California Recovery Task Force


Color Pencils

California will receive Recovery Act funds to bolster our state’s schools and universities so California’s future workforce can receive the best education to succeed in and strengthen our state and nation’s economy. These funds will protect education funding and important preparatory programs such as Head Start and Work Study, as well as help prevent the layoffs of educators and other school employees. Recovery money will also go to help improve performance in struggling schools, further development of data bases that will accurately manage and analyze individual student data and improve teacher preparation and recruitment.

Governor Schwarzenegger made California the first in the nation to tap into education Recovery Act funds and has made education a top priority in his administration. He has funded education to the highest levels in state history and reversed the chronic underfunding of Career Technical Education (CTE).  

California Education Stimulus Map

Education Stimulus Map
Click map above to see more details


Allocation of Education Funds

Education Histogram

NOTE: The above dollar amounts are in millions
The above histogram depicts a snapshot of the distribution of federal recovery funds allocated to the state of California as of 06/30/09. The actual dollar amounts will vary as recovery dollars move from an estimate by the Federal Government to the actual amount awarded to California and eventually made available to the various programs and finally spent by those programs.


Education Funds Distribution

Program ARRA Funding1 California Estimated to Receive2 Federally Awarded to Entities in California3 Available to Entities in California4 Paid to Entities in California5
State Fiscal Stabilization Fund--State Allocations--Restoration of K-12 & CSU/UC $39,524.1 $5,969.3 $3,266.6 $3,102.0 $2,141.0
Title I--Grants to LEAs and 13,000.0 1,597.2 562.5 562.5 450.3
Title IV, Part A (Higher Education Act) "Pell Grants" 15,640.0 1,564.0 930.5 - -
IDEA--Part B - Special Education Grants 11,300.0 1,226.9 613.5 613.5 230.6
Child Care and Development Block Grant 2,000.0 222.0 220.3 220.3 -
Early Head Start Funds 1,100.0 110.0 58.9 - -
Title II--Education Technology 650.0 74.2 70.8 - -
IDEA--Part C - SPED Infants and Toddlers 500.0 53.2 53.2 53.2 -
IDEA--EHA B Preschool 400.0 40.0 20.5 20.5 14.8
Statewide Data Systems 250.0 25.0 - - -
Title V - Innovation and Improvement 200.0 20.0 - - -
Title IV, Part C (Higher Education Act) "Work-Study" 200.0 20.0 20.7 - -
Head Start Expansion 199.6 20.0 12.0 - -
Head Start Cost-of-Living Increase 122.0 12.0 - - -
National School Lunch Program Equipment 100.0 10.0 12.9 12.9 -
Title IX - Impact Aid 100.0 10.0 1.4 - -
Teacher Quality (Partnership Grant) Enhancement 100.0 10.0 - - -
Title VII - McKinney -Vento Homeless "school improvement programs" 70.0 7.0 13.8 13.8 -
Student Aid Administration 60.0 6.0 - - -
State Fiscal Stabilization Fund--Outlying Areas (Guam, American Samoa, etc.) 268.0 - - - -
State Fiscal Stabilization Fund--Administration and Oversight - US Secretary of Education 14.0 - - - -
State Fiscal Stabilization Fund--Incentive Grants (also known as "Race to the Top") 4,350.0 - - - -
State Fiscal Stabilization Fund--Innovation Fund (also known as "Invest in What Works and Innovation") 650.0 - - - -
Tax Credit Bonds for Schools 22,000.0 - 1,355.0 - 581.9
Head Start State Advisory Councils - - - - -
Head Start Quality Improvement Funding - - - - -
Head Start Training and Technical Assistance - - - - -
School Improvement (Targeted Grant, Finance Incentive Grant, and School Improvement Grant) - - 346.4 346.4 -
Total $112,797.7 $10,996.8 $7,559.0 $4,945.1 $3,418.6

NOTE: The above dollar amounts are in millions
1 ARRA Funding: Total funds available in the ARRA
2 CA Estimate: Estimate of what California expects to receive
3 Awarded to CA: Funds that have been officially awarded to California through funding notifications and press releases
4 Available to CA: A binding agreement that requires the government to make payments immediately or in the future
5 Paid out to CA: Cash (currency, checks, or electronic fund transfers) or debt instruments (bonds, debentures, notes, or monetary credits) used to pay obligations

Excel Education Funding Details Spreadsheet
Created: 06/30/09


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Latest News

Schools Receive First Allocations Of $2.56 Billion In Fiscal Stabilization Funds

Gov. Schwarzenegger Announces Education Recovery Act Dollars Available to California Schools

California is the First State in Nation to Receive Education Recovery Act Dollars

Governor's Action Makes California Among First in the Nation to Tap Into Recovery Education Funds

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U.S. Treasury Releases Guidance on Recovery Act-Created Build America Bonds and School Bonds

The U.S. Department of Education Today Announced Guidelines For $44 Billion In Recovery Act Funds For Education Reforms And Teaching Jobs.

(Read previous updates)


Related Documents

PDF SFSF Initial Application - 4/9/2009
PDF SFSF Approved Application - 4/17/2009
PDF SFSF Amendments - 5/15/2009
PDF Readiness Review - Governor's Office of Planning and Research