Texas Economy in Focus

Tracking the Texas Economy

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Updated July 31, 2009

Key Texas Economic Indicators

Between June 2008 and June 2009, the U.S. economy shed about 5.7 million jobs, a 4.1 percent decline.

Texas lost 266,300 jobs between June 2008 and June 2009, a 2.5 percent decrease in nonfarm employment. In June 2009, 10.4 million Texans were employed, 40,600 fewer than during May.

Over the last year, Texas added jobs in educational and health services, leisure and hospitality, and government.

A printable version of Tracking the Texas Economy for July 13, 2009 (PDF, 365KB) is available in .pdf format.

Unemployment Rate

Sources: Texas Workforce Commission, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
View Unemployment Rate in Table Format
View Historical Unemployment Rates

State Sales Tax Collections, Retail Establishments

Source: Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
View State Sales Tax Collections in Table Format

Change in Non-farm Employment

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
View Change in Nonfarm Employment in Table Format

Housing Permits

See note on percent change data

Source: The Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University
View Housing Permits in Table Format

Existing Single-Family Home Sales

See note on percent change data

Source: The Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University
View Existing Home Sales in Table Format

Web Exclusive Indicators

Gasoline and Diesel Retail Prices

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration
View Gasoline and Diesel Retail Prices in Table Format

‡ Double axis graphs: Graphs with two vertical axes show values for Texas on the left and values for the U.S. on the right. This method shows trends more clearly over the last year when data values are substantially different at state and national levels.

Note: Percent changes on Tracking the Texas Economy graphs and tables are calculated using raw monthly figures. Some of the annual percent changes in the Comptroller’s Economic Outlook are based on annualized figures that show longer-term trends, and therefore may differ.

Texas Production and Consumption Indicators

Production and Consumption Indicators
Date Value of Crude Oil Produced
Value of Natural Gas Produced
Active Oil &
Gas Drilling Rigs
(Millions of Taxed Gallons)
(Millions of Taxed Gallons)
Median Sales Price Existing Single Family Homes Auto Sales Net Value
Cigarette Packages Taxed
2006 $19,657.47 $19,852.05 746 11,372.8 3,731.6 $143,100 $45,756.2 1,280.2
2007 $21,850.32 $22,968.42 834 11,624.8 3,886.9 $147,500 $48,500.6 1,085.8
2008 $30,409.17 $34,415.89 892 11,709.7 3,854.0 $145,800 $44,442.4 1,060.6
04/08 $2,818.76 $2,807.90 887 1,010.4 281.1 $146,800 $3,957.8 90.5
05/08 $3,573.45 $3,442.60 906 975.8 343.1 $150,600 $3,791.7 98.3
06/08 $3,394.19 $3,661.80 923 1,018.3 331.5 $154,700 $4,051.0 89.6
07/08 $3,518.20 $3,972.39 920 954.0 321.3 $152,900 $4,148.3 93.3
08/08 $3,044.28 $2,855.10 934 982.3 342.5 $151,500 $3,829.4 80.9
09/08 $2,599.06 $2,154.33 946 1,054.7 248.6 $144,800 $3,727.2 88.9
10/08 $2,056.63 $2,039.29 925 852.3 377.9 $142,300 $3,317.6 98.6
11/08 $1,500.91 $1,620.18 899 1,018.0 343.5 $137,200 $2,862.9 85.3
12/08 $1,018.10 $1,764.17 826 963.2 283.5 $140,600 $2,941.7 99.3
01/09 $995.46 $1,765.21 701 1,023.2 294.7 $131,800 $3,022.6 73.0
02/09 $826.10 $1,121.13 574 965.3 291.5 $138,100 $2,923.8 77.0
03/09 $1,141.73 $1,099.58 445 916.6 281.8 $139,600 $2,892.3 86.4
04/09 $1,158.04 $972.39 393 1,019.0 305.7 $142,700 $2,501.8 77.5
05/09 $1,282.65   347 989.9 289.8 $149,000 $2,591.1 77.8
06/09     329 1,026.3 291.9 $155,000   82.7

Crude oil and natural gas figures are net taxable values. Gasoline gallons include gasohol. Auto sale values are calculated from motor vehicle taxes collected on new and used vehicle sales. All figures are not seasonally adjusted, except for industrial production, leading indicators and employment/unemployment. Figures are based on the most recent available data. Annual figures are for calendar years.


  • Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Motor Fuel, Auto Sales, Cigarettes: Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
  • Active Oil & Gas Drilling Rigs: Baker-Hughes Incorporated
  • Median Sale Price, Existing Single-family Home: The Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University

For historical data, see Texas Production and Consumption 1989-2008

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The dynamic Texas economy is ever-changing as it responds to new challenges and opportunities. View the Comptroller’s Economic Outlook, additional indicators and more detailed statistics on the Texas economy in addition to timely updates in the Texas Ahead web site: Economy in Focus section.

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