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State Capitol
Press Release
July 29, 2009
Governor Kulongoski signs Jobs and Transportation Act into law
Comprehensive transportation package will bring thousands of jobs and largest and greenest continued investment for transportation in Oregon history
(Portland) -  Today Governor Ted Kulongoski signed into law the Jobs and Transportation Act of 2009 (House Bill 2001), which is the state’s largest long-term investment in transportation infrastructure, putting thousands of Oregonians to work, while making sustainable and strategic investments in all sectors of our transportation system, including roads, bridges, bike and pedestrian facilities, mass transit, railroads, ports and airports.
“This bill represents a fundamental shift in how we approach transportation so that we are investing in all modes of transportation comprehensively – thus strengthening our economy, while also advancing our goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reducing our dependence on foreign sources of fossil fuels,” said Governor Ted Kulongoski.
The Jobs and Transportation Act invests more than $1 billion to address Oregon’s statewide transportation needs. The bill provides an annual investment of $300 million to address deferred maintenance for roads and bridges. Additionally the bill provides more than $800 million in bond proceeds to relieve key bottlenecks, improve existing facilities and address safety concerns. The bill also continues the ConnectOregon program to improve ports, rail systems, transit and airports.
These investments are expected to create and sustain more than 6,700 jobs a year for a total of 40,000 jobs over the next ten years, beginning with the next construction season.
“In addition to the largest, greenest and most comprehensive and strategic investment in our transportation infrastructure in the state’s history, this bill is a great job creator with 40,000 jobs created over the next ten years in every corner of the state,” continued the Governor.
The Governor also highlighted the fact that this transportation package is the greenest in Oregon history with an emphasis on sustainable principles. Environmental components of House Bill 2001 include funding for multi-modal transportation, increased funding for transit, implementing a least cost planning tool planning for greenhouse gas reduction scenarios, a congestion pricing pilot project, and the creation of an urban trail fund to develop and maintain trails for non-motorized vehicles and pedestrians.
“As I said earlier, this bill changes how we approach transportation planning going forward so it’s not only efficient and safe – but sustainable with an eye toward reducing the number of vehicles on our roads,” said the Governor.
The Governor concluded his remarks by emphasizing the importance of this investment not only for immediate jobs to help Oregon recover from the current recession, but also for the importance of the future economic prosperity of the state. 
“In closing, this bill marks one of the most important achievements of the 2009 Legislative Session,” said the Governor. “It is part of our economic recovery efforts, job creation efforts and greenhouse gas reduction efforts. And after years of a piecemeal approach to transportation, we now have a long-term comprehensive strategy for transportation in Oregon.”
For a summary of the Jobs and Transportation Act of 2009, click here.
For a map and list of projects funded in House Bill 2001, click here.
Anna Richter Taylor, 503-378-6169
Jillian Schoene, 503-378-5040
Rem Nivens, 503-378-6496 

Page updated: July 31, 2009

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