West Virginia State Seal West Virginia
State Budget Office
Department of Revenue

Responsible for preparing the Executive Budget document on behalf of the Governor; preparing cash flow estimates and monthly
revenue reports; establishing expenditure allotments; and functioning as staff agency to the Governor for budgetary issues.

Joe Manchin III
Governor of West Virginia

West Virginia Home Page

Virgil T. Helton
Cabinet Secretary
Department of Revenue


Building 1, Room 310-W
Capitol Building
Charleston, WV  25305
Phone:  304-558-0040
Fax:       304-558-1588

Mike McKown, CPA
Budget Director

Cathie Fowlkes
Assistant Director
Phone:  304-558-5888

Jerri Rucker

Full Staff Directory and Phone Numbers
Staff Org Chart

Send us e-mail

Email to State Budget Office

Please fill out our survey
with your questions or comments about our Web site.  You may also e-mail us directly at budget@state.wv.us

Last site revision 5/4/09

Related Links:

West Virginia Information Related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

WV Dept. of Administration
WV Division of Personnel

WV Finance Division
WV Dept. of Revenue
WV Tax Division
WV State Auditor's Office
WV Treasurer's Office
WV Unclaimed Property

GFOA (Government Finance Officers Association)

NASBO (National Association of State Budget Officers)

Governor's FY 2010 Budget* (Recommended)

The Governor's FY 2010 Budget was recommended to the Legislature on Wednesday evening, February 11, 2009.

Volumes I and II of the Executive Budget are very large files.  It is recommended that they not be opened in your browser, but downloaded to your computer and read off-line, particularly if your Internet connection is not high speed.

Governor's FY 2010 Executive Budget--Volume I Budget Report (Large file 1.8 MB)
Governor's FY 2010 Executive Budget--Volume II Operating Detail (Large file 7.5 MB)
     Where the State Dollar Comes From
Where the State Dollar Goes
     GFOA Award for FY 2009 Executive Budget
     State Profile (Interesting facts and statistics)

Governor's Proposed FY 2010 Budget Bill

Governor's 2009 State of the State speech

Most of the files accessible from this page are stored in PDF format. To view them, you need Acrobat Reader 5 or higher. You may download a free reader and directions from:  www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html.

(You may also download any of the above linked documents to your computer by 'right clicking' on the link, choosing "save target as" or "save link as," then clicking "Save." You should then be able to open the file from your computer. You may also request the file via e-mail.  For additional assistance, please call 304-558-0040 or e-mail budget@state.wv.us)

Charts, Reports, Forms, and Miscellaneous
State Government Organizational Chart               Revised:  5/1/08
Consolidated Report of Federal Funds FY 2010
    Posted: 11/19/08
Appropriations (Pie Charts)                                           Last posted: 4/14/08
Revenue Reports, Estimates, and Cash Flow
Graphic indicating a recently posted file  Last posted:  5/4/09
Total Permanent State EmployeesGraphic indicating a recently posted file                   Last posted:  5/1/09
ARCHIVES:  Previous Budget Documents
Graphic indicating a recently posted file

Agency Forms, Instructions, and FAQsGraphic indicating a recently posted file    Revised:  4/16/09
The Budget Process Calendar

Most of the files accessible from this page are stored in PDF format.  To view them, you need Acrobat Reader 5 or higher.  You may download a free reader and directions from:  www.adobe.com

(Some of these links are to the West Virginia Legislature's Web site.  The State Budget Office has no responsibility for them.  They are posted only for informational purposes.  If you have questions or suggestions regarding these files, use the contact information at http://www.legis.state.wv.us).

Legislature's Enrolled FY 2009 Budget Bill (SB 150, starting July 1, 2008)
     Governor's Veto Letter for FY 2009 Budget Bill


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