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Posted on Fri, August 07, 2009 - 6:11:31

Jill in New York writes:

The women should seek to expand their power by starting at the roots...first off, they already have in place a communal relationship with other women in their…

From the entry 'What Can Be Done To Empower Women in Africa?'.

Posted on Fri, August 07, 2009 - 3:32:52

Gretchen in South Dakota writes:

Thanks for providing an accessible, primary text document, letting Americans (and everyone else) know the State Department is doing.

From the entry 'Travel Diary: U.S. Efforts To Influence Zimbabwe's Leadership'.

Posted on Fri, August 07, 2009 - 2:02:48

Susan in Florida writes:

@ Secretary Carson -- Thank you for such a genuine and heartfelt posting. It is obvious how much you love Kenya. It looks, from the photo, to be a beautiful…

From the entry 'Travel Diary: Coming Back to Kenya'.

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U.S. Diplomacy Supports Space Exploration
Posted by: Julie M. Rottier

About the Author: Julie M. Rottier serves in the
Bureau of Oceans, Environment and Science.

My friends and family are often surprised when I tell them the U.S. Department of State works on space policy, and that I am a part of that effort. International cooperation is key to successful space exploration. Space diplomacy is a very delicate matter and leaves little room for error. The…