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Posted on Fri, August 07, 2009 - 11:05:11

Eric in New Mexico writes:

Dear Mr. Carson

This post was in slightly different context, but I'm curious whether you think my observation on democratic evolution…

From the entry 'Travel Diary: Coming Back to Kenya'.

Posted on Fri, August 07, 2009 - 9:25:02

Eric in New Mexico writes:

@ Trevor in SA, Don't believe everything you think.

"Food soveregnity" doesn't matter to those without enough to eat, and only a global…

From the entry 'What Steps Can the U.S. Take To Support Sustainable Growth in Africa?'.

Posted on Thu, August 06, 2009 - 8:14:19

Trevor W. in South Africa writes:

I refer to my previous postings.

I know that the looney right who believe a nuclear war is winnable are putting pressure on the…

From the entry 'What Steps Can the U.S. Take To Support Sustainable Growth in Africa?'.

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