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Eight years ago, we set our sights squarely on economic development to create quality jobs and raise the standard of living for our people. To do so, we set a course for economic growth with a comprehensive plan that included targeted industries, accountability measures, a strong business climate and Centers of Excellence.

Today, those efforts are getting results. North Dakota's job growth, per capita income and gross domestic product have grown faster than the national average, and the state's exports have expanded by 225 percent.

Clearly, these and other measures of our state's economic progress demonstrate that our approach to economic development is working.

We will use funding made available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to the best of our ability on one-time infrastructure expenditures, while making every effort to hold the line on future spending that might result in tax increases for the people of North Dakota.

Meanwhile, we will continue our efforts to build a strong business climate in North Dakota in order to expand, grow and diversify our economy, and create more opportunity for our people.

Governor John Hoeven