California Recovery Task Force

California Recovery Task Force

On March 26, 2009, Governor Schwarzenegger announced the creation of the California Recovery Task Force. The Task Force is charged with tracking the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding coming into the state; working with President Barack Obama’s administration; helping cities, counties, non-profits, and others access the available funding; ensuring that the funding funneled through the state is spent efficiently and effectively; and maintaining a Web site that is frequently and thoroughly updated for Californians to be able to track the stimulus dollars. In order to promote state policies and priorities, provide accountability and make sure that ARRA funds are used as intended, the California Recovery Task Force has developed the following goals to guide California’s recovery processes and effort.


Goal One: Promote California’s Long Term Economic Recovery through Strategic Implementation of ARRA Funds.

Action 1.1 Encourage collaboration among state government, local governments and stakeholders to promote alignment of ARRA funding for strategic and sustainable program priorities consistent with Federal ARRA goals.

Action 1.2 Focus ARRA funds on the recovery of economically distressed areas.

Action 1.3 Encourage full participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, including small business and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise’s (DVBE).

Action 1.4 Leverage partnerships to pursue maximum ARRA funding for California’s people, services and infrastructure to create a long term benefit to California’s economy.

Action 1.5 Increase economic efficiency and improve processes in a manner that spurs improvements to the state’s science, health, and infrastructure technologies.

Goal Two: Promote Transparency, Accountability and Efficiency

Action 2.1 Facilitate recipient actions to expedite deployment of ARRA funds into California’s economy while preventing waste and project cost overruns.

Action 2.2 Inform the public about the progress, use and impact of ARRA funds.

Action 2.3 Emphasize accountability over ARRA funds, projects, and data quality through transparent reporting and access to data.

Action 2.4 Promote awareness and provide education and training to recipients on appropriate reporting methods and uses of ARRA funds. Provide guidance and technical assistance to recipients as needed.

Action 2.5 Promote fair and open competition in all ARRA contracting activities.

California Recovery Task Force Members

Task Force Member Area of Responsibility Agency
Cynthia Bryant Director Deputy Chief of Staff to the Governor and Director of the Governor’s Office of Planning & Research
Ana Matosantos Deputy Coordinator Chief Deputy Director of the Department of Finance
Fred Klass Deputy for Accountability Chief Operating Officer of the Department of Finance
Teri Takai Deputy for Information & Transparency and Broadband Representative Chief Information Officer
Luis Portillo Public Liaison Director of the Governor’s Constituent Affairs office
Jeffrey M. Barker Communications Director Chief Deputy Director of Communications to the Governor
Joe Munso Health and Human Services/ Health IT Undersecretary of the Health & Human Services Agency
Will Kempton Transportation Director of Caltrans
Lynn Jacobs Housing Director of the Housing & Community Development
Todd Ferrara Energy Deputy Secretary Resources Agency
Patty Zwarts Environment and Water Quality Deputy Secretary of Cal-EPA
Tracy Arnold General Government Governor’s Director for Jobs & Economic Growth
Kathy Gaither Education Undersecretary of the Office of Secretary of Education
Jaime Fall Labor Secretary of Workforce and Development

The Task Force is supported by the following staff:
  • Jennifer Grutzius, Chief of Staff
  • Camille Anderson, Press and Communications
  • Mario Rodriguez, Data Quality Advisor
  • Katy McKenzie, Operations Manager
  • Josh Rosa, Policy and Legislative Advisor
  • Lisa Negri, Accountability Advisor

Contact the Recovery Task Force directly for more information.