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Department of Transportation
North Dakota

Transportation Workshop Information

Transportation Workshops held across North Dakota

Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, an independent research and education center at North Dakota State University, conducted a series of regional workshops across North Dakota in March and April 2008.

Camper in North Dakota Badlands

Each workshop provided attendees with factual information concerning the condition of North Dakota's transportation system and funding realities. Participants were given an opportunity to voice their opinions concerning current and future system and program needs and funding options. Participants were also encouraged to become more directly involved in future decision-making processes at the local, state, and federal level.

Over 500 North Dakota residents attended the workshops. Listed below are the presentations provided at the regional workshops.

Regional Workshops Presentations:

Goals and Outcomes Mobility in our Socioeconomic System pdf file
(537K) – Gene Griffin
Generating Public Involvement in Transportation pdf file
(3993K) – Jon Mielke
Generating Public Involvement in Transportation pdf file
(211K)– Alan Dybing
Federal Funding for Roads, Bridges, Transit pdf file
(544K)– Kathryn Harrington-Hughes
State & Local Funding and Planning Processes pdf file
(2972K) – Gary Berreth

Statewide Conference Presentations

After the regional workshops were completed a statewide conference called, “Is Transportation Important to You?” was held on May 1st in Mandan to summarize information discussed throughout the state.  Listed below are the presentations provided at the statewide conference:

Overview of Local Workshops & Presentation Highlights pdf file
(1419K) – Jon Mielke
Summary of Workshop Participant's Concerns and Solutions pdf file
(517K) – Jim Caron
Workshop Luncheon Discussion Summary pdf file
(66K) – Jim Caron
Questionnaire Results Summary pdf file
(19K) – Jim Caron
Infrastructure Needs Assessment pdf file
(137K) – Alan Dybing
Workshop Findings & Participant Suggestions pdf file
(148K)– Jon Mielke
Annual Needs, Available Funding, & Projected Shortfalls pdf file
(621K)– Grant Levi
Managing Major Needs pdf file
(392K)– Gene Griffin
ND Association of Counties Proposal
NDAC Whitepaper - Highway/Transit Funding pdf file
NDAC Proposed Formula pdf file
(Excel, 14K)
Panelist Presentations
Francis Ziegler - ND Department of Transportation pdf file
Pete Red Tomahawk - Standing Rock Sioux Tribe pdf file
Linda Wright - ND Department of Human Services pdf file
Rodney Ness - ND Association of Counties pdf file
James Moench - ND Disabilities Advocacy Consortium pdf file

If you have questions or need more information about the transportation workshops and statewide conference please contact dot@nd.gov

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