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State Capitol
Press Release
May 28, 2009
Governor's Statement on Healthy Kids - Healthy Oregon
(Salem) -  “I have been fighting to secure access to health care for all of Oregon’s children for years, and today’s bold action by the House Revenue Committee has moved us closer than ever before to achieving this goal.
“House Bill 2116, which will now go to Ways and Means, represents one of the most significant measures before the legislature this session.  Access to affordable health care is one way the state helps Oregonians, in good and bad economic times. Healthy children go to school ready to learn. Healthy adults are more productive members of society.
“I applaud Oregon’s hospitals and health insurers for their willingness to join us in taking this important step toward affordable health care for all Oregonians. As this legislation moves forward, I urge state lawmakers to seize this opportunity to bring health care to our children and begin to rebuild the Oregon Health Plan. If we do nothing, not only will tens of thousands continue to go without health care and shift the costs of their care to those with insurance – but we also will have to forgo close to two billion dollars over four years in federal funds already approved to provide care to Oregonians.  
“The opportunity is ours. The Federal government has an offer on the table – with a use it or lose it provision for additional funds for children’s health care - unless Oregon comes up with its share. Doing nothing is not an option. We must do what is right: to provide Oregonians with the security of affordable and accessible health care.”
Media Contacts:
Anna Richter Taylor, 503-378-6169
Jillian Schoene, 503-378-5040
Rem Nivens, 503-378-6496

Page updated: June 01, 2009

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