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Office of the Procurement Executive

The Office of the Procurement Executive provides overall acquisition and federal assistance excellence by:

• Providing management direction and Department-wide leadership and expertise in the areas of acquisition and federal assistance to ensure the timely delivery of quality goods and services that directly results in creating a more secure, democratic, and prosperous world for the benefit of the American people and the international community.

• Creating and implementing strategies to maximize the effectiveness, efficiency, and responsiveness of the contracting and grant making processes through Department-wide leadership in the areas of policy development, training, and support.

• Integrating technology, highly-experienced acquisition staff, and best business practices to offer mission-oriented and cost-effective risk management in the Department’s business areas of acquisition and federal assistance.

• Promoting partnerships with contractors, federal assistance recipients, and the general public by ensuring the transparency of State Department’s procurement processes while maintaining the highest level of public trust, integrity, ethical standards, and compliance with Federal and State Department procurement regulations and policies.

• Fostering innovation in the administration of these functions by collaborating with Department staff and the general public to explore new directions in Federal Government and Department procurement and federal assistance policies and procedures.

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