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Governor Kulongoski's Environmental Principles and Priorities
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A stable and sustainable economy is a foundation for a strong and prosperous future. As Governor, I want to provide all Oregonians with a quality education that gives them the chance to earn a living-wage job and provide for their families.

Protecting our environment and our natural resources is another way we can work together to promote a sustainable economy. When we have a natural environment that is healthy and sustainable, we all win.

We can work simultaneously to both grow our economy and protect our environment.

Ensuring "livability" for us not only today - but tomorrow as well - is a guiding principle for a strong future. We must make sure Oregon has a healthy balance between growth, infrastructure, development and environmental protection.
Ocean Health Agreement (WCGA)
Draft Work Plans Open for Public Comment Through July 10
Eight draft work plans for carrying out the West Coast Governors' Agreement on Ocean Health (WCGA) are available for public comment through July 10. Action Coordination Teams (ACTs) comprised of state representatives from Washington, Oregon, California, federal and tribal governments, industry, and academia developed these draft work plans to carry out actions related to climate change, polluted runoff, marine debris, Spartina eradication, renewable ocean energy, ocean awareness and literacy, seafloor mapping and sediment management.
Environmental Justice Task Force
Next Meeting: Friday, July 17, 9:30am to 3:30pm, in Salem
Senate Bill 420 calls for environmental justice in Oregon by ensuring that all persons affected by decisions of natural resource agencies have a voice in those decisions. At the same time, the bill set up a task force to advise the Governor and natural resource agencies on environmental justice issues.

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