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U.S. Department of State

  Office of Allowances
  Per Diem Rates
  Allowance Rates
  Standardized Regulations (DSSR)
  General Information
  Quarterly Report Indexes
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Frequently Asked Questions

1. E-Allowances FAQs
2. Post (Cost of Living) Allowance (Also see DSSR Chapter 220)
3. Foreign Transfer Allowance (Also see DSSR Chapter 240)
4. Home Service Transfer Allowance (Also see DSSR Chapter 250)
5. Separate Maintenance Allowance (SMA) (Also see DSSR Chapter 260)
6. Involuntary Separate Maintenance Allowance (ISMA) (Also see DSSR Chapter 260)
7. Transitional Separate Maintenance Allowance (Also see DSSR Chapter 260)
8. Education Allowance (Also see DSSR Chapter 270)
9. Education Supplementary Instruction (Also see DSSR Chapter 276.9)
10. Education Home Study and Private Instruction (Also see DSSR Chapter 277.3)
11. Educational Travel (includes Q&As on combining Educational Travel & R&R) (Also see DSSR Chapter 280 and 3 FAM 3720)
12. Representation Allowances (Also see DSSR Chapter 300)
13. Official Residence Expense (ORE) Allowance (Also see DSSR Chapter 400 and general guidance contained in 03 State 317659).
14. Post Hardship Differential (Also see DSSR Chapter 500)
15. Allowances in Footnote 'n' Countries (Also see DSSR Chapter 500)
16. Evacuation Payments (Also see DSSR Chapter 600
17. Danger Pay (Also see DSSR Chapter 650)
18. Service Need Differential (Difficult to Staff Incentive) (Also see DSSR Chapter 1000)
19. Living Quarters Allowance (Also see DSSR Chapter 130)
20.  Consumable Shipments (Also see 14 FAM 613.7)

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