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Language Arts » Literature & Writers » American Literature
See All 28 Resources
'Nicolay Draft' of the Gettysburg Address, Holograph.

The Gettysburg Address contains images and transcriptions of the various drafts of the famous document as well...

Illustration from Phrenology book. The self-instructor in phrenology and physiology: with over one hundred new illustrations, including a chart for the use of pratical phrenologists / by O.S. and L.N.

The Nineteenth Century in Print: the Making of America in Books and Periodicals presents digitized books and periodicals published in the U.S. during the 19th century...

Chicago, Illinois, April 1942.  Jack Delano, Photographer

Language of the Land: Journeys Into Literary America examines the "sense of place" evoked by landscapes described in the works of Walt...

Ray Bradbury and the novel 'Fahrenheit 451'

The Big Read encourages communities to read and discuss novels. Teacher guides, discussion questions...

Library of Congress 

Library of Congress 

Library of Congress 

Nat'l Endowment for Arts 
  See All 28 American Literature Resources  

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