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  Climate Change Task Force Releases NH Climate Action Plan
  Plan Will Build On State’s Efforts to Reduce Pollution, Increase Renewable Energy Usage

Creates New Hampshire Energy and Climate Collaborative To Oversee Plan’s Implementation


CONCORD - The Climate Change Policy Task Force today released the New Hampshire Climate Action Plan and announced the creation of a public/private partnership that will oversee and guide the Plan’s implementation. The partnership, the New Hampshire Energy and Climate Collaborative, includes representatives from New Hampshire’s businesses, public entities, nonprofit organizations and educational institutions.

The 29-member Climate Change Policy Task Force, created through an Executive Order issued by Gov. John Lynch, developed the Climate Action Plan over the course of a year through a public process that involved more than 125 stakeholders and input from over 200 citizens. Members of the Task Force, state officials, stakeholders and other dignitaries joined Gov. Lynch in releasing the Plan, which includes 67 recommended actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while providing long-term economic benefits to New Hampshire.

The Plan sets a long-term goal of achieving an 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions below 1990 levels by the year 2050.

“Here in New Hampshire, we already recognize that climate change poses serious risks to the health of our citizens, to our quality of life and to our economic future,” Gov. Lynch said. “And we are already national leaders in efforts to cut pollution, to build a new energy future and to build a greener economy.

“This report will help us build on the efforts we’ve already made to reduce the pollution that causes global warming and climate change,” said Gov. Lynch. “While some of these recommendations need additional analysis and may not be ready to move forward right away, the work of the task force and the information included in this report provides a firm base for further discussion by the public and the legislature on how New Hampshire can combat global climate change.”

New Hampshire is already a national leader in efforts to cut pollution, to build a new energy future and to build a greener economy. Some of the action already taken includes:

  • Requiring power plants to reduce the emissions that cause global climate change
  • Setting a goal of ensuring that 25 percent of the state’s energy comes from renewable sources by 2025
  • Passing the Renewable Energy Act, creating a Renewable Portfolio Standard, which will increase the use of cleaner energy
  • Using the proceeds from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative to reinvest in energy efficiency and renewable energy, which will help to create jobs while protecting the environment
  • Issuing an Executive Order directing all state departments to reduce energy use through greater energy efficiency.

A key recommendation in the Plan is the creation of the New Hampshire Energy and Climate Collaborative, a partnership of leading private and public institutions from across the state. Members announced today include representatives from such organizations as the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, City of Nashua, the Business and Industry Association of NH, and UNH.

The primary purpose of the Collaborative will be to track and facilitate implementation of the Plan’s recommendations, and to report on progress toward achieving the desired goals.

“The recommendations and goals contained within this plan are aggressive, but they are achievable and will result in long-term economic benefits to the citizens of New Hampshire,” said Department of Environmental Services Commissioner and Task Force Chair Tom Burack. “Already, citizens and businesses are moving forward with their own efforts to address climate change and reduce energy use and costs by transforming their homes, businesses, and municipalities and developing in-state renewable energy industries.”

To view the Plan, visit the DES website at and look under “What’s New.”

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