Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, Building a Better Arizona
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Where is Your Money Going?
(Arizona Allocations)

Where is Your Money Going. Click here to see Tabular View

 1 SFSF AHCCCS $1,825,190
 2 ADOT Education $1,619,911
 3 Housing State Fiscal Stabilization Fund $1,016,955
 4 DES DES $689,758
 5 AHCCCS ADOT $623,160
 6 Education Commerce/
 8 ADHS Housing $99,499
 9 DPS Other $93,423
 10 Commerce/Energy DPS $30,122
 11 Other ADHS $3,742

Federal Data

Where is Your Money Going. Click here to see Tabular View * Tax Relief - includes $15 B for Infrastructure and Science, $61 B for Protecting the Vulnerable, $25 B for Education and Training and $22 B for Energy, so total funds are $126 B for Infrastructure and Science, $142 B for Protecting the Vulnerable, $78 B for Education and Training, and $65 B for Energy.
ARRA Tax Act of 2009 - Major Provisions.

* State and Local Fiscal Relief - Prevents state and local cuts to health and education programs and state and local tax increases.