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Appointment of Yukiya Amano as the Next IAEA Director General

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
July 3, 2009

I would like to offer my congratulations to Yukiya Amano of Japan on his appointment as the next Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). From its founding in 1957 to the present, the IAEA has benefited from wise leadership and generous U.S. support. For the American people, our investment in the IAEA is a way to ensure that atomic power is used prudently and appropriately for peaceful purposes. For the international community, the IAEA represents the premier international institution for promoting the safe and secure application of nuclear energy in the pursuit of prosperity, and working jointly on global challenges such as nuclear terrorism and proliferation.

In selecting Ambassador Amano, the member states of the IAEA reiterate their common resolve to collaborate on these pressing issues. As Director General Mohamed ElBaradei nears the completion of his twelve-year tenure, we thank him for his leadership. The United States stands ready to assist the next Director General in ensuring that the Agency is prepared to meet the growing challenges of the 21st century and has the appropriate resources and the authorities it needs to fulfill its mandate.

PRN: 2009/683