Montana Reinvestment Act

Frequently Asked Questions

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Q. Can funds be used for winter or other maintenance?

A. Federal aid funds may not be used for routine maintenance activities. However, activities considered preventative maintenance are eligible for federal aid funding. The term "preventative maintenance" is defined as activities that are cost-effective in extending the useful life of a federal aid highway.

Q. Where is my project that has been nominated and listed previously in the STIP?

A. Projects listed in the STIP will still be constructed. Timeliness was a criteria in determining projects that would fit within the ARRA required timeframe. Projects that fulfilled this and other criteria rose to the top of the priority list.

Q. How do I get a job?

A. Contact your local job service

Q. Where can I find information advertisements for construction contracting opportunities for ARRA projects?

A. Information can be found at Contracting/Consulting site posted on the MDT website.


Q. What is the time line for ARRA transit infrastructure funds?

A. 50% of funds must be obligated within 180 days of federal apportionment
Remainder within one year - February 17, 2010
Redistribution of funds not meeting timeline - September 30, 2010

Q. How do I find out more about ARRA transit funding?

A. The Federal Transit Administration has a detailed website at


Q. What is the timeline for ARRA highway infrastructure funds?

A. 50% of funds must be used for project delivery within 120 days - June 17, 2009.
The remainder within one year of apportionment - February 17, 2010.
If funding is not obligated within this timeframe the money will become available to other states - September 30, 2010

Q. How does MDT select ARRA highway infrastructure projects?

A. ARRA projects must follow the same process and already be within the Montana Department of Transportation's (MDT) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and approved by the Transportation Commission. These projects must be in the progress or have completed the public involvement process, environmental, right-of-way, and design phases.

Q. What is the criteria in choosing ARRA highway infrastructure projects?

A. Projects must be approved by the Transportation Commission and included in the STIP, with priority given to those with expected completion within three years of ARRA enactment and located in economically distressed area, and will create and save jobs.


Q. What type of rail projects are funded under ARRA?

A. High-speed rail corridor grants and congestion grants.

Q. What is the timeline for ARRA rail projects?

A. Federal Railroad Administration must develop and deliver a strategic Plan to Congress within 60 days - April 18,2009
Congress to provide interim guidance within 120 days - June 17, 2009 logo