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Welcome to UI ICE

(Unemployment Insurance Internet Claims Entry)

  • File a new claim
  • Reopen an existing claim
  • Complete Weekly Certfifications
  • Complete Orientation and Eligibility Reviews
  • Complete Re-employment activities
  • Check Unemployment Insurance Information/To Do List/File an Appeal
  • Choose Payment Option

If you are new to the UI ICE site, please read the following information.
Previous users, click here to begin using UI ICE.

UI ICE provides a secure, convenient way to file your unemployment insurance claim, certify your weekly eligibility, choose your payment option, access unemployment insurance information, file an appeal and complete required reemployment activities. In addition, UI ICE allows you to complete required eligibility reviews online. You can access UI ICE from almost any computer with an Internet connection.

Using UI ICE is very easy. Following are brief explanations of the things you can do when working with the UI ICE system:

Filing a Claim - UI ICE allows you to file your claim for Unemployment Insurance Benefits via the Internet. In most cases, you will not be required to speak with a Claims Representative to get your claim started. However, some situations require you to complete your information, and then contact the Job Service Unemployment Insurance Claims Center to complete your claim. By completing your claim online, you will save time if you should be required to call for claim completion.

When filing your claim for unemployment insurance, you will answer a series of questions about your work history and why you are unemployed. Job Service North Dakota uses the information gathered, along with information from your past employer(s) to make a determination of your eligibility. To speed up the process of determining your eligibility for benefits, please provide detailed and complete information.

Notice: Confidential information collected from claimants as part of the Unemployment Insurance process may be requested and utilized for other governmental purposes, including, but not limited to, verification of eligibility under other government programs as required by law.

Weekly Certifications - UI ICE allows you to complete weekly certifications for Unemployment Insurance Benefits. Certification is the process that triggers weekly payments to you. Without certifying each week, you will not receive payment. By certifying online, you can work at your own pace, and won't receive busy signals if you are trying to certify during busy times. When certifying, you will answer the weekly eligibility questions, and enter any earnings you had for the week.

Completing Eligibility Reviews - If you are not returning to your employer and are required to search for work while you are unemployed, you will be required to complete periodic Eligibility Reviews online. You will receive notice from Job Service letting you know when these reviews are due. Additionally, during your first eligibility review, you will receive an orientation to the unemployment insurance process. This orientation will provide you with important information about receiving unemployment insurance benefits.

Completing Reemployment Activities - UI ICE provides a convenient method of completing required online re-employment services. If you are selected for online re-employment services, you will receive a letter from Job Service letting you know of your responsibilities.

When completing re-employment services online, you will see a list of activities you need to complete, as well as the dates that these services are due. Most of the services consist of reading online documents or watching online videos. However, in some cases, you may be required to attend an activity at your local Job Service office.

Checking Unemployment Insurance Information/Filing an Appeal - By choosing the Unemployment Insurance Information link, you have the ability to see the status of your claim, any Non-Monetary determinations that may be holding up your Unemployment Insurance benefits, your wage history, your payment history and your appeal status. You will have the ability to file an appeal for any issue that is still within your appeal period. A To Do list in this section outlines various activities that need to be completed.

Choosing Payment Option for Receiving Unemployment Insurance Benefits - Unemployment benefits will automatically be sent via a ReliaCard Debit Card unless you choose direct deposit as your payment option. UI ICE allows you to input your bank account information so that your Unemployment Insurance benefits will be sent to your checking or savings account. UI ICE also allows you to edit your bank account information if you change bank accounts or go from direct deposit to debit card.

Using the UI ICE system - In order to use the UI ICE system, you will need to have access to a computer with Internet access and an email address. You will also have to register for a State of North Dakota Login. If you already have a State of North Dakota Login, you can use it with the UI ICE system. If you don't have a State of North Dakota Login, it is a quick and simple process. Just click the "Register Now" link on the UI ICE login page and fill in the information requested.

The following tips will help make your experience go smoothly:

Timing is critical in the filing of your claim. The Unemployment Insurance program does not allow for the backdating of a claim for unemployment insurance benefits. Your claim is effective only in the week that you file (establish or reopen) a claim. Your claim must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. central time on Saturday of the week that you want the claim to be effective. Your claim will become effective the Sunday of the week in which you actually file your claim. CLAIMS WILL NOT BE BACKDATED.

Timing is critical in certifying your weekly eligibility. The Unemployment Insurance program requires timely certification of your weekly eligibility for unemployment insurance benefits. If you do not complete your certification within the required timeframes, you will not receive benefits for the week. For further information concerning certifications and the required timeframes, refer to the Unemployment Insurance Claimant Guide. You can access the guide on the Job Service web site at http://www.state.nd.us/jsnd/docs/ji/claimant_guide.pdf.

If you wish to exit UI ICE while filing a claim, click on "Log Out". You can return to the website and complete your application during the same week you began filing the claim. Be sure to press Save/Continue prior to logging off, this will save your data. If you close your browser or experience computer or Internet access problems that cause you to be disconnected from UI ICE, any data that has not been saved will be lost.


  • When FILING A CLAIM, you must complete your claim prior to Saturday at 11:59 p.m. central time in the week that you began filing the claim. If you do not submit your application by 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, your data will be lost.
  • When CERTIFYING your weekly eligibility, you must complete your certification within 13 days of the Saturday of the week that you want to certify. The 13th day is always a Friday, and you must submit your certification by 10:00 p.m. central time on that Friday. If you do not submit your certification by 10:00 p.m. on Friday, you will not be able to certify your eligibility for the week.

UI ICE will be unavailable from 10:00 p.m. until midnight Monday through Friday, and periodically between midnight and 6:00 a.m.

The last page of the Internet application will be your confirmation page. It will state that your claim or certification has been completed and will give you a confirmation number. UNLESS YOU RECEIVE A CONFIRMATION NUMBER, YOUR CLAIM/CERTIFICATION IS NOT COMPLETE AND WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. Make sure to print a copy of the confirmation page.

Your claim will be effective in the week you complete your application for benefits. For unemployment insurance purposes, weeks run from midnight central time Sunday to 11:59 p.m. central time Saturday.

You must press Save/Continue once every 30 minutes or you will be logged off UI ICE. You may be actively typing, but until you press the Save/Continue button, your session is considered inactive. If a timeout occurs and you are logged off, the entries you made since your last save will be lost. To ensure that you do not lose any information, it is suggested that you save your data frequently.

When using the UI ICE system, you should not use the Back button of your browser; your connection to UI ICE and any unsaved data could be lost and you will have to log in again. To navigate within UI ICE use the Previous and Save/Continue buttons available on each page. Please note that when using the Previous button, any data entered that has not been saved will be lost. The Previous button will not save data.

When you log in to file a claim or certify a week of eligibility, a claim or certification number will be displayed in the upper left hand corner of the page. Write this number down. If you have problems with your internet claim/certification, you can call the Unemployment Insurance Claims Center at 701-328-4995 for assistance. When calling, choose option 5 on the phone system. You will be prompted to enter your claim/certification number. If the number is valid, you will be automatically transferred to a representative that can assist you.

Click here for detail about UI ICE system security.

Have the following information available:

  • Social Security Number*
  • Names, addresses, and phone numbers of all your employers for the last one and a half years.
  • Dates of employment with each of your employers for the last one and a half years. It is important for you to have correct dates, especially the last day you worked prior to filing this claim.
  • If you are a union member, the name, address, and local number of your union hall.
  • If you are not a United States citizen, your Alien Registration Number.
  • If you are a military ex-serviceperson, your DD-214 (member copy 4).
  • If you are a federal employee, your SF-50 form or SF-8 form.
  • It may also be helpful to have your most recent pay stub available.

*While using this website you will be asked for your Social Security Number. This is in compliance with the Privacy Act of 1974, a Social Security Number is mandatory pursuant to 20 CFR 666.150 and/or North Dakota Century Code 52-02-02. This number is used by Job Service for identification, federal and state tax, program eligibility purposes, and program performance accountability.

Have the following information available:

  • Social Security Number*
  • PIN
  • Information on any earnings you will/have received for the week being certified. Earnings will also include items such as:
    • Bonus Pay
    • Vacation Pay
    • Sick Pay
    • Severance Pay
    • Self Employment Earnings
    • Holiday Pay
    • Back Pay