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State Capitol
Press Release
April 24, 2008
Governor Objects to Federal Restriction on Tailpipe Standards
(Salem) – Governor Ted Kulongoski today signed on to letters to the President and Congress objecting to language in recent National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) proposed rules that specifically prohibits California from setting its own tailpipe emissions standards, therefore preventing Oregon from doing the same. The language was buried in NHTSA proposed rules recommending higher fuel economy standards for cars and trucks.   
“The bottom line is that Oregon, along with other states, should be able to set their own emissions standards so we can meet our own aggressive greenhouse gas reduction goals,” said Governor Kulongoski. “We believe, and the courts have agreed, that we have the right to protect our citizens and our environment through our own tailpipe emissions standards.”
The Governor agreed to sign on to the letters in response to the NHTSA proposed fuel economy rules that include language prohibiting California from setting its own tailpipe emission standards. California, along with other states, objects to the language in the rules because it overrides California’s long-standing ability to set its own tailpipe emissions standards through an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) waiver. Other states, under the Clean Air Act, are allowed to adopt the same standards as California. The EPA did not issue a waiver this year, for the first time since the policy was adopted in 1970, even though court decisions have ruled in favor of California’s right, and other states, to set their own standards.
“The federal government continues to ignore court ruling after court ruling that clearly allow states to move ahead with their own standards,” said Governor Kulongoski. “This latest attempt only furthers my resolve to fight this at every step until our right to protect our environment is recognized.”
Oregon is one of 12 states that signed on to the letters today objecting to the language in the NHTSA proposed rules. The Governor has previously signed on to lawsuits calling for an EPA decision on the waiver and for reconsideration of the EPA’s decision not to issue the waiver.  
To see a copy of the letter to the President, click here. To see a copy of the letter to Congress, click here.
Anna Richter Taylor, 503-378-6169
Jillian Schoene, 503-378-5040
Rem Nivens, 503-378-6496

Page updated: April 29, 2008

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