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Data Products Last 6 Months

 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2009084 Public-Use Data Files and Documentation (FRSS 91): After-School Programs in Public Elementary Schools
This file contains data from a 2008 fast-response survey titled “After-School Programs in Public Elementary Schools.” This survey provides a national profile of various types of formal after-school programs physically located at public elementary schools in 2008. These programs include stand-alone programs that focus primarily on a single type of service (e.g., only day care) and broad-based programs that provide a combination of services such as academic enrichment and cultural activities. NCES released the results of the survey in the First Look report After-School Programs in Public Elementary Schools.

Questionnaires and cover letters for the study were mailed to the principal of each sampled school in late December 2007. The letter introduced the study and requested that the questionnaire be completed by the person most knowledgeable about after-school programs that were physically located at the school. Respondents were encouraged to consult with the administrators of after-school programs that were located at the school but operated by some entity other than the school or district (e.g., privately run fee-based day care). Respondents were offered the option of completing the survey via the Web or by mail. Telephone followup for survey nonresponse and data clarification was initiated in January 2008 and completed in early May 2008. The final response rate was 91 percent.

The survey focuses on four broad types of after-school programs: (1) fee-based stand-alone day care programs for which parents paid fees; (2) stand-alone academic instruction/tutoring programs that focus exclusively on academic instruction or tutoring, including Supplemental Educational Services in schools that did not meet Adequate Yearly Progress; (3) the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLCs) administered through the federally funded 21st CCLC Program to provide academic enrichment opportunities; and (4) other types of formal stand-alone or broad-based after-school programs. The information collected about after-school programs includes: program focus (if applicable), number of students enrolled, hours per week the program operates, availability of transportation for students, whether students from other schools attend the program, and factors that may hinder students from participating in the program.
NCES 2009005 Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K) Kindergarten Through Eighth Grade Full Sample Public-Use Data and Documentation
The release includes the public-use data and data documentation for the kindergarten, first, third, fifth, and eighth grade data collections for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K). The related DVD contains the same information as the on-line materials along with an electronic code book (ECB) to facilitate navigating the data.
NCES 2009344 2007-08 Schools and Staffing Survey restricted-use data files in SAS and ASCII formats (12 files)
The restricted-use data files for all of the 2007-08 Schools and Staffing Survey: District; Public School; Private School; Public Principal; Private Principal; Public Teacher; Private Teacher; Public School Library Media Center; BIE School; BIE Principal; BIE Teacher; and BIE School Library Media Center. The files are in SAS and ASCII formats, with syntax for creating files in SPSS and STATA. Documentation of file layouts, plus codebook information, survey methodology, and other background information is included.
NCES 2009328 2007-08 School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS) Restricted-Use Data Files and Codebook and ASCII Layout
This CD contains restricted-use data for the 2007-08 School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS) in SAS, SPSS and ASCII formats. It also contains the 2007-08 SSOCS Restricted-Use Codebook and ASCII Layout (NCES 2009-327).
NCES 2009055 User's Guide for the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2006 Data Files and Database with United States Specific Variables
The User's Guide for the PISA 2006 public-use data for the United States is a technical manual that describes how these data were collected and processed as well as how to use the datafiles to conduct statistical analyses. The appendixes of the User's Guide include the results of the comparison of PISA and NAEP in mathematics and science assessments and a nonresponse bias analysis of PISA 2006 data.
NCES 2009057 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2006: U.S. Public-Use Data Files and Electronic Codebook
This CD-ROM contains PISA 2006 public-use data for the United States in ASCII format. It also contains a user's guide and an electronic codebook.
NCES 2009011 Program for International Student Assessment(PISA) 2006: U.S. Restricted-Use Data Files and Electronic Codebook
This CD-ROM contains PISA 2006 restricted-use data for the United States in ASCII format. It also contains a user's guide and an electronic codebook.
NCES 2009010 Restricted-Use Data Supplement to the User's Guide for the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA): 2006 Data Files and Database with United States Specific Variables
The User's Guide for the PISA 2006 restricted-use data for the United States is a supplement to the PISA 2006 public-use data technical manual. This supplement describes the variables in the restricted-use datafile and how to merge them with the public-use datafile so they may be used.
NCES 2009312 2005-06 School Survey on Crime and Safety Public-Use Data File Codebook
The 2005-06 School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS:2006) public-use data file codebook contains a list of variables and information about the variables on the SSOCS:2006 public-use data file. Users are provided with weighted and unweighted frequencies for the categorical variables on the file and descriptive statistics for the continuous variables on the file (i.e. sample size, minimum value, maximum value, mean, standard deviation, and median). Variables are listed in the order in which they appear on the data file.
NCES 2009167 2007–08 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:04): Undergraduate Data Analysis System
The NPSAS:04 Undergraduate DAS contains the data on a sample of about 114,000 undergraduate students who were enrolled at any time between July 1, 2007, and June 30, 2008, in about 1,600 postsecondary institutions. It represents all undergraduate students enrolled in postsecondary institutions in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico that were eligible to participate in the federal financial aid programs in Title IV of the Higher Education Act. The survey focuses on how they and their families pay for postsecondary education and includes general demographics and other characteristics of these students, types of aid and amounts received, and cost of attending college.
NCES 2009168 2007–08 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:04): Graduate Data Analysis System
The NPSAS:08 Graduate DAS contains the data on a sample of about 14,000 graduate and first-professional students who were enrolled at any time between July 1, 2007, and June 30, 2008. It represents all graduate and first professional students enrolled in postsecondary institutions in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico that were eligible to participate in the federal financial aid programs in Title IV of the Higher Education Act. The survey focuses on how they and their families pay for postsecondary education and includes general demographics and other characteristics of these students, types of aid and amounts received, and cost of attending college.
NCES 2009050 User's Guide for the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS): 2006 Data Files and Database with United States Specific Variables
The User's Guide for the PIRLS 2006 public-use data for the United States is a technical manual that describes how these data were collected and processed as well as how to use the datafiles to conduct statistical analyses. The appendixes of the User's Guide include the results of a comparison of PIRLS and NAEP reading assessments and a nonresponse bias analysis of PIRLS 2006 data.
NCES 2009061 Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2006: U.S. Public-Use Data Files and Electronic Codebook
This CD-ROM contains PIRLS 2006 public-use data for the United States in ASCII format. It also contains a user's guide and an electronic codebook.
NCES 2009051 Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2006: U.S. Restricted-Use Data Files and Electronic Codebook
This CD-ROM contains PIRLS 2006 restricted-use data for the United States in ASCII format. It also contains a user's guide and an electronic codebook.
NCES 2009058 Restricted-Use Data Supplement to the User's Guide for the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS): 2006 Data Files and Database with United States Specific Variables
The User's Guide for the PIRLS 2006 restricted-use data for the United States is a supplement to the PIRLS 2006 public-use data technical manual. This supplement describes the variables in the restricted-use datafile and how to merge them with the public-use datafile so they may be used.
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