United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs


Program   Definitions

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Case Manager (CM)

A Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Service (VR&E) rehabilitation professional employee or contractor responsible for oversight of all services provided to a VR&E program participant. The CM provides direct services in those areas in which he or she has expertise and monitors others that may provide supportive or ancillary services.

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Chapter 31

The Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) Program is authorized by Congress under Title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 31. It is sometimes referred to as the Chapter 31 program.

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Employment Handicap (EH)

an impairment of a veteran's ability to prepare for, obtain or retain employment consistent with his or her abilities, aptitudes and interests. The impairment must result in substantial part from a service-connected disability. For veterans within the 12 year basic period of eligibility and rated at 20 percent or more, a finding of employment handicap results in entitlement to VR&E services.

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A term applied to a veteran who was found entitled for Chapter 31 benefits based on a service-connected disability and an employment handicap.

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Five Track Options   (also see VetSuccess.gov)

Reemployment with Previous Employer

This option is designed for those individuals who wish to return to work with a former employer. Services under this option may include advice about reemployment rights, consultation with the employer, work adjustment services, job accommodations, job modifications, short-term training, licensure and certifications.

Rapid Access to Employment

This option is designed for those veterans who already possess most of the necessary skills to compete for suitable employment opportunities and wish to obtain employment as soon as possible. Services under this option may include short-term training, licensure, certifications, job readiness preparation, resume development, job search assistance, job accommodations, and post-employment follow up

Self Employment

This option is designed for individuals who have limited access to traditional employment, need flexible work schedules, or need a more accommodating work environment due to their disabling conditions or other life circumstances. Services under this option may include analysis of the viability of a business concept, development of a business plan, training in the operation of a small business, marketing and financial assistance, and guidance on obtaining adequate resources to implement the plan.

Employment Through Long Term Services

This option is designed for those individuals who need specialized training and/or education to obtain and maintain suitable employment. Services under this option may include on-the-job training (OJT), apprenticeships, post-secondary education such as college, vocational or technical school, internships, job shadowing, work monitoring, work study, and public-private job partnering.

Independent Living Services

This option is designed for individuals whose disabilities are so severe that they are currently unable to pursue an employment goal. These individuals may need rehabilitation services to live more independently and to increase their potential to return to work. Services under this option may include independent living skills training, assistive technology, services at special rehabilitation facilities, and connection to community-based support services.

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Serious Employment Handicap (SEH)

a significant impairment of a veteran's ability to prepare for, obtain or retain employment consistent with his or her abilities, aptitudes and interests. The SEH must result in substantial part from a service-connected disability. For veterans rated at 10 percent and veterans beyond their 12 year basic period of eligibility, the finding of an SEH is necessary to establish entitlement to VR&E services.

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Service-Connected Disability

A disabling condition that has resulted from or was aggravated by an injury or illness while the veteran was serving on active duty in the military.

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Suitable Employment

work that is within a veteran's physical and emotional capabilities and is consistent with his or her pattern of abilities, aptitudes, and interests.

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Transferable Skills

reasonably developed skills, knowledge, and abilities attained through training and experience (civilian and military) that relate to current employment opportunities in the labor market.

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Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC)

a Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Service rehabilitation professional employee or contractor who provides or coordinates a wide range of rehabilitation services which might include counseling, training, rehabilitation and employment services.

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