California Department of Transportation


Caltrans Most Requested Manuals



Bridge Deck Construction Manual
Construction Manual
Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual (PDF)
Falsework Manual
Flagging Instruction Handbook (May 2007)
Foundation Manual
Manual for Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Asphalt Concrete
Prestress Manual
Storm Water Quality Manuals and Handbooks
SWPPP and WPCP Manual (PDF) SWPPP/WPCP Templates
Trenching and Shoring Manual


Highway Design Manual
Plans Preparation Manual
Project Development Procedures Manual (PDPM)
Project Development Workflow Tasks (PDWT)

Standard Plans and Specifications

Engineering Services

Element Inspection
Plans Preparation Manual
Service Directory
Structural Detailing Standards

Engineering Services - Bridge Manuals

Bridge Design Aids
Bridge Design Details
Bridge Design Practice
Bridge Design Specifications
Bridge Memo To Designers
Bridge Standard Detail Sheets (XS Sheets)
Reference Sheets
Seismic Design Criteria
Structural Detailing Standards
Service Directory
Element Inspection
Bridge Strudl Manual
Bridge Computer Manual

Engineering Services - Office of Special Funded Projects

OSFP Information and Procedures Guide

Engineering Services - Structure Construction

Bridge Deck Construction Manual
Falsework Manual
Foundation Manual
Prestress Manual
Trenching and Shoring Manual
Bridge Construction Records and Procedures Manual, Volume I (8/31/07)
Bridge Construction Records and Procedures Manual, Volume II (8/31/07)


Standard Environmental Reference - includes
   Guidelines for Preparation of the Preliminary Environmental Analysis Report.
   Environmental Handbooks

Health and Safety

Safety Manual

Local Assistance

Publications for Local Assistance CD
Local Assistance Procedures Manual
Local Assistance Guidelines
Sample Boiler Plate, Contract Documents


The Maintenance Manual all chapters of Volume 1 in PDF Format
Chain Control Placement Chart (PDF)

Project Management

Project Communication Handbook, 2nd ed., September 2007pdf
Project Management Handbook, 5th ed., October 2007 pdf
Project Risk Management Handbook, 2nd ed., May 2007 pdf
Guide to the Project Delivery Workplan Standards, release 9.1, July 1, 2007 (Word - 2.2 mb, pdf - 799 kb)
    Appendix D only (Excel)
    Appendix D Outline only (Excel)
    Milestones (Excel)

Right of Way and Land Surveys

Right of Way Manual
Other Right of Way Publications
Surveys Manual

Traffic Operations

Flagging Instruction Handbook (May 2007)
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
HOV Guidelines
Manual of Traffic Controls for Maintenance and Work Zones
School Area Pedestrian Safety

Traffic Operations - Permits

Transportation Permits Manual
Encroachment Permits Manual

Transportation System Information

Highway Performance Monitoring System Manual and Workbook (PDF)


Local Assistance Forms
State Application for Employment
Adopt-A-Highway permit application (PDF)
Traffic Operations Forms and Accompaniments

Construction Forms Appendix A