Turning Around Chronically Low-Performing Schools
  Image representing Turning Around Chronically Low-Performing Schools
Turning Around Chronically Low-Performing Schools
This Practice Guide was developed by an Expert Panel convened by the Institute of Education Sciences. It is designed to help chronically low-performing schools "turn around" achievement patterns. It offers a set of four research-based recommendations that together constitute a coherent approach to a challenging problem. A summary of the research evidence and a level of evidence rating are provided for each recommendation. This Practice Guide is the foundation for all the Doing What Works content on turning around chronically low-performing schools.

Access the Practice Guide on the IES Website.
Recommended Practices

Research indicates that strong leaders are critical to a school turnaround. Principals need to signal change by implementing dramatic changes and new practices that deviate from the status quo.

Turnaround schools highlighted in the research focused relentlessly on improving teaching and student learning. Schools carefully analyzed student data to plan instruction, classroom data to identify teachers' instructional strengths and weaknesses, and schoolwide data to identify areas that needed improvement across the school (e.g., behavior).

Research identified quick wins—visible improvement early in the turnaround process—as a common strategy for successful turnarounds. Quick wins in areas that make a positive difference for staff, students, parents, and the community can rally them around the turnaround effort and overcome resistance and inertia.

School leaders need to make certain that the staff fit the vision of the school and its context. Changes in staff may be required, such as releasing, replacing, or redeploying staff members, or bringing in new staff to meet the goals.

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