understanding of gravity and motion.
July 8 at 5:31am
Sweet, Understanding.
July 8 at 6:01am
I always wondered what what was meant by a planet in retrograde.
July 8 at 8:19am
Jim Atwell

Jim Atwell It is always nice to see yourself from a different vantage point.


Michael Amazing images! Is there a way to share photos from previous months/years that are on the Earth Observatory website?

July 6 at 7:04am · Report
NASA's Earth Observatory
NASA's Earth Observatory
We are working on that and should have that function in the next week or so. Stay tuned!
July 8 at 5:29am
Gloria Smith

Gloria Smith I love this -- Really GREAT stuff!

Giovanni Marzo
Víctor J Martín

Víctor J Martín impresionante: es donde vivimos

Jeffrey Jones

Jeffrey Jones i can see my house from here

Issam Musharbash

Issam Musharbash Seeing Is Believing

NASA's Earth Observatory
In 1988, wildfires raced through Yellowstone National Park, consuming hundreds of thousands of acres. This series of Landsat images tracks the landscape’s slow recovery through 2008.
June 30 at 2:56pm
July 8 at 6:18am
NASA's Earth Observatory
Listen to NASA scientist and beekeeper Wayne Esaias talk about using satellites to help understand the impact of climate change…
June 30 at 2:53pm