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U.S. History Topics » Other History & Soc Studies » Slavery
See Featured 23 Resources
African American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship showcases the African American collections of the Library of Congress. Displaying more than 240 items, including books, government documents, manuscripts, maps, musical scores, plays...  (Library of Congress)
Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1938 offers 2,300 first-person accounts of slavery and 500 photos of former slaves. The collection can be searched by name, city, state, topic, or other key words. These narratives were...  (Library of Congress)
Documenting the American South is a full-text database of primary resources on Southern history, literature, and culture from the colonial period through the first decades of the 20th century. Currently, this...  (University of North Carolina, supported by Library of Congress)
Our Shared History: African American Heritage tells about the Underground Railroad, African Americans in the Civil War, historic places of the civil rights movement, the Delta blues of the Lower Mississippi Valley, and landmarks...  (National Park Service)
North American Slave Narratives offers more than 250 memoirs, autobiographies, and narratives from individuals who were slaves. An African king who was sold into slavery, the dress maker for Mary Todd Lincoln, the...  (University of North Carolina, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)
Race and Slavery Petitions Project presents more than two dozen legislative and county court petitions that were filed in southern states between the American Revolution and the Civil War. Tens of thousands of...  (University of North Carolina, Greensboro, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)
The Nineteenth Century in Print: the Making of America in Books and Periodicals presents digitized books and periodicals published in the U.S. during the 19th century. The collection includes 23 popular magazines and more than 1,500 books that illuminate themes...  (Library of Congress)
Reconstruction: The Second Civil War provides clips from the documentary, as well as transcripts, a look behind the scenes, and a teacher's guide. Among the featured topics: 40 acres and a mule, plantations in ruins...  (WGBH, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)
From Slavery to Freedom, 1824-1909 presents nearly 400 pamphlets written by African-Americans and others about slavery, emancipation, African colonization, Reconstruction, and related topics. Materials range from...  (Library of Congress)
Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery focuses on enslaved Africans and their descendants living in the Chesapeake region of Virginia during the colonial and antebellum periods. Analyze artifacts, deposits, and...  (Thomas Jefferson Foundation, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)
Nat Turner: A Troublesome Property is the companion website of a film that examines the story of Turner and his revolt and how that story has been re-told repeatedly since 1831. Turner, a slave and preacher in...  (Independent Television Service, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)
Slavery and Abolition presents two dozen publications written in the 19th century about slavery in America. It includes first-person accounts from former slaves, judicial opinions, abolitionist pieces, and...  (Library of Congress)
Slaves and the Courts, 1740-1860 presents over 100 books and pamphlets on experiences of African and African-American slaves in American colonies and U.S. The documents, published between 1772 and 1889, include trial...  (Library of Congress)
Africans in America is an online companion to the four-part PBS series, covering the period 1450 to 1865. There are historical narratives, resource banks of images, documents, stories, biographies...  (WGBH, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)
Voices from the Days of Slavery: Former Slaves Tell Their Stories features interviews with 23 former slaves (the oldest was 130 at the time of the interview). These nearly 7 hours of recordings provide a glimpse of what life was like for slaves and...  (Library of Congress)
Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation, 1861-1867 recounts the personal experiences and the drama of emancipation in the words of the participants: liberated slaves and defeated slaveholders, soldiers and civilians, common folk and...  (University of Maryland, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)
From Slavery to Civil Rights is a timeline of African-American history. Photos, broadsides, maps, and other items are organized around time periods: slavery, abolition, antebellum, Civil War, reconstruction...  (Library of Congress)
African American Perspectives: Pamphlets from the Daniel A. P. Murray Collection, 1818-1907 presents a review of African-American history and culture as seen through the practice of pamphleteering. The site includes sermons on racial pride and essays on segregation, voting...  (Library of Congress)
African-American Mosaic is a guide for studying black history and culture. Topics include colonization and Liberia, abolitionists and slavery, western migration and homesteading, Chicago, and ex-slave...  (Library of Congress)
When Rice Was King concentrates on Georgetown County, South Carolina, where rice, rather than cotton, was the principal commercial product. The site contains maps, readings, photos, drawings, as well as...  (National Park Service, Teaching with Historic Places)
Fugitive from Labor Cases: Henry Garnett and Moses Honner encourages students to analyze historic documents related to two fugitive slave cases and determine the impact events of the period 1850 to 1860 had on them. The Henry Garnett and...  (National Archives and Records Administration)
The Amistad Case presents documents produced around and during the historic 1841 trial of 53 Africans, captured and sold as slaves, and subsequently accused of murder for commandeering the slave ship...  (National Archives and Records Administration)
Exploring Amistad: Race and the Boundaries of Freedom in Antebellum Maritime America examines the Amistad revolt, a shipboard uprising of slaves off the coast of Cuba. It uses timelines, a library of historical documents, a discovery section and bibliography to teach...  (Mystic Seaport, supported by National Endowment for the Humanities)

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