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Publications Related to Violence and Victimization

Published by NIJ

Practical Implication of Current Domestic Violence Research: For Law Enforcement, Prosecutors and Judges
NCJ 225722, June 2009, Special Report, by Andrew R. Klein
Summary | PDF | HTML
Teen Dating Violence: A Closer Look at Adolescent Romantic Relationships
NCJ 224089, October 2008, NIJ Journal, by Carrie Mulford, Ph.D., Peggy C. Giordano, Ph.D.
Violence & Victimization Research Division's Compendium of Research on Violence Against Women, 1993-2008
NCJ 223572, August 2008, by Leora N. Rosen, Ph.D., Jocelyn Fontaine, M.S., Nicole D. Gaskin-Laniyan, Ph.D., Candice Price, Karen J. Bachar, M.A., MPH
Summary | PDF(Part A) | PDF(Part B) | PDF(Part C) | PDF(Part D) | PDF(Part E) | PDF(Part F) | PDF(Part G) | PDF(Grants Index) | PDF(Part H) | PDF(Title) | PDF(Table of Contents) | PDF(Full Document)
Domestic Violence Cases: What Research Shows About Arrest and Dual Arrest Rates
NCJ 222679, July 2008, by David Hirschel
Summary | PDF | HTML
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: What Do We Know and What Do We Do About It?
NCJ 215733, December 2007, NIJ Report, by Jay Albanese
Summary | PDF
Hate Crime in America: The Debate Continues
NCJ 218259, June 2007, NIJ Journal, by Michael Shively Ph.D., Carrie F. Mulford Ph.D.
Study Reveals Unique Issues Faced by Deaf Victims of Sexual Assault
NCJ 218262, June 2007, NIJ Journal, by Lauren R. Taylor, Nicole Gaskin-Laniyan Ph.D.
Sexual Assault in Abusive Relationships
NCJ 216525, January 2007, NIJ Journal, by Lauren R. Taylor, Nicole Gaskin-Laniyan
Has Rape Reporting Increased Over Time?
NCJ 214118, July 2006, NIJ Journal, by Lauren R. Taylor
Extent, Nature, and Consequences of Rape Victimization: Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey
NCJ 210346, January 2006, Special Report, by Patricia Tjaden, Nancy Thoennes
Summary | PDF
Sexual Assault on Campus: What Colleges and Universities Are Doing About It
NCJ 205521, December 2005, Research for Practice, by Heather M. Karjane, Bonnie S. Fisher, Francis T. Cullen
Summary | PDF
Violence Against Women: Identifying Risk Factors, Research in Brief
NCJ 197019, November 2004, Research in Brief, by National Institute of Justice
Summary | PDF
Youth Victimization: Prevalence and Implications, Research in Brief
NCJ 194972, April 2003, Research in Brief, by Dean G. Kilpatrick, Benjamin E. Saunders, Daniel W. Smith
Summary | PDF
Sexual Victimization of College Women
NCJ 182369, December 2001, Research Report, by Bonnie S. Fischer, Francis T. Cullen, Michael G. Turner
Summary | PDF | Text
The Changing Boundaries of the Criminal Justice System: Redefining the Problem and the Response in Domestic Violence
NCJ 185525, 2000, by Alissa P. Worden, Criminal Justice 2000, Volume 2: Boundary Changes in Criminal Justice Organizations
Measuring the Sexual Victimization of Women: Evolution, Current Controversies, and Future Research
NCJ 185543, 2000, by Bonnie S. Fisher, Francis T. Cullen, Criminal Justice 2000, Volume 4: Measurement and Analysis of Crime and Justice
Research on Procedures of Institutions of Higher Education to Report Sexual Assaults
SL 000373, 1999
PDF | Text
Findings About Partner Violence From the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study, Research in Brief
NCJ 170018, July 1999, Research in Brief, by Terrie E. Moffitt, Avshalom E. Caspi
Summary | PDF | Text
Stalking in America: Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey, Research in Brief
NCJ 169592, 1998, Research in Brief, by Patricia Tjaden, Nancy Thoennes
PDF | Text
Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences of Violence Against Women: Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey, Research in Brief
NCJ 172837, November 1998, Research in Brief, by Patricia Tjaden, Nancy Thoennes
Summary | PDF | Text
Juvenile Gun Violence and Gun Markets in Boston
NCJ 160766, 1997, Research Preview, by Jeremy Travis, Director
Summary | PDF | Text
Partner Violence Among Young Adults
FS 000167, 1997
PDF | Text
Violence Among Middle School and High School Students: Analysis and Implications for Prevention, Research in Brief
NCJ 166363, December 1997, Research in Brief, by Daniel Lockwood
Summary | PDF | Text
Drugs, Alcohol, and Domestic Violence in Memphis
FS 000172, October 1997, Research Preview, by Daniel Brookoff
Summary | PDF | Text
Coordinating Criminal and Juvenile Court Proceedings in Child Maltreatment Cases
NCJ 184346, October 1996, Research Preview, by Debra Whitcomb, Mark Hardin
Summary | PDF | Text
Youth Violence, Guns, and Illicit Drug Markets
NCJ 152235, June 1996, Research Preview, by Alfred Blumstein
Summary | PDF | Text
Extent and Costs of Crime Victimization: A New Look
NCJ 184372, January 1996, Research Preview, by Ted R. Miller, Mark A. Cohen, Brian Wiersema
Summary | PDF | Text
Weapon-Related Victimization in Selected Inner-City High School Samples
NCJ 151526, 1994, by Z T. McGee, J F. Sheley, J D. Wright

Sponsored by NIJ

Study of the Effects of Intimate Partner Violence on the Workplace
NCJ 227266, May 2009, Grant Report, by Carol A. Reeves, Anne M. O�Leary-Kelly
Intimate Partner Violence: Justice System Response and Public Health Service Utilization in a National Sample
NCJ 226500, March 2009, Grant Report, by Jennifer Grotpeter, Scott Menard, Danielle Gianola
Bruising as a Forensic Marker of Physical Elder Abuse
NCJ 226457, February 2009, Grant Report, by Aileen Wiglesworth, Raciela Austin, Maria Corona, Laura Mosqueda
Step-by-Step Practitioner Toolkit for Evaluating the Work of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Programs in the Criminal Justice System
NCJ 226499, January 2009, Grant Report, by Megan R. Greeson, Rebecca Campbell, Shannon K.E. Kobes
PDF(Final Report) | PDF(Project Summary) | PDF(Tool Kit)
Systems Change Analysis of SANE Programs: Identifying the Mediating Mechanisms of Criminal Justice System Impact
NCJ 226497, January 2009, Grant Report, by Rebecca Campbell, Deborah Bybee, Kevin Ford, Debra Patterson
PDF(Final Report) | PDF(Project Summary) | PDF(Tool Kit)
Systems Change Analysis of SANE Programs: Identifying the Mediating Mechanisms of Criminal Justice System Impact: Project Summary
NCJ 226498, January 2009, Grant Report, by Rebecca Campbell, Deborah Bybee, J. Kevin Ford, Debra Patterson
PDF(Final Report) | PDF(Project Summary) | PDF(Tool Kit)
Meeting Survivors� Needs: A Multi-State Study of Domestic Violence Shelter Experiences, Final Report
NCJ 225025, 2008, Grant Report, by Eleanor Lyon, Shannon Lane, Anne Menard
Meeting Survivors' Needs: A Multi-State Study of Domestic Violence Shelter Experiences, Executive Summary
NCJ 226045, 2008, Grant Report, by Eleanor Lyon, Shannon Lane, Anne Menard
Meeting Survivors' Needs: A Multi-State Study of Domestic Violence Shelter Experiences, Summary of Findings
NCJ 226046, 2008, Grant Report, by Eleanor Lyon, Shannon Lane, Anne Menard
Practical Implications of Current Domestic Violence Research Part I: Law Enforcement
NCJ 222319, 2008, Grant Report, by Andrew R. Klein
Practical Implications of Current Domestic Violence Research Part II: Prosecution
NCJ 222320, 2008, Grant Report, by Andrew R. Klein
Practical Implications of Current Domestic Violence Research Part III: Judges
NCJ 222321, 2008, Grant Report, by Andrew R. Klein
Statewide Profile of Abuse of Older Women and the Criminal Justice Response: Final Report
NCJ 222459, 2008, Grant Report, by Andrew Klein, Terri Tobin, Amy Salomon, Janice Dubois
Statewide Profile of Abuse of Older Women and the Criminal Justice Response: Summary
NCJ 222460, 2008, Grant Report, by Andrew Klein, Terri Tobin, Amy Salomon, Janice Dubois
Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women and the Criminal Justice Response: What Is Known
NCJ 223691, 2008, Grant Report, by Ronet Bachman, Heather Zaykowski, Rachel Kallmyer, Margarita Poteyeva, Christina Lanier
Florida Elder Abuse Survey
NCJ 226144, December 2008, Grant Report, by Lawrence Branch
Alaska Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Study
NCJ 224520, October 2008, Grant Report, by Andre B. Rosay, Ph.D., Tara Henry, RN
Sexual Violence: Longitudinal, Multigenerational Evidence from the National Youth Survey
NCJ 223284, May 2008, Grant Report, by Jennifer Grotpeter, Scott Menard, Danielle Gianola, Maura O'Neal
National Elder Mistreatment Study
NCJ 226456, March 2008, Grant Report, by Ron Acierno, Melba Hernandez-Tejada, Wendy Muzzy, Kenneth Steve
Campus Sexual Assault (CSA) Study, Final Report
NCJ 221153, 2007, Grant Report, by Christopher P. Krebs, Christine H. Lindquist, Tara D. Warner, Bonnie S. Fisher, Sandra L. Martin
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Data Resource Center, Final Report
NCJ 221533, 2007, Grant Report, by Lisa Walbolt Wagner
Drug-facilitated, Incapacitated, and Forcible Rape: A National Study
NCJ 219181, 2007, Grant Report, by Dean G. Kilpatrick Ph.D., Heidi S. Resnick Ph.D., Kenneth J. Ruggiero Ph.D., Lauren M. Conoscenti M.A., Jenna McCauley M.S.
Preventing Repeat Incidents of Family Violence: A Randomized Field Test of a Second Responder Program in Redlands, CA
NCJ 219840, 2007, Grant Report, by Robert C. Davis, David Weisburd, Edwin E. Hamilton
Preventing Repeat Incidents of Family Violence: A Randomized Field Test of a Second Responder Program in Redlands, CA--Executive Summary
NCJ 219841, 2007, Grant Report, by Robert C. Davis, David Weisburd, Edwin E. Hamilton
Supplemental Mental Health Treatment For Batterer Program Participants
NCJ 223030, September 2007, Grant Report, by Edward W. Gondolf
Processes of Resistance in Domestic Violence Offenders
NCJ 223620, 2006, Grant Report, by Deborah A. Levesque
Reducing Sexual Revictimization: A Field Test with an Urban Sample
NCJ 216002, 2006, by Robert Davis; Pamela Guthrie; Timothy Ross; Chris O'Sullivan
Testing the Efficacy of SANE/SART Programs: Do They Make a Difference in Sexual Assault Arrest & Prosecution Outcomes?
NCJ 214252, 2006, by M. Elaine Nugent-Borakove, Patricia Fanflik, David Troutman, Nicole Johnson, Ann Burgess, Annie Lewis O'Connor
Preventing Firearms Violence Among Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: An Evaluation of a New North Carolina Law
NCJ 215773, August 2006, by Kathryn Moracco; Kathryn Andersen Clark; Christina Espersen; J. Michael Bowling
Elderly Victims of Sexual Abuse and Their Offenders
NCJ 216550, June 2006, by Ann W. Burgess
Serving Limited English Proficient (LEP) Battered Women: A National Survey of the Courts' Capacity to Provide Protection Orders
NCJ 216072, June 2006, by Brenda K. Uekert Ph.D., Tracy Peters M.A., Wanda Romberger, Margaret Abraham Ph.D., Susan Keilitz J.D.
Supervised and Unsupervised Parental Access in Domestic Violence Cases: Court Orders and Consequences
NCJ 213712, March 2006, by Chris O'Sullivan, Ph.D., Lori King, M.A., Kyla Levin-Russell, B.A., Emily Horowitz Ph.D.
Sexual Assault Among Intimates: Frequency, Consequences and Treatments
NCJ 211678, 2005, by McFarlane, Judith and Malecha, Ann
Development and Validation of a Coercive Control Measure for Intimate Partner Violence: Final Technical Report
NCJ 214438, December 2005, by Mary Ann Dutton, Lisa Goodman, R. James Schmidt
Experience of Violence in the Lives of Homeless Women: A Research Report: Training Manual and Surveys
NCJ 211977, November 2005, by Jana Jasinski, Jennifer Wesely, Elizabeth Mustaine, James Wright
Violence and Victimization: Exploring Women's Histories of Survival
NCJ 214440, November 2005, by Judy Postmus, Margaret Severson
Understanding the Needs of the Victims of Sexual Assault in the Deaf Community
NCJ 212867, October 2005, by Jennifer Obinna, Ph.D., Sarah Krueger, Constance Osterbaan, Ph.D., Jane Sadusky, Wendy DeVore
Ecological Model of Battered Women's Experience over Time, Final Report
NCJ 213713, September 2005, by Mary Ann Dutton, Ph.D., Lisa Goodman, Ph.D., Dorothy Lennig, Esq., Jane Murphy, Esq., Stacey Kaltman, Ph.D.
Experience of Violence in the Lives of Homeless Women: A Research Report
NCJ 211976, September 2005, by Jana L.. Jasinski, Elizabeth Mustaine, Jennifer K.. Wesely, James D.. Wright
Impact Evaluation of Special Session Domestic Violence: Enhanced Advocacy and Interventions, Final Report
NCJ 210362, April 2005, Final Grant Report, by Lyon, Eleanor
Prison Rape: A Critical Review of the Literature, Executive Summary
NCJ 213365, March 2004, Grant Report, by Gerald G. Gaes, Andrew L. Goldberg
Impact Evaluation of a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program
NCJ 203276, 2003, Final Grant Report, by Crandall, Cameron S.; Helitzer, Deborah
Incidence and Prevalence of Domestic Violence Victimization Among Female Arrestees in San Diego County
NCJ 202900, August 2003, Grant Report, by Susan Pennell, Cynthia Burke Ph.D.
Violence Against Immigrant Women and Systemic Responses: An Exploratory Study
NCJ 202561, May 2003, Grant Report, by Edna Erez Ph.D., Nawal Ammar Ph.D.
Violence Against Women: Synthesis of Research for Public Health Policymakers
NCJ 201567, May 2003, Final Grant Report, by Dulli, Lisa; Moracco, Kathryn E.; Runyan, Carol W.
Effects of Welfare on Domestic Violence, Final Report
NCJ 204008, February 2003, Final Grant Report, by Ards, Sheila D.; Myers,, Samuel L.
Analysis of Unexamined Issues in the Intimate Partner Homicide Decline: Race, Quality of Victim Services, Offender Accountability, and System Accountability, Final Report
NCJ 196666, 2002, Final Grant Report, by DeLeon-Granados, William; Wells, William
Domestic Violence Policy: Exploring Impacts on Informing Police, Arresting the Offender, and Deterring Domestic Violence, Final Report
NCJ 196854, 2002, Final Grant Report, by Dugan, Laura
Michigan Study on Women With Physical Disabilities, Executive Summary
NCJ 193815, 2002, Grant Report, by Wayne State University
Longitudinal Study of Battered Women in the System: The Victims' and Decision-Makers' Perceptions, Final Report
NCJ 202946, October 2002, Grant Report, by Joanne Belknap Ph.D., Cris M. Sullivan Ph.D.
Comparative Analysis of Victimization, Fear of Crime, and Social-Order Problems in Elderly-Only and Mixed Population Public Housing, Final Report
NCJ 201494, August 2002, Grant Report, by Dennis W. Roncek Ph.D.
Comparative Analysis of Victimization, Fear of Crime, and Social-Order Problems in Elderly-Only and Mixed-Population Public Housing, Executive Summary
NCJ 201493, August 2002, Grant Report, by Dennis W. Roncek Ph.D.
Childhood Victimization and Delinquency, Adult Criminality, and Violent Criminal Behavior: A Replication and Extension, Final Report
NCJ 192291, 2001, Final Grant Report, by Brandford, Carol; English, Diana J.; Widom, Cathy Spatz
Integrative Program of Unknown Suspect Sexual Assault Case Analysis in North Louisiana
NCJ 190679, 2001, Grant Report, by North Louisiana Criminalistics Laboratory
NIJ Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships: Evaluation of Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies for Domestic Violence, Executive Summary
NCJ 187345, 2001, Final Grant Report, by Derman, Debra; Mastrofski, Jennifer A.; Phillips, Elizabeth; Woodling, Gary
Reporting Sexual Assault to the Police in Hawaii, July 2000
NCJ 188264, July 2001, Final Grant Report, by Coyne, Barry J.; Perrone, Paul A.; Ruch, Libby O.
Consolidating Protection Against Ever-Escalating Violation: Case of Prerana's Intervention for Protection of Rights of Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation in India
NCJ 221133, 2000, by Priti Patkar, Pravin Patkar
Medical Records as Legal Evidence of Domestic Violence
NCJ 184530, 2000, by Nancy E. Issac Sc.D., Pualani Enos J.D.
Specialization of Domestic Violence Case Management in the Courts: A National Survey
NCJ 186192, 2000, Final Grant Report, by Keilitz, Susan
Trauma and Drug Recovery for Abuse and Prostitute Survivors in the Criminal Justice System
NCJ 220773, 2000, by Norma Hotaling
Test of the Efficacy of Court-Mandated Counseling for Domestic Violence Offenders: The Broward Experiment
NCJ 184752, June 2000, Final Grant Report, by Feder, Lynette; Forde, David R.
Test of the Efficacy of Court-Mandated Counseling for Domestic Violence Offenders: The Broward Experiment, Executive Summary
NCJ 184631, June 2000, Final Grant Report, by Feder, Lynette; Forde, David R.
Medical Records as Legal Evidence of Domestic Violence, Summary Report
NCJ 184528, May 2000, Grant Report, by Nancy E. Issac Sc.D., Pualani Enos J.D.
Extent and Nature of the Sexual Victimization of College Women: A National-Level Analysis
NCJ 179977, 1999, Final Grant Report, by Cullen, Francis T.; Fisher, Bonnie S.; Turner, Michael G.
Prevalence and Consequences of Child Victimization: Results from the National Survey of Adolescents, Final Report
NCJ 181028, 1997, Final Grant Report, by Kilpatrick, Dean G.; Saunders, Benjamin E.
Violence Against Women Act of 1994: Evaluation of the STOP Block Grants to Combat Violence Against Women
NCJ 162124, 1996, by M Burt

All Publications

Practical Implication of Current Domestic Violence Research: For Law Enforcement, Prosecutors and Judges
NCJ 225722, June 2009, Special Report, by Andrew R. Klein
Summary | PDF | HTML
Study of the Effects of Intimate Partner Violence on the Workplace
NCJ 227266, May 2009, Grant Report, by Carol A. Reeves, Anne M. O�Leary-Kelly
Intimate Partner Violence: Justice System Response and Public Health Service Utilization in a National Sample
NCJ 226500, March 2009, Grant Report, by Jennifer Grotpeter, Scott Menard, Danielle Gianola
Bruising as a Forensic Marker of Physical Elder Abuse
NCJ 226457, February 2009, Grant Report, by Aileen Wiglesworth, Raciela Austin, Maria Corona, Laura Mosqueda
Step-by-Step Practitioner Toolkit for Evaluating the Work of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Programs in the Criminal Justice System
NCJ 226499, January 2009, Grant Report, by Megan R. Greeson, Rebecca Campbell, Shannon K.E. Kobes
PDF(Final Report) | PDF(Project Summary) | PDF(Tool Kit)
Systems Change Analysis of SANE Programs: Identifying the Mediating Mechanisms of Criminal Justice System Impact
NCJ 226497, January 2009, Grant Report, by Rebecca Campbell, Deborah Bybee, Kevin Ford, Debra Patterson
PDF(Final Report) | PDF(Project Summary) | PDF(Tool Kit)
Systems Change Analysis of SANE Programs: Identifying the Mediating Mechanisms of Criminal Justice System Impact: Project Summary
NCJ 226498, January 2009, Grant Report, by Rebecca Campbell, Deborah Bybee, J. Kevin Ford, Debra Patterson
PDF(Final Report) | PDF(Project Summary) | PDF(Tool Kit)
Meeting Survivors� Needs: A Multi-State Study of Domestic Violence Shelter Experiences, Final Report
NCJ 225025, 2008, Grant Report, by Eleanor Lyon, Shannon Lane, Anne Menard
Meeting Survivors' Needs: A Multi-State Study of Domestic Violence Shelter Experiences, Executive Summary
NCJ 226045, 2008, Grant Report, by Eleanor Lyon, Shannon Lane, Anne Menard
Meeting Survivors' Needs: A Multi-State Study of Domestic Violence Shelter Experiences, Summary of Findings
NCJ 226046, 2008, Grant Report, by Eleanor Lyon, Shannon Lane, Anne Menard
Practical Implications of Current Domestic Violence Research Part I: Law Enforcement
NCJ 222319, 2008, Grant Report, by Andrew R. Klein
Practical Implications of Current Domestic Violence Research Part II: Prosecution
NCJ 222320, 2008, Grant Report, by Andrew R. Klein
Practical Implications of Current Domestic Violence Research Part III: Judges
NCJ 222321, 2008, Grant Report, by Andrew R. Klein
Statewide Profile of Abuse of Older Women and the Criminal Justice Response: Final Report
NCJ 222459, 2008, Grant Report, by Andrew Klein, Terri Tobin, Amy Salomon, Janice Dubois
Statewide Profile of Abuse of Older Women and the Criminal Justice Response: Summary
NCJ 222460, 2008, Grant Report, by Andrew Klein, Terri Tobin, Amy Salomon, Janice Dubois
Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women and the Criminal Justice Response: What Is Known
NCJ 223691, 2008, Grant Report, by Ronet Bachman, Heather Zaykowski, Rachel Kallmyer, Margarita Poteyeva, Christina Lanier
Florida Elder Abuse Survey
NCJ 226144, December 2008, Grant Report, by Lawrence Branch
Alaska Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Study
NCJ 224520, October 2008, Grant Report, by Andre B. Rosay, Ph.D., Tara Henry, RN
Teen Dating Violence: A Closer Look at Adolescent Romantic Relationships
NCJ 224089, October 2008, NIJ Journal, by Carrie Mulford, Ph.D., Peggy C. Giordano, Ph.D.
Violence & Victimization Research Division's Compendium of Research on Violence Against Women, 1993-2008
NCJ 223572, August 2008, by Leora N. Rosen, Ph.D., Jocelyn Fontaine, M.S., Nicole D. Gaskin-Laniyan, Ph.D., Candice Price, Karen J. Bachar, M.A., MPH
Summary | PDF(Part A) | PDF(Part B) | PDF(Part C) | PDF(Part D) | PDF(Part E) | PDF(Part F) | PDF(Part G) | PDF(Grants Index) | PDF(Part H) | PDF(Title) | PDF(Table of Contents) | PDF(Full Document)
Domestic Violence Cases: What Research Shows About Arrest and Dual Arrest Rates
NCJ 222679, July 2008, by David Hirschel
Summary | PDF | HTML
Sexual Violence: Longitudinal, Multigenerational Evidence from the National Youth Survey
NCJ 223284, May 2008, Grant Report, by Jennifer Grotpeter, Scott Menard, Danielle Gianola, Maura O'Neal
National Elder Mistreatment Study
NCJ 226456, March 2008, Grant Report, by Ron Acierno, Melba Hernandez-Tejada, Wendy Muzzy, Kenneth Steve
Campus Sexual Assault (CSA) Study, Final Report
NCJ 221153, 2007, Grant Report, by Christopher P. Krebs, Christine H. Lindquist, Tara D. Warner, Bonnie S. Fisher, Sandra L. Martin
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Data Resource Center, Final Report
NCJ 221533, 2007, Grant Report, by Lisa Walbolt Wagner
Drug-facilitated, Incapacitated, and Forcible Rape: A National Study
NCJ 219181, 2007, Grant Report, by Dean G. Kilpatrick Ph.D., Heidi S. Resnick Ph.D., Kenneth J. Ruggiero Ph.D., Lauren M. Conoscenti M.A., Jenna McCauley M.S.
Preventing Repeat Incidents of Family Violence: A Randomized Field Test of a Second Responder Program in Redlands, CA
NCJ 219840, 2007, Grant Report, by Robert C. Davis, David Weisburd, Edwin E. Hamilton
Preventing Repeat Incidents of Family Violence: A Randomized Field Test of a Second Responder Program in Redlands, CA--Executive Summary
NCJ 219841, 2007, Grant Report, by Robert C. Davis, David Weisburd, Edwin E. Hamilton
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: What Do We Know and What Do We Do About It?
NCJ 215733, December 2007, NIJ Report, by Jay Albanese
Summary | PDF
Supplemental Mental Health Treatment For Batterer Program Participants
NCJ 223030, September 2007, Grant Report, by Edward W. Gondolf
Hate Crime in America: The Debate Continues
NCJ 218259, June 2007, NIJ Journal, by Michael Shively Ph.D., Carrie F. Mulford Ph.D.
Study Reveals Unique Issues Faced by Deaf Victims of Sexual Assault
NCJ 218262, June 2007, NIJ Journal, by Lauren R. Taylor, Nicole Gaskin-Laniyan Ph.D.
Sexual Assault in Abusive Relationships
NCJ 216525, January 2007, NIJ Journal, by Lauren R. Taylor, Nicole Gaskin-Laniyan
Processes of Resistance in Domestic Violence Offenders
NCJ 223620, 2006, Grant Report, by Deborah A. Levesque
Reducing Sexual Revictimization: A Field Test with an Urban Sample
NCJ 216002, 2006, by Robert Davis; Pamela Guthrie; Timothy Ross; Chris O'Sullivan
Testing the Efficacy of SANE/SART Programs: Do They Make a Difference in Sexual Assault Arrest & Prosecution Outcomes?
NCJ 214252, 2006, by M. Elaine Nugent-Borakove, Patricia Fanflik, David Troutman, Nicole Johnson, Ann Burgess, Annie Lewis O'Connor
Preventing Firearms Violence Among Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: An Evaluation of a New North Carolina Law
NCJ 215773, August 2006, by Kathryn Moracco; Kathryn Andersen Clark; Christina Espersen; J. Michael Bowling
Has Rape Reporting Increased Over Time?
NCJ 214118, July 2006, NIJ Journal, by Lauren R. Taylor
Elderly Victims of Sexual Abuse and Their Offenders
NCJ 216550, June 2006, by Ann W. Burgess
Serving Limited English Proficient (LEP) Battered Women: A National Survey of the Courts' Capacity to Provide Protection Orders
NCJ 216072, June 2006, by Brenda K. Uekert Ph.D., Tracy Peters M.A., Wanda Romberger, Margaret Abraham Ph.D., Susan Keilitz J.D.
Supervised and Unsupervised Parental Access in Domestic Violence Cases: Court Orders and Consequences
NCJ 213712, March 2006, by Chris O'Sullivan, Ph.D., Lori King, M.A., Kyla Levin-Russell, B.A., Emily Horowitz Ph.D.
Extent, Nature, and Consequences of Rape Victimization: Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey
NCJ 210346, January 2006, Special Report, by Patricia Tjaden, Nancy Thoennes
Summary | PDF
Sexual Assault Among Intimates: Frequency, Consequences and Treatments
NCJ 211678, 2005, by McFarlane, Judith and Malecha, Ann
Development and Validation of a Coercive Control Measure for Intimate Partner Violence: Final Technical Report
NCJ 214438, December 2005, by Mary Ann Dutton, Lisa Goodman, R. James Schmidt
Sexual Assault on Campus: What Colleges and Universities Are Doing About It
NCJ 205521, December 2005, Research for Practice, by Heather M. Karjane, Bonnie S. Fisher, Francis T. Cullen
Summary | PDF
Experience of Violence in the Lives of Homeless Women: A Research Report: Training Manual and Surveys
NCJ 211977, November 2005, by Jana Jasinski, Jennifer Wesely, Elizabeth Mustaine, James Wright
Violence and Victimization: Exploring Women's Histories of Survival
NCJ 214440, November 2005, by Judy Postmus, Margaret Severson
Understanding the Needs of the Victims of Sexual Assault in the Deaf Community
NCJ 212867, October 2005, by Jennifer Obinna, Ph.D., Sarah Krueger, Constance Osterbaan, Ph.D., Jane Sadusky, Wendy DeVore
Ecological Model of Battered Women's Experience over Time, Final Report
NCJ 213713, September 2005, by Mary Ann Dutton, Ph.D., Lisa Goodman, Ph.D., Dorothy Lennig, Esq., Jane Murphy, Esq., Stacey Kaltman, Ph.D.
Experience of Violence in the Lives of Homeless Women: A Research Report
NCJ 211976, September 2005, by Jana L.. Jasinski, Elizabeth Mustaine, Jennifer K.. Wesely, James D.. Wright
Impact Evaluation of Special Session Domestic Violence: Enhanced Advocacy and Interventions, Final Report
NCJ 210362, April 2005, Final Grant Report, by Lyon, Eleanor
Violence Against Women: Identifying Risk Factors, Research in Brief
NCJ 197019, November 2004, Research in Brief, by National Institute of Justice
Summary | PDF
Prison Rape: A Critical Review of the Literature, Executive Summary
NCJ 213365, March 2004, Grant Report, by Gerald G. Gaes, Andrew L. Goldberg
Impact Evaluation of a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program
NCJ 203276, 2003, Final Grant Report, by Crandall, Cameron S.; Helitzer, Deborah
Incidence and Prevalence of Domestic Violence Victimization Among Female Arrestees in San Diego County
NCJ 202900, August 2003, Grant Report, by Susan Pennell, Cynthia Burke Ph.D.
Violence Against Immigrant Women and Systemic Responses: An Exploratory Study
NCJ 202561, May 2003, Grant Report, by Edna Erez Ph.D., Nawal Ammar Ph.D.
Violence Against Women: Synthesis of Research for Public Health Policymakers
NCJ 201567, May 2003, Final Grant Report, by Dulli, Lisa; Moracco, Kathryn E.; Runyan, Carol W.
Youth Victimization: Prevalence and Implications, Research in Brief
NCJ 194972, April 2003, Research in Brief, by Dean G. Kilpatrick, Benjamin E. Saunders, Daniel W. Smith
Summary | PDF
Effects of Welfare on Domestic Violence, Final Report
NCJ 204008, February 2003, Final Grant Report, by Ards, Sheila D.; Myers,, Samuel L.
Analysis of Unexamined Issues in the Intimate Partner Homicide Decline: Race, Quality of Victim Services, Offender Accountability, and System Accountability, Final Report
NCJ 196666, 2002, Final Grant Report, by DeLeon-Granados, William; Wells, William
Domestic Violence Policy: Exploring Impacts on Informing Police, Arresting the Offender, and Deterring Domestic Violence, Final Report
NCJ 196854, 2002, Final Grant Report, by Dugan, Laura
Michigan Study on Women With Physical Disabilities, Executive Summary
NCJ 193815, 2002, Grant Report, by Wayne State University
Longitudinal Study of Battered Women in the System: The Victims' and Decision-Makers' Perceptions, Final Report
NCJ 202946, October 2002, Grant Report, by Joanne Belknap Ph.D., Cris M. Sullivan Ph.D.
Comparative Analysis of Victimization, Fear of Crime, and Social-Order Problems in Elderly-Only and Mixed Population Public Housing, Final Report
NCJ 201494, August 2002, Grant Report, by Dennis W. Roncek Ph.D.
Comparative Analysis of Victimization, Fear of Crime, and Social-Order Problems in Elderly-Only and Mixed-Population Public Housing, Executive Summary
NCJ 201493, August 2002, Grant Report, by Dennis W. Roncek Ph.D.
Childhood Victimization and Delinquency, Adult Criminality, and Violent Criminal Behavior: A Replication and Extension, Final Report
NCJ 192291, 2001, Final Grant Report, by Brandford, Carol; English, Diana J.; Widom, Cathy Spatz
Integrative Program of Unknown Suspect Sexual Assault Case Analysis in North Louisiana
NCJ 190679, 2001, Grant Report, by North Louisiana Criminalistics Laboratory
NIJ Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships: Evaluation of Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies for Domestic Violence, Executive Summary
NCJ 187345, 2001, Final Grant Report, by Derman, Debra; Mastrofski, Jennifer A.; Phillips, Elizabeth; Woodling, Gary
Sexual Victimization of College Women
NCJ 182369, December 2001, Research Report, by Bonnie S. Fischer, Francis T. Cullen, Michael G. Turner
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Reporting Sexual Assault to the Police in Hawaii, July 2000
NCJ 188264, July 2001, Final Grant Report, by Coyne, Barry J.; Perrone, Paul A.; Ruch, Libby O.
The Changing Boundaries of the Criminal Justice System: Redefining the Problem and the Response in Domestic Violence
NCJ 185525, 2000, by Alissa P. Worden, Criminal Justice 2000, Volume 2: Boundary Changes in Criminal Justice Organizations
Consolidating Protection Against Ever-Escalating Violation: Case of Prerana's Intervention for Protection of Rights of Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation in India
NCJ 221133, 2000, by Priti Patkar, Pravin Patkar
Measuring the Sexual Victimization of Women: Evolution, Current Controversies, and Future Research
NCJ 185543, 2000, by Bonnie S. Fisher, Francis T. Cullen, Criminal Justice 2000, Volume 4: Measurement and Analysis of Crime and Justice
Medical Records as Legal Evidence of Domestic Violence
NCJ 184530, 2000, by Nancy E. Issac Sc.D., Pualani Enos J.D.
Specialization of Domestic Violence Case Management in the Courts: A National Survey
NCJ 186192, 2000, Final Grant Report, by Keilitz, Susan
Trauma and Drug Recovery for Abuse and Prostitute Survivors in the Criminal Justice System
NCJ 220773, 2000, by Norma Hotaling
Test of the Efficacy of Court-Mandated Counseling for Domestic Violence Offenders: The Broward Experiment
NCJ 184752, June 2000, Final Grant Report, by Feder, Lynette; Forde, David R.
Test of the Efficacy of Court-Mandated Counseling for Domestic Violence Offenders: The Broward Experiment, Executive Summary
NCJ 184631, June 2000, Final Grant Report, by Feder, Lynette; Forde, David R.
Medical Records as Legal Evidence of Domestic Violence, Summary Report
NCJ 184528, May 2000, Grant Report, by Nancy E. Issac Sc.D., Pualani Enos J.D.
Extent and Nature of the Sexual Victimization of College Women: A National-Level Analysis
NCJ 179977, 1999, Final Grant Report, by Cullen, Francis T.; Fisher, Bonnie S.; Turner, Michael G.
Research on Procedures of Institutions of Higher Education to Report Sexual Assaults
SL 000373, 1999
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Findings About Partner Violence From the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study, Research in Brief
NCJ 170018, July 1999, Research in Brief, by Terrie E. Moffitt, Avshalom E. Caspi
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Stalking in America: Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey, Research in Brief
NCJ 169592, 1998, Research in Brief, by Patricia Tjaden, Nancy Thoennes
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Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences of Violence Against Women: Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey, Research in Brief
NCJ 172837, November 1998, Research in Brief, by Patricia Tjaden, Nancy Thoennes
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Juvenile Gun Violence and Gun Markets in Boston
NCJ 160766, 1997, Research Preview, by Jeremy Travis, Director
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Partner Violence Among Young Adults
FS 000167, 1997
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Prevalence and Consequences of Child Victimization: Results from the National Survey of Adolescents, Final Report
NCJ 181028, 1997, Final Grant Report, by Kilpatrick, Dean G.; Saunders, Benjamin E.
Violence Among Middle School and High School Students: Analysis and Implications for Prevention, Research in Brief
NCJ 166363, December 1997, Research in Brief, by Daniel Lockwood
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Drugs, Alcohol, and Domestic Violence in Memphis
FS 000172, October 1997, Research Preview, by Daniel Brookoff
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Violence Against Women Act of 1994: Evaluation of the STOP Block Grants to Combat Violence Against Women
NCJ 162124, 1996, by M Burt
Coordinating Criminal and Juvenile Court Proceedings in Child Maltreatment Cases
NCJ 184346, October 1996, Research Preview, by Debra Whitcomb, Mark Hardin
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Youth Violence, Guns, and Illicit Drug Markets
NCJ 152235, June 1996, Research Preview, by Alfred Blumstein
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Extent and Costs of Crime Victimization: A New Look
NCJ 184372, January 1996, Research Preview, by Ted R. Miller, Mark A. Cohen, Brian Wiersema
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Weapon-Related Victimization in Selected Inner-City High School Samples
NCJ 151526, 1994, by Z T. McGee, J F. Sheley, J D. Wright