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U.S. Seeks Confirmation from Iran about Detention of Three Americans
Deputy Spokesman Wood (Aug. 7): "We’re still trying to get – when I say – our protective power is trying to get more information. We have not been able to get that information up until now. We’re working hard to get it, but we’re unable to confirm that the three are in Iran. But we’ve seen many reports, have no reason to doubt the veracity of the reports that they are in Iran. And we just want to see that information – we want to have that information available to us." -Full Text

U.S. Concerned About Detained Iranian American Scholar
Deputy Spokesman Wood (Aug. 4): "We are deeply concerned of reports that Iranian American scholar Kian Tajbakhsh was recently charged by an Iranian court without the benefit of a lawyer. Given that the charges facing Mr. Tajbakhsh are without foundation, we call on Iran's leadership to release Mr. Tajbakhsh without delay. He has played absolutely no role in the election and poses no threat to the Iranian Government or its national security." -Full Text -Video

U.S. Interested in Engagement With Iran
Assistant Secretary Crowley
(Aug. 3):
"We have the offer of engagement because it is in our interest to do so and to clarify Iran's intentions on a range of issues. At the same time, we have sanctions options, both multilaterally, bilaterally, and we'll continue to employ those to demonstrate the determination of the international community that it's Iran has to change course and Iran that has a fundamental change to make." -Full Text -Video