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Posted on Fri, August 07, 2009 - 11:05:11

Eric in New Mexico writes:

Dear Mr. Carson

This post was in slightly different context, but I'm curious whether you think my observation on democratic evolution…

From the entry 'Travel Diary: Coming Back to Kenya'.

Posted on Fri, August 07, 2009 - 9:25:02

Eric in New Mexico writes:

@ Trevor in SA, Don't believe everything you think.

"Food soveregnity" doesn't matter to those without enough to eat, and only a global…

From the entry 'What Steps Can the U.S. Take To Support Sustainable Growth in Africa?'.

Posted on Thu, August 06, 2009 - 8:14:19

Trevor W. in South Africa writes:

I refer to my previous postings.

I know that the looney right who believe a nuclear war is winnable are putting pressure on the…

From the entry 'What Steps Can the U.S. Take To Support Sustainable Growth in Africa?'.

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Travel Diary: U.S. Efforts To Influence Zimbabwe’s Leadership
Posted by: DipNote Bloggers

Interactive Travel Map | Text the Secretary | Behind the Scenes Photos

Follwing a meeting with South African Foreign Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane today in Pretoria, South Africa, Secretary Clinton made

Travel Diary: Behind the Scenes With Secretary Clinton in Kenya
Posted by: DipNote Bloggers

Interactive Travel Map | Text the Secretary | Behind the Scenes Photos

This video contains snapshots of what it is like to travel with Secretary Clinton.

In this video, the travel team arrives in Nairobi, Kenya…

What Steps Can the U.S. Take To Support Sustainable Growth in Africa?
Posted by: DipNote Bloggers

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will begin a seven-nation
trip to Africa at the 8th U.S. – Sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum (known as the AGOA Forum) in Nairobi, Kenya. This trip will highlight the Obama administration’s commitment to making Africa a priority and will be the earliest in any U.S.…

Travel Diary: U.S. Support for Somalia and Its People
Posted by: DipNote Bloggers

Interactive Travel Map | Text the Secretary | Behind the Scenes Photos

Secretary Clinton met with Somali President Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed today in Nairobi, Kenya. Following their meeting, Secretary Clinton said:

Travel Diary: Nairobi Ceremony Commemorates Victims of Embassy Bombing
Posted by: DipNote Bloggers

Interactive Travel Map | Text the Secretary | Behind the Scenes Photos

Today, U.S. and Kenyan officials remembered the victims of the 1998 Embassy Bombings.

Secretary Clinton, with the help of survivors, placed…

Travel Diary: U.S. Committed to Africa’s Future
Posted by: DipNote Bloggers

Interactive Travel Map | Text the Secretary | Behind the Scenes Photos

Today, Secretary Clinton delivered remarks at the 8th Forum of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).

This morning, Secretary Clinton…

Travel Diary: African Presidents Welcome U.S. Call for Partnership
Posted by: DipNote Bloggers

Interactive Travel Map | Text the Secretary | Behind the Scenes Photos

Secretary Clinton champions partnerships during her trip to Africa.

U.S. Journalists Released From North Korea
Posted by: DipNote Bloggers

During a press availability today in Nairobi, Kenya, Secretary Clinton
spoke about the release of two journalists from North Korea. Secretary Clinton said:

"We have been working hard on the release of the two journalists. We have always considered that a totally separate issue from our efforts to reengage the North Koreans and have them return to the Six-Party Talks and work toward a commitment…

Supporting the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue: Our Internships on the China Desk
Posted by: DipNote Bloggers

About the Authors: Caroline Guenther, Tony Nguyen, Reagan Thompson, and Thao-Anh Tran are interns in Office of Chinese & Mongolian Affairs in the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs.

Being at the
banquet of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) next to, respectively, the former head of the World Bank for China, the head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, a lieutenant in the…

Secretary Clinton Appears on NBC’s “Meet the Press”
Posted by: DipNote Bloggers

On July 26, Secretary Clinton appeared on NBC's "Meet the Press."

On July 26, Secretary Clinton
appeared on NBC's "Meet the Press" with David Gregory. During the interview, the Secretary discussed a broad range of topics, including North Korea, Iran, Russia and Afghanistan. On North Korea, Secretary Clinton said:

"I think what’s important here is the clear message that…