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Question of the Week: What Issues Should be Addressed During the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue?
Posted by DipNote Bloggers on Jul 24, 2009 - 04:52 PM

President Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao with Clinton and Geithner, London, Apr. 1, 2009. AP

This week, the first joint meeting of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue will be held in Washington, D.C. from July 27-28, 2009. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner will be joined for the Dialogue by their respective Chinese Co-Chairs, State Councilor Dai Bingguo and Vice Premier Wang Qishan. The Dialogue will focus on addressing the challenges and opportunities that both countries face on a wide range of bilateral, regional and global areas of immediate and long-term strategic and economic interests. This first meeting of the Dialogue also will set the stage for intensive, ongoing and future bilateral cooperative mechanisms.

What issues should be addressed at the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue?

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Joe in Tennessee writes:

What are their long range intentions of development in Latin America as they are moving population bases, providing aid, education, economic resources and infrastructure close to our borders?

It is a very Valid question.

Posted on Fri Jul 31, 2009

Kay in Ohio writes:

Please come to the aid of the victims of Chinses Drywall Symtoms. Thank you , Kay Potetz

Posted on Fri Jul 31, 2009

Susan in Florida writes:

Okay...so China has given us toxic lead toys, unsafe and toxic/poisonous cat and dog food, and, now, American citizens are losing their health and their homes due to toxic drywall, also from China. When are we going to "get angry" and refuse to buy goods from countries like China that have no standards, and obviously, do not care. I can not understand WHY we are being so patient and long suffering. It is a disgrace that nothing is being done to help our workers, our citizens, OUR COUNTRY, while we are busily building up the economies of other countries like China and India. Please don't talk about globalization, it will be the end of our country. Try finding anything made in the U.S.A. It is frustrating, at best.

Posted on Thu Jul 30, 2009

Eileen in Ohio writes:

Dear Secretary Clinton: I know that I am late in sending off this request. But, I am very concerned about the toxic dry wall which is being shipped from China. Please pursue negotiations with the Chinese regarding compensation for those who have been victimized by this dry wall. Thank you for your consideration, Eileen Johnson

Posted on Thu Jul 30, 2009

Jonathan in Alaska writes:

China is clearly our most important partner in every aspect and we should be involved in understanding the Chinese at a much more sophisticated degree.

Posted on Wed Jul 29, 2009

Judy in Ohio writes:

Please help the victims of Chinese toxic drywall. Many people are suffering physically and financially from this problem. They need your help.

Posted on Wed Jul 29, 2009

Virginia M. in Ohio writes:

why are we importing from the Chinese government? Faulty drywall that is poisoning so many people in the south, especially florida and lousiana in the wake of Katrina. Hillary for president!

Posted on Wed Jul 29, 2009

Vince in Florida writes:

Please help those of us who lost our retirement homes because of unscrupulus Chinese importors of toxic drywall!

Why didn't our government leaders responsible for imports warn us about this insidious problem?


Posted on Wed Jul 29, 2009

Leeanne in Virginia writes:

Toxic Chinese Drywall -- A Crime Against Innocent American Homewoners:

I am a single, female homeowner; and I am writing to request your urgent and critical assistance in a crime against innocent American homeowners who have invested their life's savings into American homes that are dangerous and uninhabitable. Please send immediate relief to those who have received confirmations of defective and dangerous Chinese drywall in their homes and who have experienced concerning health problems as a result. Such symptoms include: nose bleeds; hives; irregular heart-beats; irritated throats and dry coughs; black-outs; and upper respiratory problems, such as tightness in the chest and difficulty or disruptions with breathing. Namely, we are in desperate need of immediate alternative housing and for the builders or the government to buy these homes back from innocent Americans who bought them in good faith and expect nothing less than a safe and habitable home in which to live. The affected homeowners cannot afford to continue mortgage payments, condominium dues, and property taxes on homes that are uninhabitable, and it is un-American and inappropriate to expect that of anyone. With the lack of a guaranteed solution to this problem, the builders need to buy the homes back from the owners and take back the problems they created themselves. There have been indications that problems related to Chinese Drywall were well known in the building industry in 2006, yet some builders continued to build and sell homes to innocent Americans with this toxic material in 2006 and 2007.

Here are some other points to consider:

--Homeowners who did nothing wrong need immediate help or they will lose their homes and will have no choice but to claim bankruptcy;

--The damage to these homes is the equivalent to a hurricane, but insurance companies are not covering the loss;

--Some builders are proposing remediation plans (and are forcing homeowners into plans with take-it-or-leave-it deadlines) that involve removal of the drywall, which is totally unacceptable and does not guarantee a solution to the problem. None of the federal governemnt agencies know what a proper remediation is for this problem, and various Health Department websites indicate that it is entirely possible for the drywall gasses to penetrate the wood frames and concrete slabs of the homes and to re-emit later. The only fair and acceptable remedy for the homeowner is for the builder (and/or the government) to buy these homes back and to deal with the homes as they please.

Please send immediate relief in order to protect these innocent homeowners and to insure and to restore their medical and financial safety.

Posted on Wed Jul 29, 2009

Meena H. in Florida writes:

As you enter into your meeting this week with the Vice Premier and State Councilor from China keep in mind what has happened in the last 8 months to many families in the United States. Yet, another product from China, Chinese drywall, has poisoned American citizens and this time, has also destroyed our homes and their contents.

A senior administrative official has stated, "Perhaps the most important message we are going to have for the Chinese is that there has been a fundamental change in the U.S. economy." This should not be our most important message to the Chinese government. Our most important message should be that our country is not going to stand for these dangerous imports any longer. We expect China to pay for what they have done to the tens of thousands of homes that have been destroyed in the United States and to set up a fund for any further problems stemming from exposure to Chinese drywall.

Homeowners that have been affected by this dangerous import of drywall should not have to wait years for lawsuits to run through the court system in order to have their lives restored! For years, Chinese products have been recalled by the United States CPSC, and yet, we still have continued to allow these imports. It has now become impossible to purchase products for our homes, things that we sleep on and eat with, that are not manufactured in China. The United States government did not protect it?s citizens when it allowed these toxic Chinese products to enter our country and now we expect our representatives to step up and take notice that we as American citizens will no longer stand for this. We expect our government to help return manufacturing to this country and help create jobs for it's citizens, here at home, so that we can purchase safe products for our families!

Mrs, Clinton, please be sure to keep this in mind as you meet with the Chinese delegates and know that we as US citizens will continue to work for our own personal ban on Chinese made products.

Posted on Wed Jul 29, 2009

Jim in Florida writes:

Dear Secretary Clinton:

Kindly seek relief for Americans who have been victimized by defective Chinese drywall.

Thank you. James A. R., long time supporter.

Posted on Wed Jul 29, 2009

Nancy in Ohio writes:

Help the victims of toxic Chinese drywall

Posted on Wed Jul 29, 2009

Judy in Florida writes:

so many people are displaced from their homes do to the Chinese Drywall problem, especially pregnant women and child who need the security of their home.


Posted on Wed Jul 29, 2009

Maxim in Ukraine writes:

This is the second step of wide world anticrisis problem.

What think Ukraine about this issues.

Posted on Wed Jul 29, 2009

Eric in New Mexico writes:

Vice Premier Wang Qishan told a rather interesting story about his teacher's inspiration from waves towards his thesis on the Earth's internal structure as it applies to following "the waves of history".

(see C-span coverage)

Sometime back in mankind's distant unrecorded past, known only by archeological record, farming as an instutution sprang up across the planet from that of "hunter/gatherer" in a shorter period of time than would have been humanly possible without the technological means to traverse oceans...unless...(and this is the great mystery)....it was a case of parallel thinking among tribes across continents and oceans.

In some cases, we've replaced that with "parallel interests", but it was refreshing nonetheless to hear a fellow from half a world away, (as one "layman" to another in expressing my appreciation), make total common sense.

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Delphine in Ohio writes:

Dear Secretary Clinton:

Please impress on the Chinese you meet with, that, in order to function effectively in the world economy, Chinese companies must be preppared to stand behind their products. Impress on them that the drywall shipped here recently has done much damage to both persons and their homes. They should make good on that.

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Helene and Murray in Florida write:

Dear Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner,

As you enter into your meeting this week with the Vice Premier and State Councilor from China keep in mind what has happened in the last 8 months to many families in the United States. Yet, another product from China, Chinese drywall, has poisoned American citizens and this time, has also destroyed our homes and their contents

A senior administrative official has stated, "Perhaps the most important message we are going to have for the Chinese is that there has been a fundamental change in the U.S. economy." This should not be our most important message to the Chinese government. Our most important message should be that our country is not going to stand for these dangerous imports any longer. We expect China to pay for what they have done to the tens of thousands of homes that have been destroyed in the United States and to set up a fund for any further problems stemming from exposure to Chinese drywall.

Homeowners that have been affected by this dangerous import of drywall should not have to wait years for lawsuits to run through the court system in order to have their lives restored! For years, Chinese products have been recalled by the United States CPSC, and yet, we still have continued to allow these imports. The United States government did not protect it's citizens when it allowed these toxic Chinese products to enter our country and now we expect our representatives to step up and take notice that we as American citizens will no longer stand for this.

Mrs, Clinton and Mr. Geithner, please be sure to keep this in mind as you meet with the Chinese delegates.

On a personal note, our dear cousins who reside in Parkland, Florida are really suffering in their home as a result of this dangerous drywall situation. They have no where else to go and are living with these dangerous fumes and conditions. It seems as if no one is really listening to their pleas.

Please help them and all others who are affected my this defective Chinese dry wall.

Thank you very much and have a safe journey,

Yours truly,
Helene and Murray K.

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Eric in New Mexico writes:

(chuckle)...One can only wonder what the Chinese diplomats that paid us a visit might think of the commentary on this thread.

I'd probably note a few "form letters" that might remind them of some of their own past "propaganda" in the way it is being submitted.

Reminds me of a conversation I had with a Senator's secretary, who thanked me for a "very readable" letter.

I said, "What? There're not all readable?" grinning.

She laughed and said, "You just don't understand, we get "spammed" with issue specific letters that are word for word the same but from different folks."


"Lobbyists, Activists, you name it, it's nice to have a actual individual's perspective rather than group-think any day."

And if I were a Chinese diplomat reading this right about now, I'd have an epiphany into the inner workings of American democracy.

As China becomes integrated with global economics, the notion of risk management and insurance must have played a part in their participation, it's how buisiness is done.

One might say it is a human right to hold accountable those who violate their responsibility to ensure the safety of the public, no matter who's public is affected.

Greater mutual respect is inherently achieved in resolving the claims of the people by a government that knows when it has a problem and takes the needed steps to keep the people satisfied, their own, or another nation's.

Globalization by nature will have that effect on governments, democratic or not, the right to seek redress is an inherent democratic principal all nations live by.

So should the people.

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Valerie in Ohio writes:

Please try to help the victims of toxic Chinese drywall.


Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Nitish in Florida writes:

They should discuss how Chinese drywall has many homeowners losi g their homes!

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Colette in Ohio writes:

Dear Madame Secretary Clinton,

I am very concerned regarding the Chinese drywall that was used in Florida and the south after Katrina and other storms hit.

My friend in Florida has it in her house and it is making her very sick. She doesn't have a lot of money and cannot afford to replace it. Her doctor bills are very high.

The contractors that used the Chinese drywall have all gone out of business and they cannot replace it either.

Please in your talks with the Chinese government find a way for this drywall to be replaced with a safe product and even better if it could be environmentally friendly.

Thank you for your time.
Marysville, Ohio

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Tanja in Ohio writes:

As you enter into your meeting this week with the Vice Premier and State Councilor from China keep in mind what has happened in the last 8 months to many families in the United States. Yet, another product from China, Chinese drywall, has poisoned American citizens and this time, has also destroyed our homes and their contents

A senior administrative official has stated, "Perhaps the most important message we are going to have for the Chinese is that there has been a fundamental change in the U.S. economy." This should not be our most important message to the Chinese government. Our most important message should be that our country is not going to stand for these dangerous imports any longer. We expect China to pay for what they have done to the tens of thousands of homes that have been destroyed in the United States and to set up a fund for any further problems stemming from exposure to Chinese drywall.

Homeowners that have been affected by this dangerous import of drywall should not have to wait years for lawsuits to run through the court system in order to have their lives restored! For years, Chinese products have been recalled by the United States CPSC, and yet, we still have continued to allow these imports. It has now become impossible to purchase products for our homes, things that we sleep on and eat with, that are not manufactured in China. The United States government did not protect it's citizens when it allowed these toxic Chinese products to enter our country and now we expect our representatives to step up and take notice that we as American citizens will no longer stand for this. We expect our government to help return manufacturing to this country and help create jobs for it's citizens, here at home, so that we can purchase safe products for our families!

Mrs. Clinton, please be sure to keep this in mind as you meet with the Chinese delegates and know that we as U.S. citizens will continue to work for our own personal ban on Chinese made products.

Thank you

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Brian in U.S.A. writes:

Please do something about toxic Chinese drywall. Thank you.

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Lawrence in Florida writes:

Dear Mrs. Clinton,

As you enter into your meeting this week with the Vice Premier and State Councilor from China keep in mind what has happened in the last 8 months to many families in the United States. Yet, another product from China, Chinese drywall, has poisoned American citizens and this time, has also destroyed our homes and their contents

A senior administrative official has stated, "Perhaps the most important message we are going to have for the Chinese is that there has been a fundamental change in the U.S. economy." This should not be our most important message to the Chinese government. Our most important message should be that our country is not going to stand for these dangerous imports any longer. We expect China to pay for what they have done to the tens of thousands of homes that have been destroyed in the United States and to set up a fund for any further problems stemming from exposure to Chinese drywall.

Homeowners that have been affected by this dangerous import of drywall should not have to wait years for lawsuits to run through the court system in order to have their lives restored! For years, Chinese products have been recalled by the United States CPSC, and yet, we still have continued to allow these imports. It has now become impossible to purchase products for our homes, things that we sleep on and eat with, that are not manufactured in China. The United States government did not protect it's citizens when it allowed these toxic Chinese products to enter our country and now we expect our representatives to step up and take notice that we as American citizens will no longer stand for this. We expect our government to help return manufacturing to this country and help create jobs for it's citizens, here at home, so that we can purchase safe products for our families!

Mrs. Clinton, please be sure to keep this in mind as you meet with the Chinese delegates and know that we as U.S. citizens will continue to work for our own personal ban on Chinese made products.

Very truly yours,
Lawrence Kupfer

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Ellen in Ohio writes:

My best friend in life, Jodie Hogan, who lives in Inverness, FL, with her husband Roger, found out in January that their home has toxic Chinese dry wall. Jodie has had many health issues including pulmonary and neurologic problems that her doctor is sure are due to her drywall. She cannot afford to move and no one will buy her home! Her home owners insurance will not cover it. Her home is her only asset! She is every bit a victim of a natural disaster in my opinon as the victims of the floods in WI this spring! She desperately needs someone to help her and that someone should be the government. Please help these innocent victims with Chinese dry wall in their homes!!

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Nina writes:

As you enter into your meeting this week with the Vice Premier and State Councilor from China keep in mind what has happened in the last 8 months to many families in the United States. Yet, another product from China, Chinese drywall, has poisoned American citizens and this time, has also destroyed our homes and their contents

A senior administrative official has stated, "Perhaps the most important message we are going to have for the Chinese is that there has been a fundamental change in the U.S. economy." This should not be our most important message to the Chinese government. Our most important message should be that our country is not going to stand for these dangerous imports any longer. We expect China to pay for what they have done to the tens of thousands of homes that have been destroyed in the United States and to set up a fund for any further problems stemming from exposure to Chinese drywall.

Homeowners that have been affected by this dangerous import of drywall should not have to wait years for lawsuits to run through the court system in order to have their lives restored! For years, Chinese products have been recalled by the United States CPSC, and yet, we still have continued to allow these imports. It has now become impossible to purchase products for our homes, things that we sleep on and eat with, that are not manufactured in China. The United States government did not protect it's citizens when it allowed these toxic Chinese products to enter our country and now we expect our representatives to step up and take notice that we as American citizens will no longer stand for this. We expect our government to help return manufacturing to this country and help create jobs for it's citizens, here at home, so that we can purchase safe products for our families!

Mrs. Clinton, please be sure to keep this in mind as you meet with the Chinese delegates and know that we as US citizens will continue to work for our own personal ban on Chinese made products.

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Zharkov in U.S.A. writes:

The U.S. government cannot test every product shipped from overseas, but it can react quickly once a problem has been uncovered, such as the stinking Chinese drywall that has ruined so many new homes.

There is no excuse for not imposing an immediate ban on importation of drywall from China, and enforce that ban until China compensates homeowners for the removal of that drywall from American homes.

Unlike most American companies, the largest Chinese companies are government-owned by the People's Liberation Army, so this drywall problem is a direct concern for the government of China.

If we cannot trust Chinese products, and it appears we cannot, then trade relations between China and America must be re-evaluated.

Our federal government needs to set higher standards for products to qualify for importation to the U.S., and we need to place the obligation for proof of adequate testing and inspection on the exporter in China.

The constitutional job which the President and his State Department was supposed to be doing - regulating commerce with foreign nations so that their products do not kill us - is explicitly mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. Our constitution says nothing about travelling around the world to make speeches to students, meeting with human rights activists and other trivia that fills this website.

There is a time for talk, and a time for action, and we need less irrelevant talk and more relevant action from this State Department towards commercial trade with China.

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Susan in Virginia writes:

Yet, another product from China, Chinese drywall, has poisoned American citizens and this time, has also destroyed our homes and their contents
As you enter into your meeting this week with the Vice Premier and State Councilor from China keep in mind what has happened in the last 8 months to many families in the United States.

A senior administrative official has stated, ?"erhaps the most important message we are going to have for the Chinese is that there has been a fundamental change in the U.S. economy." This should not be our most important message to the Chinese government. Our most important message should be that our country is not going to stand for these dangerous imports any longer. We expect China to pay for what they have done to the tens of thousands of homes that have been destroyed in the United States and to set up a fund for any further problems stemming from exposure to Chinese drywall.

Homeowners that have been affected by this dangerous import of drywall should not have to wait years for lawsuits to run through the court system in order to have their lives restored! For years, Chinese products have been recalled by the United States CPSC, and yet, we still have continued to allow these imports. It has now become impossible to purchase products for our homes, things that we sleep on and eat with, that are not manufactured in China. The United States government did not protect it's citizens when it allowed these toxic Chinese products to enter our country and now we expect our representatives to step up and take notice that we as American citizens will no longer stand for this.

We expect our government to help return manufacturing to this country and help create jobs for it's citizens, here at home, so that we can purchase safe products for our families!

Mrs. Clinton, please be sure to keep this in mind as you meet with the Chinese delegates and know that we as U.S. citizens will continue to work for our own personal ban on Chinese made products.

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Gabrielle in Florida writes:

We sold our home and took the balance of our savings to buy a newly built beautiful home in Parkland, Florida. Our home is filled with Chinese drywall and the developer WCI Communities has filed bankruptcy and seem to have no intention of addressing this matter along with the other 300+ homes in our neighbourhood. Albeit I hold the developers soley responsible, China should take some responsibility as well for continuing to mass produce inferior and toxic products that continue to contaminate homes and affect peoples lives here in the United States.

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Eric in New Mexico writes:

Looks like Dipnote just got hammered with the anti-Chinese drywall lobby...(chuckle).

What's the solution? Ship it all back after its been removed from people's homes @ U.S. government expense (call it a homeowner bailout ) and then bill the Chinese government for the cost to replace and ship back.

We owe then money?...OK, consider part of the national debt paid then.

It's the only way to make sure we don't get defective product from China, when the government itself has to go to their own manufacturers to recoup the losses we've rightly transferred to the source of the problem.

I don't think we'd have to contemplate doing this if the Chinese government had better export controls and inspection.

Part of building trust in trade relations is how governments deal with problems that affect the common trust in exported goods as far as quality controls are concerned.

The beef in Japan over American beef being a good example of the flip side of the coin.

If the Chinese wish to present a truly good faith effort, they should offer to resolve the situation, rather than risk losing face with the American public, as well as our trust in any product that is made in China.

I guess it is up to China to decide if the cost of making it right in the short term outweighs the long term cost in market opportunity if they don't.

I believe reasonable people will arrive at equitable arrangements that promote healthy trade between our nations.

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Carol in Florida writes:

I am living in a home with chinese drywall with my husband and 2 small children. Our air conditioner units have been destroyed. My family has ongoing respiratory illnesses as the result of the exposure to toxins being emitted from the drywall and we do not have the finances to move out.
As you enter into your meeting this week with the Vice Premier and State Councilor from China keep in mind what has happened in the last 8 months to many families in the United States. Yet, another product from China, Chinese drywall, has poisoned American citizens and this time, has also destroyed our homes and their contents.

A senior administrative official has stated, "Perhaps the most important message we are going to have for the Chinese is that there has been a fundamental change in the U.S. economy." This should not be our most important message to the Chinese government. Our most important message should be that our country is not going to stand for these dangerous imports any longer. We expect China to pay for what they have done to the tens of thousands of homes that have been destroyed in the United States and to set up a fund for any further problems stemming from exposure to Chinese drywall.

Homeowners that have been affected by this dangerous import of drywall should not have to wait years for lawsuits to run through the court system in order to have their lives restored! For years, Chinese products have been recalled by the United States, CPSC, and yet, we still have continued to allow these imports. It has now become impossible to purchase products for our homes, things that we sleep on and eat with, that are not manufactured in China. The United States government did not protect it's citizens when it allowed these toxic Chinese products to enter our country and now we expect our representatives to step up and take notice that we as American citizens will no longer stand for this. We expect our government to help return manufacturing to this country and help create jobs for its citizens, here at home, so that we can purchase safe products for our families!

Mrs, Clinton, please be sure to keep this in mind as you meet with the Chinese delegates and know that we as US citizens will continue to work for our own personal ban on Chinese made products.

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Kelli in Florida writes:

As you enter into your meeting this week with the Vice Premier and State Councilor from China keep in mind what has happened in the last 8 months to many families in the United States. Yet, another product from China, Chinese drywall, has poisoned American citizens and this time, has also destroyed our homes and their contents.

A senior administrative official has stated, "Perhaps the most important message we are going to have for the Chinese is that there has been a fundamental change in the U.S. economy." This should not be our most important message to the Chinese government. Our most important message should be that our country is not going to stand for these dangerous imports any longer. We expect China to pay for what they have done to the tens of thousands of homes that have been destroyed in the United States and to set up a fund for any further problems stemming from exposure to Chinese drywall.

Homeowners that have been affected by this dangerous import of drywall should not have to wait years for lawsuits to run through the court system in order to have their lives restored! For years, Chinese products have been recalled by the United States CPSC, and yet, we still have continued to allow these imports. It has now become impossible to purchase products for our homes, things that we sleep on and eat with, that are not manufactured in China. The United States government did not protect it's citizens when it allowed these toxic Chinese products to enter our country and now we expect our representatives to step up and take notice that we as American citizens will no longer stand for this. We expect our government to help return manufacturing to this country and help create jobs for it's citizens, here at home, so that we can purchase safe products for our families!

Mrs. Clinton, please be sure to keep this in mind as you meet with the Chinese delegates and know that we as US citizens will continue to work for our own personal ban on Chinese made products.

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Robin in Florida writes:

My husband and I worked and saved for 40 years to buy our dream home, where we planned on retiring. We paid in cash by saving and doing all of the right things, only to find out that our home is "sick" since it was made with Chinese drywall. It emits a sulphurous odor, causing respiratory problems, as well as itching eyes and headaches. It has caused all of the electrical wiring in my home, as well as my air conditioning coils to be corroded. Basically, my home is now worthless. We are desparate, as our builder cannot help (they are filing bankruptcy), and homeowners insurance won't pay up since this was a construction defect.

The Chinese government needs to take responsibility for the poisonous walls which their manufacturers produced and make this problem right.

thank you

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Kent in Florida writes:

Madam Secretary Clinton:

Would you please address the issue of Chinese Drywall in your strategic economic meetings with the Chinese this week. There are THOUSANDS of AMERICAN FAMILIES affected by the importation of Chinese Drywall.

My family's dream home has been ruined with Chinese made drywall. We cannot live in our home. We have no choice but to go into foreclosure because the Chinese made product has destroyed our home, our safe haven. Because our own government has ignored the reponsibility to its people to protect us at our borders from toxic materials, our home and thousands of others have been destroyed. The health of thousands of American families have been damaged, some with long term, expensive complications.

Please address this Chinese-made issue this week with absolute clarity so the Chinese government accepts the rightful ownership of this multi-billion dollar problem in the United States.

There is no safety net for those affected by this, no insurance is covering their losses, no government programs to help them recover, there is nothing but fear and more fear for these families.

Until you assist the thousands of families and responsible voters, we are all left with an unsafe home that we own but cannot use. Thousands of American families have been living a nightmare without the support of our U.S. Government, for most of these homeowners have lost their ENTIRE life savings and do not know how severely their health has been compromised.

They have been financially ruined due to the importation of this poor quality drywall imported in from China. All because they wanted the All-American Dream of owning a home.

When the Chinese government is held accountable for their actions inside the U.S. borders, we will know the U.S. government actually cares about us.

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Lisa in Florida wrotes:

As you enter into your meeting this week with the Vice Premier and State Councilor from China, please keep in mind what has happened in the last 8 months to tens of thousands of families in the United States. Yet, another product from China, Chinese drywall, has poisoned American citizens and destroyed our homes and their contents.

I live in a townhome community in Pembroke Pines, FL called Cobblestone. I learned, in May of this year, that my home was built using defective Chinese Drywall. (I closed on my home in October 2006.) This explains a lot of the problems I have experienced with my home in the last two and a half years. There is a distinct odor throughout my home. The A/C coils had to be replaced after about one year. Today, they are black, as are the electrical wires throughout my
home. I see evidence of corrosion on my plumbing and bathroom fixtures. My silver jewelry has tarnished. Both of my plasma TVs have gone bad as have other electronics, such as my DVD player and cordless phones. I frequently have to replace my light bulbs. I suffer from frequent headaches, itching/burning eyes, and excessive coughing.

When you meet with the representatives from China, the most important message should be that our country is not going to stand for these dangerous imports any longer. We expect China to pay for what they have done to the multitude of homes that have been destroyed in the United States and to set up a fund for any further problems stemming from exposure to Chinese drywall. Homeowners that have been affected by this dangerous import of drywall should not have to wait years for lawsuits to run through the court system in order to have their lives restored.

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Javiel in Florida writes:


My wife, mom, 5 year old daughter, and 2 year old son have been exposed for the last 2.5 years to toxic gasses being emitted from the chinese drywall in our home. My son had to have an urgent GI operation in January for which the doctors have no explanation; we have been to the hospital the last 2.5 years more times than our whole entire lifetime. We were displaced and homeless for over a month (luckily we had our savings to rent a home); however, there are hundreds, if not thousands of children living in toxic infected homes because their parents do not have the means to move their families anywhere else. This is a nightmare coming to life and we hope that something can be done by our leaders.

As you enter into your meeting this week with the Vice Premier and State Councilor from China keep in mind what has happened in the last 8 months to many families in the United States. Yet, another product from China, Chinese drywall, has poisoned American citizens and this time, has also destroyed our homes and their contents

A senior administrative official has stated, "Perhaps the most important message we are going to have for the Chinese is that there has been a fundamental change in the U.S. economy." This should not be our most important message to the Chinese government. Our most important message should be that our country is not going to stand for these dangerous imports any longer. We expect China to pay for what they have done to the tens of thousands of homes that have been destroyed in the United States and to set up a fund for any further problems stemming from exposure to Chinese drywall.

Homeowners that have been affected by this dangerous import of drywall should not have to wait years for lawsuits to run through the court system in order to have their lives restored! For years, Chinese products have been recalled by the United States CPSC, and yet, we still have continued to allow these imports. It has now become impossible to purchase products for our homes, things that we sleep on and eat with, that are not manufactured in China. The United States government did not protect it's citizens when it allowed these toxic Chinese products to enter our country and now we expect our representatives to step up and take notice that we as American citizens will no longer stand for this. We expect our government to help return manufacturing to this country and help create jobs for it's citizens, here at home, so that we can purchase safe products for our families!

Mrs, Clinton, please be sure to keep this in mind as you meet with the Chinese delegates and know that we as US citizens will continue to work for our own personal ban on Chinese made products.

Javiel Lopez & Natali Alvarez

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Colleen in Virginia writes:

While we wait for the United States government to come to some conclusions on how to remediate, if at all possible, our chinese drywall homes we also face the fact that many banks/mortgage companies are refusing to give us any aid. We must accept the very real fact that we will probably have to foreclose on our dream homes in order to keep our families safe. This means loosing everything that we have worked for our entire lives.

Dr. Krause from the Department of Health in Florida stated last night that it would probably be years down the road before we know what a successful remediation protocol would be.

The overwhelming issues facing current Chinese drywall homeowners, every American citizen and the United States government could not have been stated any better then it was in the newspaper this morning by Kerri Toloczko, Senior Analyst for the Alliance for American Manufacturing.

According to Toloczko, "The probability of an IRS deduction may be high, but the spirits of displaced families are low. Many are living in temporary housing or with friends or family and no deduction can completely replace what they have lost. There is no question that these homeowners deserve relief from the same government that failed them by allowing a toxic product onto our shores, but it is important to note that this cost is also borne by all taxpayers - with China providing absolutely no financial relief for their part in causing this problem.

"This is why significant and serious action by the U.S. in the form of trade cases brought against China that include consumer safety complaints are vitally important. As devastating as the damage this noxious drywall caused is, it's a problem that impacts all of our nation's consumers and taxpayers - not just the homeowners unfortunate enough to have this deadly product installed in their homes."

Please do not let us go through these two days of United States and Chinese government talks without a mention of our overwhelming and surreal unnatural disaster and then to have to face the disappointment that our government has not stood behind us and protected us from these unsafe imports.

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Cindy in Florida writes:

CHINESE DRY WALL!!! As you enter into your meeting this week with the Vice Premier and State Councilor from China keep in mind what has happened in the last 8 months to many families in the United States. Yet, another product from China, Chinese drywall, has poisoned American citizens and this time, has also destroyed our homes and their contents.

A senior administrative official has stated, "Perhaps the most important message we are going to have for the Chinese is that there has been a fundamental change in the U.S. economy." This should not be our most important message to the Chinese government. Our most important message should be that our country is not going to stand for these dangerous imports any longer. We expect China to pay for what they have done to the tens of thousands of homes that have been destroyed in the United States and to set up a fund for any further problems stemming from exposure to Chinese drywall.

Homeowners that have been affected by this dangerous import of drywall should not have to wait years for lawsuits to run through the court system in order to have their lives restored! For years, Chinese products have been recalled by the United States CPSC, and yet, we still have continued to allow these imports. It has now become impossible to purchase products for our homes, things that we sleep on and eat with, that are not manufactured in China. The United States government did not protect its citizens when it allowed these toxic Chinese products to enter our country and now we expect our representatives to step up and take notice that we as American citizens will no longer stand for this. We expect our government to help return manufacturing to this country and help create jobs for its citizens, here at home, so that we can purchase safe products for our families!

My fiance and I just bought our very first home. I put all of my life savings into a home that is toxic and now worth nothing. Unless the government does something to help those adversely affected, property values will continue to fall and the economy will continue to suffer. We demand an explanation from China and a recall on the toxic dry wall they sent to our country. I don't think U.S. government officials or their families want to breathe the air I am forced to breathe while I lay my head on my pillow at night to sleep.

Mrs, Clinton, please be sure to keep this in mind as you meet with the Chinese delegates and know that we as U.S. citizens will continue to work for our own personal ban on Chinese made products.


Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Joanne in Florida writes:

Madam Secretary Clinton:

Thousands of us in Florida are experiencing a nightmare as victims of Chinese drywall. Our homes are toxic and we are suffering physical problems. We have saved all of our lives to retire in a healthy-safe environment only to find out that our homes are not liveable. We have incurred so much debt trying to find the problem and now cannot afford to move out of our toxic home. Everything that we own has been contaminated by the sulfurous gases emitting from the drywall. Our appliances have been ruined, our wiring has blackened and is now a fire hazard, the metals in our home have blackened and this has become a living nightmare. We are spending so much money each month on medicines to help us breathe because of the asthma and COPD that we are experiencing. We desperately need help! WE NEED HELP NOW!

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Pat in New York writes:

Please take this message from a mother and grandmother whose family members' lives have been devastated by the use of Chinese drywall that was installed in their new home and bring it to your meeting this week with the Vice Premier and State Councilor from China.

We teach our children to strive for the American Dream. We teach them first of all to be good human beings and also to work hard in school and to continue with their higher education which will hopefully enable them to attain that "American Dream". That is exactly what my daughter and son-in-law did with their lives. They have 3 beautiful daughters and when they built their "dream home",they naturally expected to spend their lives there.

However, because of the Chinese Drywall which was contaminating their home and compromising the health of family members, they were forced to leave their home. Due to the generosity of friends in the community, they lived in a borrowed trailer in their own driveway for months. Every day was a reminder of what the five family members had lost. Their beautiful, spacious home stands there as a constant reminder. (The only problem is that no one can enter the home. The odor is sickening and as you open the door, you are met by a haze that permeates the whole home. YES, their home is toxic.
No insurance will cover their losses. There is only fear for these families. Fear of what will happen to them??? How many of these thousands of affected homeowners can afford to pay two mortgages and also pay to fix their contaminated homes, my guess would be NONE.

The United States Government needs to protect their citizens by making the Chinese responsible for these families' losses. Let's try to at least ACKNOWLEDGE this problem and in so doing, try to stand by these unfortunate homeowners, who through no fault of their own, ended up with such a horrendous problem. Time is running out for these people.

We are a Veteran's family, who truly believe in serving your country so that our descendants can live in a free and safe environment. Please let these families know that our government is there for them!!

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Joan in Florida writes:

Help Please. I am homeless, although I own a home! I have no future but I am gearing up toward retirement. Why? Simply put Chinese Drywall. Never in my 50+ years have I felt such oppressive uncertainty about my future. I have a HOME I love, that is literly making me sick. The copper is black everywhere, A/C units need constant maintainance, silver products from mirrors, plumbiing to jewelry are pitting. Not to mention the many health issues.As a homeowner with documented imported Chinese drywall I need answers now. Should I stay or should I go? How do we fix and remediate this problem? Right now I am a homeowner of a home that CANNOT be resold, CANNOT be lived in, and no one knows how to fix it. Talk about a truely toxic asset.

Please ask the Chinese to assist in figuring out exactly what happened here. Allow open access to all data, the mines, and the drywall factories. As a nation China wants to be a world economic player. They need to act like one, and lead down this winding road to answers. The Chinese need to actively participate in what happened with their dry wall. They need to be forced to step up to the plate and help in the remediation of this toxic disaster.So homeowner like myself can go home again.

Posted on Tue Jul 28, 2009

Anthony in Indiana writes:

For decades I've been saying that we resemble the Eloi in H. G. Wells novel "The Time Machine" while China resembles the Morlocks. While they produce the goods that we consume, we super size ourselves into oblivion. One of these days they are going to eat our lunch.

Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Diane in Florida writes:

Madam Secretary,

Global and strategic issues with the Chinese are ever important to our country and its citizens. However, another issue on a basic family level also affects many citizens of our great country. The defective Chinese drywall sold to Americans has forced families out of their homes for fear of the effects of the contamination on the parents and especially their young children and older adults. Some homes are sitting vacant but the worst senario is the home where the family has no other place to go and must live in the home built with Chinese drywall with the unknown fear of sickness and future health problems. Please, consider the thousands of everyday American citizens who have to deal with Chinese products that come through our borders and create a health hazard and a financial hardship in the case of the Chinese drywall when you meet with the Chinese. There must be some acceptance of responsibility by the Chinese and restitution for these families so that they can have a safe home to live in and raise their children.

Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Tricia in West Virginia writes:

Madam Secretary Clinton;

Would you please address the issue of Chinese Drywall in your strategic economic meetings with the Chinese this week. There are THOUSANDS of AMERICAN CITIZENS affected by the importation of Chinese Drywall in the years of the housing boom.

Many are with out a safe home, and what is a home if it isn't a safe haven for the family? These families have been living a nightmare, for they do not know how severely their health has been compromised. They have been financially ruined due to the importation of this poor quality drywall imported in from China. They have lost homes, belongings, have experienced health problems, security all because they wanted the All American Dream of owning a home. There is no safety net for those affected by this, no insurance is covering their losses, no government programs to help them recover, there is nothing but fear and more fear for these families. Litigation is not the answer for these people, litigation could take years and there is no amount of compensation that could cover the emotional stress that these people have been through on a daily basis for the past SEVERAL MONTHS!

How as the Greatest Nation on Earth did we allow this to happen to THOUSANDS of our citizens? Why has there been no answers for these families? When will our President address this issue that is affecting so many people?

Please let these people know that the Government is trying to help, that the government actually cares.

I myself have not been effected by this but a friend has and her situation is just awful she lost everything.

Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

LaNae in Indiana writes:

Please let them know they need to discuss the tragedy of all of us that have been affected by Chinese Drywall, let them know that we have lost our homes, contents, pets (we had to find new homes from two of our dogs as they are not allowed in the condo due to the hoa), our children have lost toys, books and security in knowing where their home is, we worry every moment of every day of the health effects of this crap that has been in our home. Homeowners does not cover any of this! I am honestly to the point that I am ok that we have lost everything all that I care about is that my family will be healthy!

Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Martha in Virginia writes:

As you enter into your meeting this week with the Vice Premier and State Councilor from China keep in mind what has happened in the last 8 months to many families in the United States. Yet, another product from China, Chinese drywall, has poisoned American citizens and this time, has also destroyed our homes and their contents

A senior administrative official has stated, "Perhaps the most important message we are going to have for the Chinese is that there has been a fundamental change in the U.S. economy." This should not be our most important message to the Chinese government. Our most important message should be that our country is not going to stand for these dangerous imports any longer. We expect China to pay for what they have done to the tens of thousands of homes that have been destroyed in the United States and to set up a fund for any further problems stemming from exposure to Chinese drywall.

Homeowners that have been affected by this dangerous import of drywall should not have to wait years for lawsuits to run through the court system in order to have their lives restored! For years, Chinese products have been recalled by the United States CPSC, and yet, we still have continued to allow these imports. It has now become impossible to purchase products for our homes, things that we sleep on and eat with, that are not manufactured in China. The United States government did not protect it's citizens when it allowed these toxic Chinese products to enter our country and now we expect our representatives to step up and take notice that we as American citizens will no longer stand for this. We expect our government to help return manufacturing to this country and help create jobs for it's citizens, here at home, so that we can purchase safe products for our families!

Mrs, Clinton, please be sure to keep this in mind as you meet with the Chinese delegates and know that we as US citizens will continue to work for our own personal ban on Chinese made products.

Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Karen in South Carolina writes:

Please discuss the abomination that has occurred to my fellow Hard working Americans that have lost their houses and security by having Chinese Drywall put in their homes.

Not just a "toy" to be thrown away or taken off the shelves..but rather whole lives destroyed over this.

Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Karen in Oregon writes:

The United States and China are both powerful industrialized nations, each attempting to gain power on an international level. We are competitors for natural resources, not allies. China became a presence in the Western hemisphere by obtaining oil rights from Cuba. As the United States is losing power, the other nations are jockeying to see who will be the superpower over the next century, and China believes they have the capacity to do so.

We are a debtor nation to China. Recently China expressed their confidence that the United States is "good for the loans." This sends a powerful message to the United States that China is standing on their economic power over the United States.

The United States and China are permanent members of the U.N. Security Counsel. Kofi Annan in his farewell speech declared the United Nations has become irrelevant.

Therefore, I believe discussions between the United States and China should include the creation of an international government based on fair and equitable practices, because the present international structure is collapsing, and the United States has lost so much power that if China "calls in its markers," we are in real trouble.

I am working to introduce a plan for world peace called "The World Peace Plan." It is a plan for an international government based on fair and equitable practices; every nation will be treated the same way the states are treated within the United States, and it offers world leaders 10 incentives for participation. The balance of trade will be handled by the departments, made up of experts in the field from every nation. The commerce department and the department of natural resources will ensure that every nations has the natural resources necessary to maintain its economy. The departments will be sovereign and autonomous, and advise the branches on the proposed international government. Disputes between nations will be handled in a court setting rather than the battlefield.

Information about the plan can be found at http://www.oneworldgov.org.

The United States does not have to give anything away, such as in foreign aid or diplomatic gestures in other nations that are in crisis, to gain power and prestige. These practices are oftentimes perceived by others as power-plays and we end up losing power rather than gaining it.

We can market the principles that have made the United States the most powerful nation on the planet. Our Constitution is what made us powerful because it is based on guaranteeing the people the inalienable rights we are given by our Creator. The proposed international government will offer every person on the planet the opportunity, capacity and equality to function on such a high level that a global renaissance is possible to create.

Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Ari in Norway writes:

Dear Colleagues,

God Kveld fra Lillehammer, Norway (Evening).

3 Points to share.

1)Plan on having these types of 'Meet and Greets' every 3 months in U.S. and China sites, alternating countries.

2)Work on lowering Interest Rates, over the next 5 years, on all Chinese held U.S. debts to allow the U.S. Economy to rebound better.

3)Work on better U.S. & Chinese cooperation on the Korea Issues, etc.

Best Regards og hade bra,

Dr. Cole
H '08 & Y'95

Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Karen in Indiana writes:

Madam Secretary Clinton:

Would you please address the issue of Chinese Drywall in your strategic economic meetings with the Chinese this week. There are THOUSANDS of AMERICAN CITIZENS affected by the importation of Chinese Drywall in the years of the housing boom.

Many are with out a safe home, and what is a home if it isn't a safe haven for the family? These families have been living a nightmare, for they do not know how severely their health has been compromised. They have been financially ruined due to the importation of this poor quality drywall imported in from China. They have lost homes, belongings, have experienced health problems, security all because they wanted the All American Dream of owning a home. There is no safety net for those affected by this, no insurance is covering their losses, no government programs to help them recover, there is nothing but fear and more fear for these families. Litigation is not the answer for these people, litigation could take years and there is no amount of compensation that could cover the emotional stress that these people have been through on a daily basis for the past SEVERAL MONTHS!

How as the Greatest Nation on Earth did we allow this to happen to THOUSANDS of our citizens? Why has there been no answers for these families? When will our President address this issue that is affecting so many people?

Please let these people know that the Government is trying to help, that the government actually cares.


Karen Parker

Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Jean in Virginia writes:

As you enter into your meeting this week with the Vice Premier and State Councilor from China keep in mind what has happened in the last 8 months to many families in the United States. Yet another product from China, Chinese drywall, has poisoned American citizens and this time and has also destroyed our homes and their contents.

A senior administrative official has stated, ?Perhaps the most important message we are going to have for the Chinese is that there has been a fundamental change in the U.S. economy.? This should not be our most important message to the Chinese government. Our most important message should be that our country is not going to stand for these dangerous imports any longer. We expect China to pay for what they have done to the tens of thousands of homes that have been destroyed in the United States and to set up a fund for any further problems stemming from exposure to Chinese drywall.

Homeowners that have been affected by this dangerous import of drywall should not have to wait years for lawsuits to run through the court system in order to have their lives restored! For years, Chinese products have been recalled by the United States CPSC, and yet, we have continued to allow these imports. It has become nearly impossible to purchase products for our homes--things that we sleep on and eat with--that are not manufactured in China. The United States government did not protect its citizens when it allowed these toxic Chinese products to enter our country and now we expect our representatives to step up, note and assert that we as American citizens will no longer stand for this. We expect our government to help return manufacturing to this country and help create jobs for its citizens, here at home, so that we can purchase safe products for our families!

Mrs. Clinton, please be sure to keep this in mind as you meet with the Chinese delegates and know that we as US citizens will continue to work for our own personal ban on Chinese made products.

Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Paul in New York writes:

Amid heightened product-health concerns, officials at China's quality watchdog agency have been investigating complaints about Chinese-made drywall in the U.S., demanding that manufacturers submit samples for analysis, according to responsible executives. The agency has not issued any public statement on the probe, and officials did not respond to repeated requests for interviews. Among the exporters in 2006 was Taishan Gypsum Co. a large producer of (phosphogypsum, which is a waste product),drywall based in eastern Shandong province. Customs reports show that Taishan sent 10 million pounds of drywall to the U.S.Our U.S. government should take emergency measures to assist families who suffer serious health, financial, and housing problems immediately. Fema should be supplying trailers and financial institutions should be willing to work out a suitable agreement with families who are paying two two mortgages. Thank you for permitting me to express my concerns and for your dedicated service to our government.

Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Jackie in Oklahoma writes:

Please address the chinese dry wall. There are so many families that were affected by this. They have lost everything and are getting no help from insurance so they have start all over. Lets prevent anything like this from ever happening again. We don't need the chinese for products we are very capable of making our own products here in the U.S.!

Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Chul-hong in South Korea writes:

As a major player in global economy, China should cast off gradually its authoritarian control on internal market.

The reform or liberalization of its market entails two key factors--transparency and accountability.

China needs to implement its economic policy such as foreign-exchange rate policy based on transparency.

In terms of accountability, for example, U.S. should urge China not to do illegal actions reversing copy-right policy.

U.S. should advise China not to stir up international capital market, since China is the biggest owner of U.S. treasury bond (note) and U.S. dollar.

China has the greatest power of influence on North Korea still now, so China could persuade North Korea to resume talks.

Both U.S. and China should cope with climate change issue in concert even though India didn't harmonize with that at the recent visit by the Secretary Clinton.

U.S. should press China to cease unreasonable and undemocratic interventions in many African nations. China's such actions originate from its egoism to acquire natural resources easily, which makes a negative impact on the global natural resources market.

Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Ilia in Puerto Rico writes:

In the begginning of this decade Chinas's industrial boom increase it needs for more oil consumption, dramatically their demand for oil hurt the world with high petroleum cost, consequently in global recession and inflationary price that has resulted in economic collapse mainly affecting the western economy. The damage has been done.

China and United States should emphasize the importance of finding technological and scientific solutions and innovative actions to reduce dependence on foreign oil. They should strive for re-newable and alternative energy source by means of bio-fuels. For example, sugarcane is far more productive than corn when it comes to ethanol.

China is an important manufacturing prowess and the two nations are inter-dependent. In order to survive in the coming decades, if God permits, they must find other alternatives that can improve the economic and enviromental conditions of their nations and peoples. I believe there is still more exploration that could be done scientifically to avoid oil crisis.

Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Michelle in Virginia writes:

Many Americans are victims of chinese drywall. It has destroyed my house, contaminated all my belongings, and attacked my health. I have had some very serious health issues and can no longer live in my home. I worked and lived in a toxic environment for 3 years.

This has taken a financial, emotional, spiritual, and physical toll on me.

I am a child of an Italian immigrant. My father told me, get an education, serve your country and work hard for the American dream. I did. I had it. The chinese have taken it away. I am 59 years old, and starting over.

Please help the victims of chinese drywall.

Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Druann in North Carolina writes:

I find it bitterly disturbing that proper and strict regulations are not in place for products that come into our country from China.

My cousin recently lost her home and the entire contents of her home because of TOXIC Chinese drywall. It's as if a fire swept through and destroyed the home, only if that were the case, at least someone would be responsible and her insurance would cover this tragic loss of both material and extremely personal items. She would have been far better off if there had been a fire.

I don't understand why Chinese manufacturers seem to be free to ship their toxic materials to our country. I wonder how much of their waste is in my home at this very moment that I am not even aware of. Is it any wonder the cancer rate is so high in America with all the dangerous toxins we're all exposed to everyday in everything from our food to the toys our children play with, to the very materials our homes are made of.

Please regulate what comes into our country, and hire the proper number of inspectors to make sure we are no longer a dumping ground for Chinese waste.

Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Ellen in Indiana writes:

Madam Secretary Clinton;
Would you please address the issue of Chinese Drywall in your strategic economic meetings with the Chinese this week. There are THOUSANDS of AMERICAN CITIZENS affected by the importation of Chinese Drywall in the years of the housing boom.

Many are with out a safe home, and what is a home if it isn't a safe haven for the family? These families have been living a nightmare, for they do not know how severely their health has been compromised. They have been financially ruined due to the importation of this poor quality drywall imported in from China. They have lost homes, belongings, have experienced health problems, security all because they wanted the All American Dream of owning a home. There is no safety net for those affected by this, no insurance is covering their losses, no government programs to help them recover, there is nothing but fear and more fear for these families. Litigation is not the answer for these people, litigation could take years and there is no amount of compensation that could cover the emotional stress that these people have been through on a daily basis for the past SEVERAL MONTHS!

How as the Greatest Nation on Earth did we allow this to happen to THOUSANDS of our citizens? Why has there been no answers for these families? When will our President address this issue that is affecting so many people?

Please let these people know that the Government is trying to help, that the government actually cares.

Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Libby in Virginia writes:

As you enter into your meeting this week with the Vice Premier and State Councilor from China keep in mind what has happened in the last 8 months to many families in the United States. Yet, another product from China, Chinese drywall, has poisoned American citizens and this time, has also destroyed our homes and their contents

A senior administrative official has stated, "Perhaps the most important message we are going to have for the Chinese is that there has been a fundamental change in the U.S. economy." This should not be our most important message to the Chinese government. Our most important message should be that our country is not going to stand for these dangerous imports any longer. We expect China to pay for what they have done to the tens of thousands of homes that have been destroyed in the United States and to set up a fund for any further problems stemming from exposure to Chinese drywall.

Homeowners that have been affected by this dangerous import of drywall should not have to wait years for lawsuits to run through the court system in order to have their lives restored! For years, Chinese products have been recalled by the United States CPSC, and yet, we still have continued to allow these imports. It has now become impossible to purchase products for our homes, things that we sleep on and eat with, that are not manufactured in China. The United States government did not protect its citizens when it allowed these toxic Chinese products to enter our country and now we expect our representatives to step up and take notice that we as American citizens will no longer stand for this. We expect our government to help return manufacturing to this country and help create jobs for its citizens, here at home, so that we can purchase safe products for our families!

Mrs. Clinton, please be sure to keep this in mind as you meet with the Chinese delegates and know that we as US citizens will continue to work for our own personal ban on Chinese made products.

Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Palgye in South Korea writes:

Dear to ......

(the problem of China is huge too and as remembers as it is writes.) sorry,,,

From the simplicity assembly and manufacture nation - will make change in the mass consumption nation of intermediate level degree quality and,

The problem of China is thought the exchange rate policy of first time China,(Government bond of the United States)
The second about China senior problem of the preference which is not visible,
Third the irregularity and corruption which does to make the black market form - the law in compliance with a relationship yet, execution of the policy in compliance with the specific person problem.

To standing the question affecting human rights which is caused in the ethnic minority in the whole surface, the domestic demand consuming market of China without solves a economic crisis to, is many is been difficult, thinks that.

The United States, from alone consumes the commodity of the world-wide various nations until now and keeps comes but an economy almost and Recently China and bisects and makes the thing appears the dangerousness reduce.

Finance to entrusting same 3 industries, so far?

Detains more in inland where the development is slow the secondary industry which is symbolized with the chimney yet or west region production and consumption does to make become accomplished simultaneously, The military power too strong support developing with the direction which is not?
(The role of the mediator thinks from the dispute which is regional the thing which will be the possibility of doing)

-The ideology and the ideological system are thought that is fine.-


Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Hailing in China writes:

Extremely Heavy Violations of Human Rights in Medical Systems in China
Dear Sir or Madam:

Doctors' neglects are growing dramatically due to lack of punishments in China. Doctors judges and other related officers are becoming real criminal syndicate due to close economic ties in China. They do frauds in medical records and all kinds of professional evaluations in order to protect their benefits as a whole. There is no justice for ordinary patients whose human right had been violated by doctors. There's no safe health care system and no justice in judiciary system due to the heavy corruption.

I'm a Chinese Canada and my then seven years old son's left hand function was destroyed by doctor's neglects after a fracture around his left elbow in January 2008 at Beijing Jishuitan Hospital during a winter break. As a matter of fact, he suffered from Volkmann's ischemic contracture after he was given a tight cast in the emergency room. It was said that I didn't bribe the doctors at the beginning was to blame for my son's disability. Later, doctors in this hospital continued mistreating and torturing him while he was a child patient in this hospital. They also did countless fraud in his treatment record. I had to stay in china for his further physical therapy and investigated the reason of his disable.

While I stayed with my son for the physical therapy in the past one and half year, I searched and tried all possible treatments for him. These included traditional Chinese medicine, massage, acupuncture and moxibustion, and other kinds of treatments. I helped him practice as much as I can. Meanwhile, I investigated the true reason that caused my son's disability. I visited several famous doctors to confirm the cause of the V.I.C. I talked with countless patients who were suffered from doctors' mistakes and neglects. I typed lots of important conversations between doctors and patients. I studied all the Chinese laws that related to medical disputes. I consulted several lawyers who specialized in medical cases. I was very confident that it was the doctor's full mistake that caused my son's disability before I filed the lawsuit in January, 2009.

However, after I sued the hospital and quickly figured out that the judge had a bias against me, he even dealt the case illegally in order to help the hospital. I had to try all the other possible solutions to help my son get justice. I wrote to minister of health's public email complained for doctor's neglects. I got no answer. I wrote to prime minister's email. It was turned out without reply. I went for petition twice. The people who worked there just making a living by listening to people??s complain. The talks were no any help to the justice. I went to minister of health personally and made a complainant, it turned out to be a big quarrel with the lady who worked there. I complained to the mayor of Beijing on line. No result either. I wrote to Chinese consultation in Toronto complain about the violation of my son's children right, no reply either. The Canada embassy helped me fax my complainant to the Supreme Court of PRC asking for the transparency of the case, I don't think it going to do any use.

After I experienced dealing with the doctors, other related officer, relative agencies, judges and did all the attempt tries in order to get justice for my son, I finally figured out that they all stand in the same side protected the benefit of the hospital which owned by the government and against the victims. They acted like a criminal gang against each individual victim. I figured out almost all case were injustice unless the victim was happen to be a high rank officers. According to other victim's experience, there's another way to win a case if the victim is not dealing with a major hospital, to bribe all the related officers, the lawyer who worked for the other side and the judge. It's going to be very expensive and risky to win a case this way because both sides would bribe the officers who dealt with the case. However, there's no fair way of winning a case for any victim in china due to the heavy corruptions in the medical system and judiciary system.

It was said that the only local newspaper named XinJingBao wasn't fully controlled by the communist party. However, one of my friends told me that a journalist he knew told him that it was illegal to report a case which is in the processing in China. This is also part of the strategy that blocks the transparency of any case. It seemed to me that I had no way to get any transparency and justice after I sued the hospital. Everything was manipulated by the hospital and some doctors due to their great "networking" and super power.

Hailing Lu

Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Chris in the Netherlands writes:

Madame Secretary,

I am an American studying in the Netherlands. I believe that experience of this tiny country has a great deal to share with the U.S. concerning foreign policy.

Despite it's minute geography, the Netherlands has brought the world 3 of the world's 10 largest corporations. Nevertheless, like a good business, the government here has spotted promising world trends, namely the resurgence of Chinese and Indian economic importance.

The Dutch encourage international cooperation through dozens of means, most significantly, through the liberal granting of student visas and grants to study in this country. Their aim is to develop a cultural and economic affiliation in the hearts and minds of future Chinese leaders at this early stage.

China may posses an overwhelming population, but the United States has much to offer technologically and culturally. I believe we ought to initiate programs that link the success of China more closely to that of the United States and strengthen our cultural ties so that the Chinese people remain our allies.

As we witness throughout history, governments come and go, and official opinion changes, but the most important thing you can offer the Chinese nation is a clear and overt opportunity to learn from America and participate in our economic success.

Thank you,

Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Ken in Florida writes:

What a disgrace. Our own government is not protecting the citizens of the United States. The U.S. should make China pay to replace each and every home that was affected. In today's horrible economy families are coping with staying afloat and now to be taken from your home and have your health affected due to poor oversight and cheap product is horrible. Boycott China and they will get the message that we will not stand for this nonsense.

I doubt any congressman or senator that was affected would stand for this!!!!

Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Jeff in China writes:

I'd like to see secretaries Clinton and Geithner ask some tough questions about what China's true goals are in pushing the SDRs on the international financial system. We hear a lot about that on the news here in China, so it's obviously part of the PolitBuro's plan to see this through.


Posted on Mon Jul 27, 2009

Lisa in Virginia writes:

I would like for Secretary Clinton and Secretary Geithner to discuss the devastation that has occurred with the families that homes have Chinese Drywall in them.

My family has been forced to move out of our 2 year old home, leave EVERYTHING behind, been separated from our children that are only 5 and 7 for over a month (so that they could be in a safe home until we were able to move into a safe home), and homeowners insurance does not cover any of our lose. Not to mention the constant worrying about our family's health, what damage could have been done to my innocent children because we moved into our "dream" home! If my families hardship isn't enough to make you care maybe this fact is: if there are 100,000 homes affected with a minimum of $200,000 mortgage and all the homeowners stop paying their mortgage because they can not live in the homes that is $20,000,000,000 in foreclosed homes that are worthless and can not be sold to recover that loss!

I want to know why the President of our country has not addressed this serious issue that is effecting THOUSANDS of citizens! He stood and criticized the Bush administration for their slow reaction to helping the victims of hurricane Katrina well it has been over 8 months that this has been in the media in Florida and not one word from the Whitehouse! Where is our help our guiding hands? There is NONE! We Chinese Drywall Home-Mourners have been left for months with no answers and most with no homes! We need help and we need our President to reach out to us, to let us know he even cares about the hardship we are facing! We need to either stop importing from China until their factories are forced to follow the same guidelines and regulations that USA factories go by or we need to not import from them at all and bring the jobs home to the U.S.A.! That is what needs to be discussed!

Posted on Sun Jul 26, 2009

Jim in New Jersey writes:

My wife and I are losing our home because of the toxic chinese drywall. I have lost partial vision in one eye and my children and wife were sick as well. We are all recovering after vacating the home but are losing 20 years of savings because the CPSC let a toxic product into this country and it ended up in the hands of our builder and ultimately in our home. The home is not livable, not able to be sold, not able to be financed or insured (other than through loyds of london). The banks don't care, they want their money and our government let this happen. The CPSC knew about this since 06 prior to us buying our home. We got screwed by everyone and including our government.

Tell the chinese to take the toxic crap back and give us our money and 20 years of our savings.

Would love to get a call from someone that can help because no one seems to care - at all.

Posted on Sun Jul 26, 2009

Heather in Virginia writes:

Madam Secretary of State: I would very much appreciate that in the course of your Economic Dialogue with the State Councilor Dai Bingguo and Vice Premier Wang Qishan you would keep in mind the quality of products being exported to the United States. As I am sure you are aware in the past 8 months many American families and businesses have fallen victim to the effects of toxic dry wall imported from Chinese companies. Families, in order to preserve their health have been forced to abandon their homes and belongings and honest businessmen have been forced to destroy their inventory and file for bankruptcy. As it stands now there is no recourse for these people and unfortunately this is not an anomaly. The news is filled with faulty products leading to unhealthy side effects for our citizens be it toxic paints in children's toys or additives in food products. Quality control is imperative to operate in a global economy and China's position on the world's stage precipitates it stepping up to accept a leadership role.

I know that as the United States borrows more and more from China in order to make our ecomomy stronger it is prudent not to whine too loudly. However, I do think many of us are concerned with the safety of our families and have lost confidence in the Chinese government and our government to protect us and therefore have returned to the tried and true "caveat emptor.' I know that I read labels and have begun to make choices based on country of orgin. As more and more friends and friends of friends are effected I think this may become a trend that will effect the bottom line even when our economy recovers.

Thank you very much for addressing my concerns and I look forward to the change your council will bring.

Posted on Sun Jul 26, 2009

Nathan writes:

Please address the safety of products imported from China and the work conditions of the workers creating them.

Posted on Sun Jul 26, 2009

Tuan in Virginia writes:

As you enter into your meeting this week with the Vice Premier and State Councilor from China keep in mind what has happened in the last 8 months to many families in the United States. Yet, another product from China, Chinese drywall, has poisoned American citizens and this time, has also destroyed our homes and their contents. If you or any government representative questions this then I invite you to my home to see personally what this drywall has done and to hear our story.

A senior administrative official has stated, "Perhaps the most important message we are going to have for the Chinese is that there has been a fundamental change in the U.S. economy." This should not be our most important message to the Chinese government. Our most important message should be that our country is not going to stand for these dangerous imports any longer. We expect China to pay for what they have done to the tens of thousands of homes that have been destroyed in the United States and to set up a fund for any further problems stemming from exposure to Chinese drywall.
Homeowners that have been affected by this dangerous import of drywall should not have to wait years for lawsuits to run through the court system in order to have their lives restored! For years, Chinese products have been recalled by the United States CPSC, and yet, we still have continued to allow these imports. It has now become impossible to purchase products for our homes, things that we sleep on and eat with, that are not manufactured in China. The United States government did not protect its citizens when it allowed these toxic Chinese products to enter our country and now we expect our representatives to step up and take notice that we as American citizens will no longer stand for this. We expect our government to help return manufacturing to this country and help create jobs for its citizens, here at home, so that we can purchase safe products for our families!

Mrs, Clinton, please be sure to keep this in mind as you meet with the Chinese delegates and know that we as U.S. citizens will continue to work for our own personal ban on Chinese made products.

Posted on Sun Jul 26, 2009

Karen in Texas writes:

As you enter into your meeting this week with the Vice Premier and State Councilor from China keep in mind what has happened in the last 8 months to many families in the United States. Yet, another product from China, Chinese drywall, has poisoned American citizens and this time, has also destroyed our homes and their contents

A senior administrative official has stated, "Perhaps the most important message we are going to have for the Chinese is that there has been a fundamental change in the U.S. economy." This should not be our most important message to the Chinese government. Our most important message should be that our country is not going to stand for these dangerous imports any longer. We expect China to pay for what they have done to the tens of thousands of homes that have been destroyed in the United States and to set up a fund for any further problems stemming from exposure to Chinese drywall.

Homeowners that have been affected by this dangerous import of drywall should not have to wait years for lawsuits to run through the court system in order to have their lives restored! For years, Chinese products have been recalled by the United States CPSC, and yet, we still have continued to allow these imports. It has now become impossible to purchase products for our homes, things that we sleep on and eat with, that are not manufactured in China. The United States government did not protect it's citizens when it allowed these toxic Chinese products to enter our country and now we expect our representatives to step up and take notice that we as American citizens will no longer stand for this. We expect our government to help return manufacturing to this country and help create jobs for it's citizens, here at home, so that we can purchase safe products for our families!

Mrs. Clinton, please be sure to keep this in mind as you meet with the Chinese delegates and know that we as US citizens will continue to work for our own personal ban on Chinese made products.

Posted on Sun Jul 26, 2009

Colleen in Virginia writes:

As you enter into your meeting this week with the Vice Premier and State Councilor from China keep in mind what has happened in the last 8 months to many families in the United States. Yet, another product from China, Chinese drywall, has poisoned American citizens and this time, has also destroyed our homes and their contents. If you or any government representative questions this then I invite you to my home to see personally what this drywall has done and to hear our story.

A senior administrative official has stated, "Perhaps the most important message we are going to have for the Chinese is that there has been a fundamental change in the U.S. economy." This should not be our most important message to the Chinese government. Our most important message should be that our country is not going to stand for these dangerous imports any longer. We expect China to pay for what they have done to the tens of thousands of homes that have been destroyed in the United States and to set up a fund for any further problems stemming from exposure to Chinese drywall.

Homeowners that have been affected by this dangerous import of drywall should not have to wait years for lawsuits to run through the court system in order to have their lives restored! For years, Chinese products have been recalled by the United States CPSC, and yet, we still have continued to allow these imports. It has now become impossible to purchase products for our homes, things that we sleep on and eat with, that are not manufactured in China. The United States government did not protect it's citizens when it allowed these toxic Chinese products to enter our country and now we expect our representatives to step up and take notice that we as American citizens will no longer stand for this. We expect our government to help return manufacturing to this country and help create jobs for it's citizens, here at home, so that we can purchase safe products for our families!

Mrs, Clinton, please be sure to keep this in mind as you meet with the Chinese delegates and know that we as U.S. citizens will continue to work for our own personal ban on Chinese made products.

Posted on Sun Jul 26, 2009

Helen in Taiwan writes:

If you include Taiwan issue in China policy, you will have no solution at all. If you consider that I am just a Chinese but a Taiwanese and the representative of Creator, you get the attitute of no resuce. God bless you!

Posted on Sat Jul 25, 2009

Wendy in California writes:

Study how we can put people first in our national and international planning -- people and the planet (the people's home) -- before giga-profit. Some people can still get Very Rich, but designing international rules to keep The Greedy paying their fair share would be a good start.

Get filthy rich, but more slowly and more kindly.

Posted on Sat Jul 25, 2009

Toni in Minnesota writes:

1. Human rights.
2. Treatment of Uighurs.
3. General handling of dissent.

Posted on Sat Jul 25, 2009

Joe in Tennessee writes:

1. Fair Trade which IS fair trade. The possibility of re imposition of Tariffs on trade which is subsidized or owned by the Chinese Government; which in effect is against all democratic ideology and non competitive.

2. An economic program which brings jobs BACK to America and Debut relief.

3. Quicker turn around of US currency flow.

4. True agreements with Russia on Economic policies, energy and long term military strategic goals.you would almost think they were getting together with a tag team methodology in both economic and military goals against the United States if you step back and view the world situational histology without looking at ONE TREE.

5. Explanation of computer spy ware development and attacks against DOD and Defense Industries within the United States and elsewhere. What is their purpose?

6. What is their direct interest in South America and long term plans. Since they are moving population bases into our border countries, what is their long range goals and how will it effect the United States? Simple issues as the monopolistic goal of energy and food would place the US back in a position of self dependency or as you call it polarization. If that is a goal, the economics would suggest we start now.

7. It is NOT A GAME. They are not a democracy...and if you haven't noticed, democracy is being attacked world wide.

Posted on Sat Jul 25, 2009

Nancy in California writes:

other than economic issues, which I would guess are the most critical, how about cooperation with regards to North Korea and Iran? Also putting more oversight in places with regards to exports of food, toys, etc. Can the chinese help with Myanmar (Sui Kyi) and the 2 women being held in N. Korea.

Posted on Sat Jul 25, 2009

RC in Massachusetts writes:

Would anyone believes that U.S. can do good to the world when it can't even do good to itself, its own people?

Posted on Sat Jul 25, 2009

Chris in New Jersey writes:

The United States and China are two of Africa's most important trading partners. China's influence in Africa is growing by the day. Can the United States persuade China not to reward corrupt regimes in Africa?

Posted on Fri Jul 24, 2009

Vee in U.S.A. writes:

Tell China we're ending their trade pact because were fed up with all their crap they send over here, that breaks and falls apart.

Posted on Fri Jul 24, 2009

Ron in New York writes:

Four year Plan to acheive U.S.-China debt relief tied to Four year Plan for China's ......goal achievement. (fill in the blank).

Posted on Fri Jul 24, 2009

Zharkov in U.S.A. writes:

China wants reassurance that the Obama Administration will rescue the purchasing power of the dollar, which is now worth 4 cents compared with the value of the dollar when the Federal Reserve was created.

The Federal Reserve's record on preserving the value of our currency stinks - even morons could do better.

China can see what we have done to our currency and they want us to stop. They know we are doomed if we continue to borrow and spend.

If you are looking for collaborators to help you govern the world, you might start with a dollar rescue. Otherwise, the dollar will soon reach the point of no return when nobody wants it. Or was that the plan?

Posted on Fri Jul 24, 2009

William in Alaska writes:

Present a goal to collaborate with respective parties on green endeavor to benefit the poor and vulnerable. Introduce a concept with potential for acceptance among large populations that climate crisis presents opportunity for life changing advancement within the current generation.

Posted on Fri Jul 24, 2009

Patty in Texas writes:

Development of viable sustainable energy sources.

Posted on Fri Jul 24, 2009

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