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Picture This: Out of This Case
July 9, 2009

Preparing art to go on loan

Dave DeAnna and Matt Bacon from our Registrar's Office removed two artworks from the contemporary craft section in the Luce Foundation Center for American Art last week. These works (Alhambra Vase and Zanfirico Apple) will be going out on loan. Would you like to help us find replacements to display in their case? Check out our Fill the Gap project on Flickr.

Posted by Georgina on July 9, 2009 in Picture This


Wow. It looks that this job is not for clumsy peoples.

Posted by: oren | Jul 11, 2009

I like Bowl #B486 by Sonja Blomdahl. The colors are so bold, and I think that it would look great on the shelf.

Posted by: Christine | Jul 22, 2009

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