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Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety

About Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety

DDACTS integrates location-based crime and traffic data to establish effective and efficient methods for deploying law enforcement and other resources. Using geomapping to identify areas that have high incidences of crime and crashes, DDACTS uses traffic enforcement strategies that play a dual role in fighting crime and reducing crashes and traffic violations. Drawing on the deterrent of highly visible traffic enforcement and the knowledge that crimes often involve the use of motor vehicles, the goal of DDACTS is to reduce the incidence of crime, crashes, and traffic violations across the country.


Law enforcement executives prioritize competing demands for police services every day. The scope of these demands continues to expand while operating costs increase and resources diminish. This conflict between available resources and priorities has been detrimental to traffic enforcement and crime prevention.

A number of law enforcement agencies have developed strategies based on the confluence of traffic incidents and crime to address both issues through common interventions. These strategies translate accurate and timely local data into an effective and fluid action plan to reduce crime and crashes.

The agencies have found such strategies to be not only more efficient in addressing their range of needs but also more effective in improving overall community quality of life. Agencies also have discovered the benefits of using locally driven initiatives and integrated operations.

Partnering to Assist Local Agencies

To help these agencies improve the quality of life within local communities, NHTSA, BJA and NIJ are joining forces to demonstrate Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety. Working with nonfederal organizations (see below), the partnership will demonstrate, promote and facilitate a local law enforcement operational strategy built around:

  • Timely and accurate data collection and analysis.
  • Identification of the nexus of crime and traffic safety.
  • Coalitions of local partnerships including the full range of stakeholders.
  • Integrated and strategic operations to extend resources and maximize impact.

DDACTS will be offered to law enforcement agencies nationwide to assist them in developing, implementing and evaluating their individual locally driven initiatives. NHTSA and BJA will support data collection and analysis combined with intelligence-led policing initiatives, and will provide technical support, web-based data reporting and an evaluation contractor. NIJ will provide guidance on spatial analysis.

Demonstration Sites

Seven demonstration sites have been selected that will model the Data-Driven Approach to Crime and Traffic Safety:

NIJ does not exercise control over external Web sites. Read our Exit Notice.

Each site developed a needs assessment and operational plan and began implementing the project late in 2008.

Partner Organizations

Also supporting this initiative are non-federal partner organizations, including:

NIJ does not exercise control over external Web sites. Read our Exit Notice.

Contact Information

For additional information and technical assistance regarding this strategy, please contact either Michael Geraci, NHTSA Director of Safety Programs,, or Pam Cammarata, Associate Deputy Director, Bureau of Justice Assistance,

Date Entered: January 23, 2009