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U.S. Time Periods
-1607: Three Worlds Meet (24)
1607-1763: Colonization (25)
1763-1815: Revolution (77)
1801-1861: Expansion (87)
1850-1877: Civil War & Reconstruction (105)
1865-1920: Modern America (119)
1914-1945: World Wars (103)
1945-Present: Contemporary America (56)
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U.S. Time Periods » -1607: Three Worlds Meet
See All 24 Resources
Image of map, plotting the four voyages of Columbus, 1492-1503.

American Journeys provides eyewitness accounts of North American exploration, from the Vikings in Canada...

Drawing of Juan Bautista de Anza, from a portrait in oil by Fray Orsi in 1774.

Web de Anza is an interactive environment for studying Spain's exploration and colonization of "Alta...

See caption below

The West is an online companion to the 8-part PBS documentary. The site is divided into sections...

'Antonio del Río (fl. 1786-1789).' Ill. by Ricardo Almendáriz. Colección de Estampas Copiadas de las Figuras . . . de Chiapas, una de las del Reyno de Guatemala en la América. Septentrional. [Palenq

Cultures and History of the Americas features 50 highlights from rare books, maps, paintings, and artifacts. The exhibit...

Institute of Museum and Library Services 

Endowment for Humanities 

Endowment for Humanities 

Library of Congress 
  See All 24 -1607: Three Worlds Meet Resources  

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