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Health Care Reform

Background Information
Center for Health Transformation - Newt Gingrich Health Care Reform Plan
Health Care - Politico
Health Care Debate Has Long History in U.S.- U.S. Dept. of State, International Information Programs
Health Care Reform 2009 - Tracking the National Health Care Debate - Washington Post
Health Care Reform: An Online Guide - Slate Magazine
Massachusetts' Experience with Health Care Reform Coverage Initiatives in Context of National Reform
National Journal Expert Blog - Health Care
Side-by-Side Comparison of Major Health Care Reform Proposals - Kaiser Family Foundation

U.S. Government Sites
Health Care - White House
Health Care for All Americans - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Congressional Reports/Sites
America's Affordable Health Choices Act - House Committee on Energy and Commerce
Call to Action: Health Care Reform 2009 - Senate Finance Committee Report
Employment-Based Health Coverage and Health Reform: Selected Legal Considerations - CRS
Expanding Health Care Coverage - Senate Finance Committee Report
Financing Comprehensive Health Care Reform - Senate Finance Committee Report
Health Care Reform: An Introduction - Congressional Research Service Report
Health Insurance: A Primer - Congressional Research Service Report
House Bill - H.R. 3200: America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009
Summary of Affordable Health Choices Act - Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee
Transforming the Health Care Delivery System - Senate Finance Committee Report

Think Tanks and Experts
American Enterprise Institute - Health Care Policy
Brookings Institution - Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform
Cato Institute - Health, Welfare and Entitlements
Center for American Progress - Health Care
Heritage Foundation - Health Care
Hudson Institute - Health Care
Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies - Health Policy Institute
New America Foundation - Health Care