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State Capitol
Press Release
March 25, 2009
Governor creates Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorder
(Salem) – Today Governor Ted Kulongoski signed Executive Order 09-07, creating the Oregon Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The commission is charged with creating greater coordination and planning to better engage and provide services for individuals experiencing ASD and their families.
“Oregon, like other states, has seen a dramatic increase in the number of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder,” Governor Kulongoski said. “This commission is an important first step in ensuring that individuals experiencing ASD and their families receive the services they need to face the challenges that come with the disorder.”
Across Oregon, services to people experiencing ASD have been fragmented and inconsistent, resulting in poor coordination with the various agencies and entities that provide services. The commission will make recommendations to increase coordination and collaboration through the identification of policies and strategies that will improve interagency agreements and address funding issues. The commission is charged with presenting a ten-year strategic plan to address ASD to the Governor, Legislature and Superintendent Castillo by May 1, 2010.
“This commission will help make sure Oregon is incorporating all of the best information available on autism in treating and supporting those experiencing ASD,” Governor Kulongoski said. “The commission will also ensure we are getting the maximum benefit from local, state and federal resources.”
The commission includes membership appointed by the Governor, Speaker of the House and Senate President.
To view a copy of the executive order, click here.
Jillian Schoene, 503-378-5040
Rem Nivens, 503-378-6496
Anna Richter Taylor, 503-378-6169

Page updated: March 30, 2009

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