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Office of the Governor
  Governor Signs The Renewable Energy Act

CONCORD - Gov. Lynch today signed the Renewable Energy Act, which will help increase New Hampshire's energy independence, build a stronger economy and protect the environment by helping to stem global warming.

"With this law, New Hampshire is poised to help lead the nation toward a cleaner, more independent energy future. The Renewable Energy Act will encourage investment in energy production in New Hampshire that will deliver economic and environmental benefits to the state and the region," Gov. Lynch said.

The law, creating a renewable energy portfolio standard, received strong bipartisan support passing by a vote of 253-37 in the House, and unanimously in the Senate.

"The Renewable Energy Act is an example of the real progress we are making in New Hampshire by putting partisan politics aside and focusing on working together to build a better future for our people," Gov. Lynch said. "I want to thank all of the lawmakers, Democrats and Republicans, who committed to acting this year to begin securing New Hampshire's energy independence."

Gov. Lynch has set a goal of ensuring 25 percent of New Hampshire's energy comes from renewable sources by 2025. The passage of the Renewable Energy Act is a key step in moving New Hampshire closer to reaching that goal.

Increasing renewable energy will increase New Hampshire and the nation's energy independence, lessening the need for foreign oil and for expensive natural gas. A study by the University of New Hampshire estimated that by reducing natural gas consumption this law could help reduce total electric costs in New Hampshire by $5.6 million in 2025. And over time it could bring $16 million of new investment incentives to create new renewable generation in New Hampshire.

This law could lead to the new development of wind power, biomass and geothermal in New Hampshire. Increasing renewable energy will create jobs right here in New Hampshire by expanding uses for wood products, in building clean power plants, and in research and development. A steady demand for wood chips will help to support our logging communities.

Right now the average wage for a job in a renewable energy facility in New Hampshire is $65,979, compared to the average wage of $39,794. UNH estimates that by 2025, renewable energy will create 1,100 new jobs in New Hampshire.

The economic benefits is one of the major reasons that the Governor's Jobs Cabinet has made increasing renewable energy production in New Hampshire one of its key initiatives.

Increasing renewable energy will help protect our state's special environment and help stem global warming. At Schiller Station in Portsmouth, they have converted one of their coal-fired boilers to one that burns wood chips. That conversion has displaced the use of 130,000 tons of coal a year. The burning of coal at power plants emits greenhouse gases linked to global warming and also has been blamed for dangerous levels of mercury in our water.

By 2025 this law will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 580,000 tons, which equates to taking 160,000 cars off the road.

"Passage of the Renewable Energy Act moves New Hampshire toward clean, sustainable and renewable energy sources. If we want to secure a more stable, cleaner electricity supply for future generations, the time to act is now - and that is exactly what we are doing," Gov. Lynch said.

The act was sponsored by Reps. Suzanne Harvey, Jay Phinizy, David Borden, and James Garrity, and Sens. Martha Fuller Clark and Peter Bragdon.

Office of the Governor : State House : Concord, NH 03301
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